Browse Items (7 total)

After his arrival in Italy, Sato would join up with the 100th Infantry Battalion as a replacement. He talks about various war experiences, including the breakthrough of the Gothic Line, getting shelled and the Red Cross. Next, he talks about seeing…

Hamasaki discusses his time overseas fighting in the war. To begin, he talks about his combat experience at Hill 140, Bruyeres, and the Vosges Mountains. Next, he talks about the Champagne campaign in France, which would be his final campaign before…

Kuga continues his interview speaking about the medals and awards that were given throughout the war. Next, he speaks about his marriage and career backgrounds, including working for the NRA. After this he speaks about the impact that the niseis have…

Ida continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign and the rest and relaxation they got, not needing to fight any real battles. He talks about going down to Leghorn and getting wounded a second time while in Carrara. He also talks about confiscating…

Saiki continues his conversation about being in Camp Shelby and they would be given the chance to take a furlough to the American concentration camps where he had cousins living. After that, he would be shipped out to Europe, joining up with the…

Oda discusses his time in Mississippi, doing his basic training with the 442nd Regiment. There he would marvel at the amount of pine trees and the humidity of the South and would see the color segregation that was evident in the South. He would…

Iwasaki talks about his involvement with the Lost Battalion campaign. There, he would endure cold weather, including snow, and shooting mortars through heavy forested areas. Following this, they would head to the French Riviera, where they would…
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