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Kawahara discusses getting married, basic training, and his trip overseas. He details about his combat experiences and his post-war life. Kawahara's son (Sheldon) discusses about his relationship with his father and discusses about the legacy of the…

Koga discusses about his homecoming. He details about his post-war life. Koga also discusses his friends.

Kaida met Katayama in Korea where he was employed as a translator by an intelligence attachment. Kaida updates Katayama on his personal life, his family, and lesser, the state of the country, Japan.

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Yamamoto discusses the first Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) and his time working at the Pentagon. He details about his family and his hope for future generations. Yamamoto also discusses about the legacy of Nisei veterans.

Mr. Sako discusses a few people he knew from his military service and talks about his cousin, who served as a medic in the 442nd. Mr. Sako discusses lessons and values that his parents taught him, which in turn he taught to his own children.…

Mr. Sako discusses his returning to the U.S. from service in Japan and discusses his college career and profession. Mr. Sako goes on to discuss his family including first and second wives, daughters, and grandchildren. Concluding the video. Mr. Sako…

Ishikawa discusses the treatment of Japanese Americans. He overviews the jobs he had in Hawaii and in the army. Ishikawa also discusses the furloughs he took and is health.

Tanaka discusses some of the photographs he took and his experiences in post-war Germany. He details his family and working for Maui News. Tanaka also discusses about the legacy and impact Nisei Veterans had.

Hinatsu discusses his career and health issues. He reflects about the time he spent in the service and details about the legacy of Nisei veterans. Hinatsu also discusses receiving the Presidential Unit Citation and losing close friends.

Mizuki discusses more about his experiences as a German Prisoner of War. He details about the political involvement of Nisei veterans. Mizuki also discusses about his post-war life.

Takahashi discusses the camaraderie of Japanese American soldiers. He details about the legacy of Nisei veterans. Takahashi also discusses his life after the army.

Matsumoto discusses his combat and his other experiences in Italy and France. He details about being wounded and his road to recovery. Matsumoto also discusses about his life after being discharged from the army.

Ikeda discusses his journey back home. He details about his career after being discharged from the army. Ikeda also discusses about his life after retirement and the legacy of Nisei veterans.

Mori discusses his home coming and finding a career. He details about his family. Mori gives a message to future generations and gives his closing remarks.

Ogawa discusses what it was like being wounded and his time in Italy after the war had ended. He details about his homecoming experiences and what it was like being back in Hawaii. Ogawa also discussess his life and career after the army.

Nishihara discusses more about his time in Italy. He gives his opinions about the Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He also details about the end of the war and his life after the war. Nishihara talks about the legacy of 100th Infantry Battalion.

Arisumi remembers helping a friend, platoon support, after the war had ended, and a continued discussion about rank in part 5 of his interview. In addition, he describes meeting his first and second wife, accomplishments from service, legacy, setting…

Katayama discusses more his family. He details about the businesses in his hometown and the Mayor of Ogden, Utah. Katayama also discusses his life in Chicago.

Group photograph of George and Mary Yamamoto Shimizu with friends, Mary and Victor Abe.

Mr. Mitsui discusses his family's knowledge about his military and incarceration experiences and talks about how Japanese-Americans were forced to prove their loyalty during World War II. Mr. Mitsui also discusses his family, including what happened…

Murakami continues her discussion on the Topaz concentration camps, including working offsite at an old CCC camp. At this time, a couple of universities in California decided to open up to Japanese in camps, and Murakami chose UC Berkeley. Next, she…

Nishijima recalls his families forced removal to Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center and then to Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp. He describes the living conditions at camp and how he obtains a job as a truck driver while living there. When…

Nishijima discusses returning home after his overseas duty and going back to school. He also talks about his post-war employment in a produce market; meeting his wife; experiences with discrimination while trying to find an apartment; and discusses…

Uno describes Heart Mountain Concentration Camp. He briefly talks about his father's death. He discusses the military recruiters that came to Heart Mountain. He describes the Nisei soldiers that he met in camp. He talks about the jobs available in…

Okubo discusses about his family background and parent's life. He details about Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp monument and outreach program. He details about how the monument came to be and their future plans for the monument.

Matsuda discusses his post-war life and employment in Denver, Colorado. He shares about his children and grandchildren. Lastly Matsuda discusses the importance of the Japanese American story.

Matsuda discusses his experiences at Poston Concentration Camp and leaving camp. He details his experiences in Colorado and being drafted. Matsuda also discusses his experiences with basic training, his time in Italy and his homecoming experience.

