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In this video clip, Shosu Nomura describes his experience in the China Theater during the Dixie Mission. He explains the purpose of the Dixie Mission and about Communist China during that time.

In this video clip, Sho Nomura talks about his parents' reaction to him volunteering to serve in the United States Army. He describes his first experiences in military life during training at Camp Savage and Camp Shelby. He also describes his journey…

In this video clip, Sho Nomoru describes his experience hearing the news of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He talks about how his life changed once he and his family were relocated to an assembly center, and later, a concentration camp. He explains his…

In this video clip, Sho Nomura describes his childhood growing up in Sierra Madre. He talks about his Issei parents and about attending Japanese language school. He talks about his sister, who had been sent to Japan to live with their grandparents,…

Nishioka describes close calls during wartime and his worst memories of the war. He also talks about his hip injury. He talks about how his family expanded and sharing wartime experiences. He gives a message to his family. He talks about the future…

Nishioka describes the European countryside and Bruyères. He talks about the Champagne Campaign and European locals. He discusses the end of World War Two and his subsequent tour of Florence, Italy. He explains how he got back to Hawaii. Nishioka…

Nishioka describes one of his captains and Camp Shelby. He discusses discrimination against African Americans. in the south He talks about the American Concentration Camps for Japanese Americans. Nishioka explains his relationship with Mainland…

Nishioka talks about Japanese language school and primary school. He also discusses his experiences in high school. He briefly describes a carpentry apprenticeship he had as a youth. He explains the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Nishioka…

Nishioka talks about his early life in Hilo. He describes the sugarcane work camps in the Hilo area. He discusses the items his family made and purchased from the store. He talks about the sports that he was involved in during childhood. Nishioka…

Nagasaka looks through a couple of pictures, including one with his friends back in Idaho after the war and another that was taken in Pisa, Italy.

Nagasaka talks about the facial discrimination that he faced after the war, including ignored restaurant service and equipment sales. He also talks more about his career, which included tuna fishing, working as a houseboy in college and having a…

Nagasaka discusses gambling that occurred during and on the way home from the war, making a nice profit while he ran the craps games with two other friends. He also talks about the cigarette rations they received and how you could sell them on the…

After Nagasaka was at Minidoka Concentration Camp, he would be drafted into the Army and get inducted at Fort Douglas. While at basic training, he would train to be a part of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, where he would learn to use various…

Nagasaka discusses attending Japanese language school as a child and coming from a Buddhist family. He also talks about his recreational activities in school, such as handball, in which he was always the best. Next, he talks about the after effects…

Nagasaka begins the interview with an introduction and talks about what it was like to grow up on a hog ranch near Portland, Oregon. He talks about the various ways that they made money off of the hogs and where he was when he first head of the…

Nagaki talks about his company’s commander- Captain Keegan, returning home and working on a farm with his brothers, and discusses receiving badges and medals such as the Combat Infantryman Badge. He then talks about how he met his wife, and discusses…

Nagaki discusses his experiences during a combat patrol, his friendships within his company, and his experiences after the Lost Battalion rescue. He then talks about his interactions with replacement soldiers, his combat experiences after returning…

Nagaki talks about his duties as part of D Company, life at Camp Shelby including going into town, and his experiences witnessing segregation in Mississippi. He then talks about traveling overseas and landing in Oran, and then going to Naples. Next,…

Nagaki talks about his family and growing up in Oregon including helping out on his family’s dairy farm, going to Japanese language school, participating in Kendo, and going to polytechnic school. He then talks about his family’s experiences with…

Muramoto talks about his various jobs including working on lunar mapping as a cartographer, and working for an orthodontist. He then talks about joining the Veteran of Foreign Wars (VFW), attending E Company reunions, and discusses his wife and…

Muramoto talks about his first combat experiences, discusses a friend who was killed in action; and recalls his combat experiences at Hill 140, Florence, and the Arno River. He then discusses attending reunions, recalls funny stories from when he was…

Muramoto discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor, blackout restrictions; and describes Camp Shelby including discussing food, basic training, going into Hattiesburg; and his experiences with segregation and discrimination. He then reads a letter sent…

Muramoto discusses growing up in Hilo, Hawaii; and talks about his parents, siblings, recreational activities, school, speaking Japanese at home, and religion. He also talks about a classmate who was killed in action, playing softball, childhood…

Murakami goes on to describe his involvement with the Champagne Campaign and the Lost Battalion. He also describes his journeys after World War Two. Murakami reveals his involvement with the development of shopping centers in Kauai. He ends the…

Murakami describes his reaction to the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He also reveals the discrimination Japanese people faced after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Murakami also describes his time at Camp Shelby. He reveals details about his time overseas with…

Murakami talks about his early life in rural Hamakua. He goes on to discuss his family and stepmother. Murakami reveals his experiences while in Japanese School. He ends this section of the interview by discussing what he did after high school.


