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In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada discusses some memories and highlights from his work as a part of the Allied occupation forces in Japan in addition to his career as a sports executive. Harada also shares a message meant for future generations…

Tsubota discusses a wide variety of personal topics, including his Catholic faith, memories traveling through Europe with his children (and their background), and meeting his first wife and his second wife. Lastly, he reflects on his experiences in…

Foote discusses about Pearl Harbor and his early military experiences. He details about going overseas, being assigned to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and his experiences in them. Foote also discusses about the realities of war, communication,…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto discusses a variety of topics, including the Japanese language and culture, sports, his family religion, and taking up smoking cigarettes. Throughout the storytelling, Sakumoto also discusses his parents in…

Jack Hirose describes his children and grandchildren, and about sharing his military experience with them. In addition, he talks about his brother's service with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Finally, he discuses the loyalty questionnaire and…

Oshita continues talking about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Although not seeing any direct discrimination, she talks about the FBI taking many of the Japanese and her future husband George deciding to volunteer for the Army. They would get engaged…
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