Yenokida discusses his time after his imprisonment, working in Denver, farming and shipping vegetables with his brother. Later, they would head back to Cortez to visit their mother and start their own farm, which ended up having over 3,000 acres of…

Yoshida discusses traveling to Jerome Concentration Camp and discusses her experiences there including food she ate, weather, living conditions, attending dances, going to school, and interactions with Hawaiians. Next, Yoshida discusses leaving…

Shiosaki continues his recollection of being drafted into the Army and arriving in Le Havre, France as a replacement soldier for the 100th/442nd Regiment. Next, he talks about his various experiences in Europe, including the Gothic Line push and…

1981 Mother's Day. Two elderly Japanese women wearing overcoats and glasses. Both women are wearing flowers pinned to their coat.

Shikashio briefly talks about Civitavecchia, Italy. He describes German 88's. He explains the location of his service battery on the front lines. He describes being hit by enemy fire. He discusses German booby traps. He briefly talks about…

Hinazumi describes his interactions with Japanese civilians that worked for the military. He talks about visiting a Leper colony. He discusses meeting a Japanese governor. He explains how he communicated with his girlfriend while overseas. He…

Kuida speaks about the end of the war in Europe, where he spent the last leg of the trip visiting Rome, attending courses at the University of Florence and guarding an ammunition depot. Next, they were sent back to the United States and he would get…

Yamamoto talks about his first time smoking a cigarette. He describes his visits to United States Military encampments. He discusses his interactions with Nisei soldiers and caucasian GIs. He talks about the American Era in Japan. He describes his…

Hanamoto discusses translation duties and the 187th. During Occupation Japan, Hanamoto recalls visiting a Japanese National at their home and topics of discussion that they discuss. When he is discharge, Hanamoto see discrimination still exists,…

Kurata discusses his experiences while on headquarters assignment duty; talks about seeing confiscated Japanese swords; and discusses his transfer to Sendai to set up a new Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) headquarters. He then talks about his CIC…

Fujimoto continues his recollection of his time in occupied Japan, working as an interpreter. After coming back from his tour of Japan with the Colonel, he would work at the Dai-Ichi Hotel at the front desk, interpreting and watching for signs of…

Ishikawa discusses Japan's surrender; his experiences on Negros and Panay Islands; describes a Japanese battle flag he found; and talks about his experiences after landing in Korea including his interactions with Korean civilians and Japanese…

Yamashita discusses his father's military service. He details about Hawaiian identity and The Torpedo Gang. Yamahita also discusses about what his father's service meant, how the sansei benefitted from the Nisei, and the meaning of citizenship.

Yoshida discusses about leaving camp for college and his experiences at college. He details about his life in the Army and his employment with the Marquardt Corporation and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Yoshida also discusses about his family,…

Urata discusses the radio program that he was involved with after coming back from Tule Lake concentration camp. Next, he talks about the resurgence of Japanese culture and his personal music business. He discusses music before and after the war and…

Nishimura discusses his free time, visiting relatives, and contact with Japanese citizens. He discloses why Japan lost the war with the United States and the objective of the bomb survey team. He contributes the success of occupation to the Kibei. …

Following 20 years of service in the US Army, Muranaka gets his retirement orders and begins college at the University of Puget Sound. After working with alcoholics working for the State of Washington, he received a call from the University of…

Takehara discusses his responsibilities and experiences as a medic during combat. He would end up treating a lot of soldiers' wounds and seeing a lot of casualties as he would run around through combat to those in need. Along with that, he also…

Konoshima discusses how he ended up joining the Army, despite not being an American citizen. He would not become a citizen until the McCarron-Walter Act would allow him to do so. Next, he discusses the importance of becoming a U.S. citizen and what…

Oishi continues his recollection of his time arriving in Japan during the military occupation. He would arrive in Yokosuka and head to Camp Zama, where he would see the devastation of Tokyo and the conditions for the Japanese civilians. Next, he…

Kamemoto discusses Korea including talking about the Seoul city gates; transportation; living conditions; and his Army boots. He then talks about getting discharged; returning to the United States; and going back to the University of Hawaii to finish…

Miyamoto discusses going undercover to gather information during the occupation of Japan. Miyamoto recalls the Korean War and three regrets. Miyamoto discusses his post-war life and shows his achievement medals from his service in three wars.

Sameshima and Hayashi are joined by George Hayakawa as they remember Joe Hayashi, who served with the 442nd Regiment and earned a Medal of Honor while in Italy. They talk about various memories of him, including a time during kendo practice, where…

Kusunoki reflects on his military service. He describes having Pneumonia. He discusses military tribunals. He continues to talk about serving in the 11th Airborne Division. He explains what motivated the Nisei soldiers. He describes mainland…

Fujimoto discusses his post-war life and accounting career. He details about family and marriages. Fujimoto also discusses his community involvement, gives a message to future generations, and discusses some photographs and a pamphlet he wrote.