Mukai discusses his life after leaving the service, detailing how he met his wife and his career. He details the organizations that he is a member of. He also discusses he love for golf and gives some words of wisdom for future generations.

Mukai discusses the incident in which he was wounded. He details the relationship he had between his mother and father. Mukai also discusses the rehabilitation process.

Mukai discusses the general duties for the 232nd Combat Engineer Company. He discusses the importance of teamwork and dealing with the rigors of war. He also details about the lighter side of war.

Mukai discusses traveling in Mississippi and witnessing discrimination first hand. He also details what is was like visiting Jerome Concentration Camp. He also discusses the voyage overseas and arriving in Italy.

Mukai discusses traveling to Camp Shelby and being assigned to the 232nd Combat Engineer Company. He details he experiences from basic training. Mukai also discusses about some of the fun the regiment had.

Mukai discusses what occurred after he volunteered. He details his experiences on Oahu. Mukai also discusses he trip to the mainland.

Mukai discusses his family and what it was like growing up in Hakalau. He also details about the food he ate and the values he was taught while growing up. Mukai discusses the impact that playing sports had on his life. He relates a story of his…

Mukai discusses what activities that served as childhood entertainment. Mukai details about fishing as a child. Mukai also discusses his experiences with education.

Momoda discusses being wounded and the aftermath. He details about his final war experiences, awards he received, and his homecoming experience. Momoda also discusses a little more about his upbringing and discusses a message for future generations.

Momoda discusses about his family and growing up in Seattle, Washington. He details about his education, the business he ran and working in Alaska. Momoda also discusses about being drafted, basic training and his experiences in France.

Miyashiro explains his reaction to a soldier who died because of friendly fire. He talks about the end of World War Two. He describes what happened when he tried to get military passes for his squad. He discusses a high ranking officer. He describes…

Miyashiro talks about the food that he found in a German soldiers foxhole. He describes how his unit liberated Bruyères, France. He discusses no man's land. He explains how he volunteered for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He talks about the…

Miyashiro explains his family's means of transportation in Hawaii. He talks about his arrival in Europe. He describes what he did with his military pass. He discusses preparing for combat and his first time in combat. He explains how his unit…

Miyashiro talks about his interest in opera. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He explains how he volunteered for the military. He discusses the induction process. He recites his serial number. He talks about his interactions…

Miyashiro and the interviewers introduce themselves. Miyashiro explains how he got his name. He describes what it was like to grow up on a homestead in Hawaii. He talks about his experiences in primary school. He discusses his father's personality.…

Ocean Miyake describes various documents and photographs shown on camera.

Miyake continues to discuss military reunions. He talks about his friends that died during combat. He continues to discuss his wife and their return to California. He describes his life in Denver, Colorado and how he adjusted to civilian life.…

Miyake continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign. He discusses Bansai Hill and his second battle. He describes his role in a special task force. Miyake talks about the end of World War Two. He describes his siblings experiences during the war.…

Miyake describes his journey to Europe and landing in Naples, Italy. He talks about joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He discusses marching through Europe. He talks about military conflicts in Bruyeres, France. Miyake discusses members of…

Miyake talks about his wife. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He briefly talks about his military service. He discusses the forced removal of Japanese Americans. Miyake explains how he corresponded with his family while he…

Miyake talks about his childhood in Venice, California. He shares his memories of World War One. He explains how he got his nickname. He describes his father, mother, and siblings. He talks about his father's profession. Miyake discusses high school.…

Mita discusses the medals he received and the paratrooper training he went through. He reflects on joining the Military Intelligence Service and his experience during the Pacific Theatre. Mita also discusses raising his family.

Mita discusses more about his involvement with veteran organizations. He reflects on values and gives a message to future generations. Mita also discusses family and trying to find his missing brother.

Mita discusses his experiences working with the Civil Censorship Detachment in occupied Japan. He also details about working with the Counter Intelligence Corps and the rest of his career in the military. Mita discusses the veteran organizations he…

Mita discusses his experiences in Okinawa. He details about his time in Korea. Mita also discusses his reenlistment and his duties afterwards.

Jumpei Mine narrates photographs from his wartime.

Overseas, Jumpei encounters some close calls. He shares his stories about a hand grenade, a three-story building, and a fence. Besides his close calls, he says the scariest thing is the German…

Jumpei "Jumpy" Mine is born on August 4, 1920, in Montebello, CA. Jumpei's father is a hard-working man. Jumpei's mother, Jen Mine, passes away early.
Jumpei grows up in Montebello and helps his father with farming. Jumpei's favorite sport is…

Matsushita talks more about his time in occupied Japan, making lots of friends there and even being there during the Korean War. After his discharge, he would begin his career in the civil service sector, working for OSHA until he retired. Following…

Matsushita continues his recollection of his time overseas in combat, including the Lost Battalion campaign in Bruyeres and the Vosges Forest. He would be involved with the combat there and would head to French Riviera to rest while waiting for…

