Sogi discusses being a student at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack and his reaction to the events that took place afterwards, including Executive Order 9066. Sogi also speaks about discrimination, the…
In this segment, Tohara recalls his time with a good friend, Ray, and the advice he was given by another teacher that helped him in the army. We learn about the after school activities he was involved in and his summer job at a machine shop. Tohara…
Don Seki was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. During his childhood, he loved spending time outdoors, especially going fishing with his friends. He and his family lived in a sugar cane plantation camp, but, before the war,his parents moved back to…
Tsukiyama was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. His parents were educated immigrants from Japan. He attend both Japanese language school and English Standard School. During the Pearl Harbor attack, he had been a part of the University of Hawaii…
Tsukiyama describes his feelings toward Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He talks about his efforts to volunteer to join the US Army, starting with his participation in the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV) and describes the formation of the…
Ted Tsukiyama talks about the effects of Martial Law in Hawaii during wartime, and how it affected the Japanese community. He describes how the war created more opportunities for Japanese Americans, especially in the workforce -- before the war, jobs…
Takejiro Higa describes his experience on the day of the Pearl Harbor attack. He talks about how reluctant and hesitant he was to volunteer for military service when the 442nd Regimental Combat Team was recruiting Nisei in Hawaii. His brother finally…
Kimoto discusses his family background, growing up in Hawaii on the island of Oahu, attending school, and excelling in baseball. Following high school, Kimoto held a variety of jobs before volunteering to join the Army after the attack on Pearl…
Kawamoto talks about growing up in Hawaii and his life before the war. He also recalls seeing the bombing of Pearl Harbor and his reasons for enlisting in the army.
In this segment, Rose Uriyu talks about her upbringing in Kona, Hawaii. She describes how life was simple in the small town where everyone knew each other. Her grandparents came from Komoto, Japan with Uriyu's mother in 1902. Raised on a farm, Uriyu…
In this segment, Hiroshi Kaku begins by recalling his personal memories from the attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent Martial Law in Hawaii before discussing his decision to enlist in the Army. Kaku then recalls the initial screening process in…
In this video clip, Yoshiaki Fujitani continues to talk about his time at McKinley High School. The teachers at McKinley made a positive impact on his life, even encouraged him to take public speaking classes. He describes his identification as a…
Oka, a native of Hawaii, describes witnessing the attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent government and military presence in his family's home, including the monitoring of his brother's shortwave radio and the FBI's interest in his knowledge of…
Tanna discusses about his life after high school and baseball. He details about discrimination and geopolitics. Tanna also discusses about his family, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.
Tanna discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details joining the Army and experiences in Mississippi. Tanna also discusses about basic training, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and his journey to Europe.
During his high school summer years, Hara would work at a pineapple cannery to earn money for his family, while he lived with his uncle. Later, while working as a carpenter, the Pearl Harbor bombings occurred and all the Japanese were rounded up by…
Kikuyama discusses about his family and childhood. He details about his social life and hobbies. Kikuyama also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and volunteering for the service.
Senator Daniel Inouye describes how his parents and their families came from Japan to Hawaii to work on the sugar plantations. His parents were brought up very differently with his mother growing up an orphan within an adoptive Hawaiian Methodist…
Tanaka discusses what it was like growing up in Hilo, Hawaii. he details about the aftermath if pearl harbor and his draft experience. Tanaka discusses about his experiences during basic training.
Oba discusses his childhood and how he became a cook in the army. He details about what he remembers from Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Oba also discusses how the 442nd Regimental Combat Team formed and why he joined. Oba also details about his…
Akamine discusses about enlisting into the service. He details about the events surrounding Pearl Harbor and his thoughts from it. Akamine also discusses some of his experiences while on guard duty.
Kodama discusses his family and having to work to the help them. He details about his educational experiences, playing sports, and martial arts training. Kodama also discusses being drafted, basic training, and Pearl Harbor.
As reading interested Hamashige, he began reading a lot about the racism throughout the United States government which led to a deeper understanding of the modernization of Japan, which eventually turned to the attacks on Pearl Harbor. He speaks…
Sumida discusses his childhood, family, and Japan Language school. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Sumida also discusses about heading to the Mainland for training and his experiences while there.
The interview begins with Paul Yamashita talking about his life, growing up in Hakalau Hawaii on a sugarcane plantation. He would attend regular and Japanese school and enjoyed playing games with friends and pounding mochi on New Years. Next, he…
Inouye discusses the events before and after Pearl Harbor. He details about The Battle of Midway. Inouye also discusses the journey to the Mainland and the differences between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. He details about the events before…
Edward Kanaya talks about his childhood friends who shoplifted. He continues to talk about his siblings. He describes his father's personality. He discusses volunteering for the military. He describes the food served in his childhood home. He…
Shimabukuro discusses his childhood growing in a plantation camp on Kauai. He details about his high school experiences and briefly his family life. Shimabukuro also discusses being drafted, his experiences at Schofield Barracks, and the events Pearl…
Tokashiki talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He discusses his employment opportunities after World War Two. He talks about his final working years and his retirement. He reveals he participates in a veterans club. He describes the values his…
Kagawa discusses growing up in Waimea, family, and his educational experiences. He details about why he volunteered for the army and what he remembers about December 7, 1941. Kagawa also discusses the events after Pearl Harbor.