After his time in the service, Nagano would begin his career as a trader of securities. He would work for a couple of different firms before retiring and opening up his own firm with some partners, called Westfield Investment Group. Next, he…

Nagano continues his recollection of his time overseas during the war. He talks about his experience in a shell hole and seeing people fish with concussion grenades. He would be an interrogator of prisoners of war while in New Guinea and was then…

Bright and Sam discuss their time after the Army, Bright becoming an anesthesiologist. They finish with a message for future generations.

Funai discusses University of Hawaii and joining the National Guards. He works all the way through college, Due to his participation in Reserved Officer Training Corp (ROTC), he becomes a Commission Second Lieutenant and becomes part of the Military…

Tanaka talks about his wife, children and grandchildren. He details his career and life after retirement. Tanaka also discusses food, the influential people in his life, and gives a message to future generations.

Ouchi gives a description of the members of his family from his children to his grandchildren and their accomplishments. He also gives a brief background into his father's life, which includes a lineage as a shogun in Fukuoka, Japan and the duties of…

Fujii talks about the military equipment he used during the Korean War. He describes about how old the C-rations were during the Korean War. He continues to discuss his journey back to the United States. He talks about being reassigned at Fort Lewis.…

Fujii talks about his military training. He describes his unit's diversity, including GI George Washington. He discusses his journey to Korea. He talks about a rest period that he took in Tokyo, Japan. He describes the damage to Schofield Barracks.…

Azumano discusses his family and post-war life. He details the treatment of Japanese Americans. Azumano also discusses about the Nisei legacy.

Azumano discusses his experiences with forced removal and at Portland Temporary Detention Center. He details his experiences at Minidoka Concentration Camp and his family. Azumano also discusses his post-war life and medical issues.

Onchi discuss receiving treatment for his injuries and being discharged. Onchi's brother is also drafted into service. Post-war, Onchi goes to college and becomes an Optometrist, gets married and has children. He receives the Purple Heart and Bronze…

Kawamoto talks about reporting on the Peace Conference in San Francisco. He briefly talks about returning to Japan. He describes an interview with a Japanese representative about the Treaty of San Francisco. He discusses his job as a Secretary to the…

Kawamoto talks about reporting to divisional headquarters. He talks about the Japanese officers fear that the Allies would castrate them. He explains how he prepared to meet the American forces. He discusses translating the book, The Ideal Marriage.…

Asato continues talking about his first combat while in Italy, at the Rome-Arno area. He talks about being able to see Florence from a distance and the tree bursts that could kill a soldier instantly. While there, he would get sick and end up in a…

Ohta begins the interview with an introduction and talking shortly about his family background, his parents being from Maui. Next, he talks about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii up until the Pearl Harbor attacks. After that, he would join the…

Murakami continues talking about his involvement in social activism, including a donor wall at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles. Along with that, he has been involved in the redress and reparations for those Japanese who were…

Nakamoto discusses various job experiences from working at Federal position level, MCI, and owning his own company. Nakamoto is part of the Japanese American Veterans Association (JAVA) and he describes their mission and contribution to the…

Grant Hayao Ichikawa discusses the language team and their assignments. He describes the difference between Kibei and Nisei and how their attributes working together up contribute to the rebuilding of Japan. Ichikawa also shares how he meets his wife…

Grant Hayao Ichikawa discusses his military duties during the occupation of Japan and the Nisei and Kibei contribution as translators. Ichikawa talks about General MacArthur's plan to rebuild Japan and keeping the Emperor of Japan safe. He feels the…

Tagami discusses Senator Daniel Akaka contributes to the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) as a unit receiving the Presidential Unit Credentials. Also Senator Akaka assists with individual upgrades, MIS history and Medal of Honor. During Senator…

John Allen Tagami discusses being a military brat and traveling around during his childhood. Tagami's Father served in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and meets the Emperor of Japan. Tagami's Mother works for Reader's Digest during the war…

Shima continues his recollection of joining the 442nd Regiment in Europe after V-E day. He would become involved with the public relations team and be chosen for temporary duty. He would head to New York to hand out public relations papers to…

Ichikawa discusses his life following his second discharge from the Army, which included working in Sakhalin, living in Washington Heights in Tokyo and starting a family. Next, he decided to learn Indonesian and begin interpreting in Surabaya, then…

Nakamura describes his assignments towards the end of World War Two. He talks about his journey home. He briefly discusses how he reconnected with his family. He talks about his employment after the war. He describes his children and grandchildren.…