Matsushita discusses the friends that he made throughout the War in A and K company. Upon arrival in Italy, he would be engaged in combat, seeing captains shooting at prisoners of war. They would trek through Rome, and move up through Italy towards…

Matsushita would join the Army after Pearl Harbor and be inducted in Salt Lake City, Utah. He would take a train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi to begin his basic training, where he would start with A company. There, he would become friends with…

Matsushita begins the interview talk about his childhood and growing up in Idaho. He would work on his family's farm while attending school and doing a large variety of chores. He talks about his high school years and then about his whereabouts…

Matsumoto talks about meeting his wife, his marriage, and his children. He then talks about his post-war employment working at the post office, a plantation, and with the Boy Scouts. Next, Matsumoto talks about being a part of the Boy Scouts as a…

Matsumoto discusses his experiences prior to shipping out to Europe; talks about traveling from Hawaii to the mainland, and from Virginia to Oran; and talks about his experiences at Camp Shelby including his assignment with the mortars. He then talks…

Matsumoto discusses his nickname; and talks about growing up on Maui which includes discussing his family, living on a plantation, friendships, discipline, and recreational activities. He then talks about attending school; discusses his siblings;…

Clarence "Matt' Matsumoto discusses a time when he encounters German soldier during battle that is non-combative. Matsumoto recalls raising their hands to each other and walking away. During the war, Matsumoto serves in the K Company mortar squad as…

Clarence "Matt" Matsumoto discusses basic training and learning about relocation camps. Training with K Company is rough because it is day and night training. He recalls going overseas takes over a month and lands in Italy. On the journey overseas,…

Clarence "Matt" Matsumoto discusses growing up, he isnot close with parents because out playing with friends. Matsumoto says his values and morals are learned by going to church every Sunday. In 1940, he graduates high school and goes to Community…

Clarence Matsumoto discusses his birth date and birth place, He recalls his childhood in Paia on plantation camp and used by products of sugar cane to build his house. Matsumoto is given the nickname Matt.

Matsumoto's Father is born 1898 in…

Matsukawa finishes up the interview talking about the history of the 442nd and keeping that education alive with the younger generations, as there are still a lot of people that don't realize there were American concentration camps. Finally, he talks…

After his war experiences in Europe, Matsukawa would head back to the United States, stopping first in New York, where he and a friend were determined to see the Statue of Liberty. He would head back to Utah and there, would decide to take advantage…

Matsukawa talks about the history of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, stemming all the way back to Pearl Harbor, when the prejudice first began. He also talks about the accomplishments and strides they made by fighting for their country. Next, he…

Matsukawa gives a few anecdotes of his time in basic training at Camp Blanding, including boxing, furloughs, and visiting cities in Florida. He would be shipped out to Europe shortly after, going on the HMS Aquitania and landing in Southampton before…

Matsukawa talks about his parent's reaction to joining the Army and his brother getting killed in action while in the war. He talks about the unfortunate casualties of young men during war time and his brother's path. Soon after his brother passed…

Matsukawa talks about his family background, including his mother and father coming over from Niigata prefecture in Japan. As the terrain of Utah was very similar to Niigata, the family would end up settling there. Next, he talks about the…

Matsukawa begins the interview with an introduction of what it was like to grow up in Salt Lake City, Utah. While living there, he would go to school and enjoy the playing sports. As it was the Great Depression years, his family would only have one…

Maeda recalls his favorite story of receiving a religious cross during the war, getting married and starting a family. Maeda also discusses his military awards. Later in the interview, his wife Lily Chisato Maeda joins in. Lily recalls the Pearl…

Maeda discussing the battle of Bruyeres, duty in 2nd platoon for Lost Battalion, taking care of the Prisoners of War and plans after retiring from service.

Maeda discussed basic training and corresponding to family back home in Paia. Maeda's first battle experience is at Belvedere and Hill 140. Maeda also describes his BAR rifle "Brownie" and events in Italy.

Maeda discussed Japan attacking Pearl Harbor and volunteering for military service. Maeda received basic training at Camp Shelby and went overseas the first time. He experienced culture shock when he went to the Mainland. Maeda was in E Company…

Maeda discusses his adolescent years growing up on a plantation in Paia, Hawaii and the Japanese Community. He details his schooling including Japanese language school. Meada also discusses speaking Hawaiian Pidgin while in the 442nd Regimental…

Lasseigne discusses how he meet his wife, children and grandchildren. He also shares a message for the future generations.

Lasseigne discusses being a replacement and scout. He shares his experience being part of the Lost Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team rescue. He recalls the first time meeting Nisei and learning about the interment camp. Post-war,…

Lasseigne discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. He also describes details about his childhood activities and childhood rearing. Lasseigne recalls 1941 and joining the services. He goes to Fort McCellan for basic training and goes…
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