Murakami discusses his part in the Gothic Line push. Once they completed that mission, he was able to head back to the United States. After arriving in New York, the regiment learned they would be flown back to California, which left them in high…

Tokunaga discusses the labor camps that he saw in Europe, taking souvenirs and the friendships he made through the Army. After V-E Day, he would remain in Frankfurt for another year and half until finally being discharged back in Fort Lewis,…

Hamanaka discusses his time of occupation in Japan and his length of Military Service. He also mentions Japan's civilians thoughts on Military Intelligence Service in Japan. When Hamanaka is discharged, he goes back to school and receives two…

Kazumura talks about his hosptial visit after he drank gasoline by accident; discusses getting new boots; talks about his Army friendships; talks about how he helped save a wounded soldier; and discusses his combat experiences at Hill 140. Next,…

Sato discusses a speech he gave during Memorial Day; talks about the generational differences between Issei, Nisei, Sansei, and Yonsei; and discusses participation in oral history interviews. He then shows and describes photographs taken with…

Sato discusses his Presidential appointments in the Department of Transportation and Department of Veterans Affairs under the Carter and Reagan administrations. He provides some thoughts regarding being one the first Japanese American Presidential…

Sato provides some thoughts regarding forced removal; and discusses his experiences at Puyallup temporary detention facility and Minidoka Concentration Camp including living conditions and the weather. He then discusses his brothers' military…

Mano discusses his post-war life and working at the family's nursery.He details about meeting his wife and raising a family. At the nursery, Mano meets his wife, Tomi Yoshioka and they later have children . Yoshioka discusses her family origin and…

Kaseguma discusses his experiences in post-war Japan. He details his family life and revisiting Japan. Kaseguma also discusses his post-war life and the legacy of the Nisei generation.

Murumoto discusses the advancement of the Gothic Line and final casualties. He shares his feeling of the Japanese American soldiers who fought in the war. At the end of the war, Murumoto returns home and gets married and has children and…

Kimura discusses his reaction to arriving in Naples following his basic training. Next, he talks about his job as a mine sweeper throughout the war and the dangers that he faced while doing that. He also talks about the various battles that he was…

Kawamoto discusses his love for architecture and his post-war life. He details about his wife and gives a message to future generations. Kawamoto gives some closing remarks and describes various photographs.

Momoda discusses being wounded and the aftermath. He details about his final war experiences, awards he received, and his homecoming experience. Momoda also discusses a little more about his upbringing and discusses a message for future generations.

Oshiro discusses about being wounded, coming home and his homecoming experience. He details about his post military life and his life during retirement. Oshiro also discusses The Lost Battalion, tree burst, and gives a message to future generations.

Uchida describes his return to work at the Halekulani Hotel after the War. He also describes his family including grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Uchida's daughter, Vicki Sakoda discusses on camera the importance of passing generational wisdom…

Fujimoto talks about returning back home and seeing his mother again, discusses his nephew, and talks about his family’s property. He then talks about his attempt to get a government job; his experiences with discrimination; and talks about…

Tsuji discusses traveling through Europe during the war with some guys in his company, taking a Jeep into Florence and noticing the cathedrals and buildings, which interested him. He would explore the area more and take pictures of various places,…

Iwasaki talks about his children and their occupations; discusses his grandchildren; talks about the history of his last name; and discusses the contributions of Nisei soldiers in regards to the community. He then provides a message to his children…

Iwasaki talks about the end of the war and returning to the United States where he participated in a parade in New York. He then talks about corresponding with his wife while overseas, and discusses seeing his daughter prior to going overseas. Next,…

After finishing his time in the Philippines, Tsuneishi arrived back in California until he was discharged at Camp Beale near Sacramento. Seeing that he already had over two years of college units, he decided to get his degree, attending UCLA with a…

Inouye discusses General Ridgway; talks about his experiences an an interpreter; and discusses his desire to join the foreign service. He then talks about his post-war military service experiences; receiving the Legion of Merit; and discusses the…

At this point in the interview, Kubo is joined by his wife, Misao Kubo. They talk about their marriage and family background, Misao's career work as a designer and living in Boyle Heights. Next, they talk about the importance of passing on the…

Kubota discusses meeting his wife and being married for 45 years. Post-war, Kubota and his wife move to California where he finds a job at the VA Hospital in West Los Angeles. He works for teh VA Hospital for 25 years before retiring. Kubota and his…

Kubota discusses Major Stanley Uno and reuniting with his Brother. During the war, Kubota encounters a Chinese girl and shares his interactions of helping her. In 1946 Kubota is discharge and returns back to Hawaii. His family later finds out that he…
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