Arakaki begins the interview speaking about how his father came from Okinawa to Hawaii to work on the sugar plantations. His mother was a picture bride and would join his father in Hawaii to begin their life, having five children. They would have a…
Takiguchi discusses his parents, siblings, and growing up in Kauai, Hawaii including talking about his friendships while living on a plantation, and recreational activities. He also talks about New Years Eve celebrations, discusses school, and…
In this segment, Takemoto describes his family background and life prior to the onset of the Second World War. His parents were Niseis who did not have a strong connection to Japan. While working for the Hilo Electric Light Company, Takemoto…
Kazuma Taguchi talks about his involvement in sports. He discusses fishing. He describes the foods that he likes and dislikes. He talks about his military training in Kauai, Hawaii. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He…
Doi discusses how he got his nickname, growing up in Kauai on a plantation, working at a gas station, and playing sports in high school. He also talks about attending Japanese language school, religion, friendships, and the attack on Pearl Harbor and…
Yokooji discusses his experiences post high school including farming with his father, working at the Dole Cannery, and working as a carpenter for the Department of Defense. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath including…
Takabayashi talks about his mother's teaching career. He discusses his family business. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He discusses his time in the Hawaiian Territorial Guard. He briefly talks about the Varsity Victory…
Kurasaki talks about his other names and his childhood. He talks about his parents and his family's income. He discusses primary school and Japanese language school. He describes his education and carpentry work. Kurasaki explains what life was like…
Fujimoto talks about his birthplace in Honolulu, Hawaii. He discusses his family and parents. He describes how his sister got her name. He talks about his father's work at Washington Place in Honolulu, Hawaii. He discusses his childhood activities.…
Fujimoto talks about his defense work in Hawaii. He explains his own reaction to the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He discusses the formation of the 100th Infantry Battalion. He describes his journey to the Mainland. He talks about his short stay in a…
Miyashiro discusses his childhood including his community and neighborhood; friendships; and how he got his nickname. He then talks about his father's employment as a taxi driver, his mother's death, his siblings, attending Japanese language school,…
Muramoto discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor, blackout restrictions; and describes Camp Shelby including discussing food, basic training, going into Hattiesburg; and his experiences with segregation and discrimination. He then reads a letter sent…
Kagawa talks about growing up in Japan until he was nine; his father's employment; and his childhood in Hawaii including discussing recreational activities and attending Japanese language school. He then talks about attending high school and his…
Hiromi Suehiro begins the interview talking about his family and how they immigrated to Hawaii. His father, coming from Japan, ended up fighting in World War I for the United States, while his mother was born in Hawaii. While growing up, he would…
Suehiro continues talking about his experiences during the attacks on Pearl Harbor and afterwards, including facing discrimination and seeing the Varsity Victory Volunteers at the University of Hawaii. Hearing about the 100th/442nd forming, Suehiro…
Kanada talks about his parents immigrating to Hawaii, childhood activities in Honolulu, values growing up, and attending English and Japanese language school. He then talks about recreational activities such as sports, swimming, and ballroom dancing;…
Harry Tanaka discusses working in a Libby cannery during the summer time and at the University of Hawaii work for a professor. During High school, Tanaka thought he would pursue a career in engineering but he ends up receiving his degree in history…
Tamanaha discusses his family and growing up on a pineapple plantation in Hawaii. He describes the community on the plantation and his school. He talks about the summers that he worked on the planation. Tamanaha discusses his family's property in…
Tamanaha continues to talk about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. He discusses why he enlisted and his journey to the Mainland. He describes discrimination at Camp Shelby and Hattiesburg, including racial discrimination against African Americans.…
Muramatsu discusses his family and childhood. He details about being drafted, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Muramatsu also discusses about going to the Mainland and experiences at Camp McCoy.
Kiyabu describes his early life in growing up in Hana (Maui), Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kiyabu also volunteering for the Army and traveling to the Mainland.
Takekawa discusses memorable teachers from his school days, playing sports, and high school activities including becoming class president. He then talks about going to college and studying to become a physical education teacher and his experiences…
Tateishi begins the interview talking about how his family came from Hiroshima in Japan and settled in Hawaii. Growing up in Hawaii, he would attend McKinley High School and pick pineapples in his spare time, before joining the National Guard. He…
Tateishi continues to talk about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, including the weather during that day. He also talks about his various experiences in the war, starting with Anzio and moving up through Rome, where they would…
Tanaka reveals what life was like while growing up in Honolulu. Tanaka also talks about his family and his experiences in school. He goes on to discuss the discrimination Japanese people faced after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Tanaka explains his…
Morisawa discusses his prefecture origin, family, and living in a Japanese Community called "pocket patch" in Hawaii. Morisawa details about does not experience prejudice until the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) discharges all Japanese…
Takao discuss his prefecture origin and familial description. He shares childhood memory, favorite types of movies, and religion. Takao attends Japanese Language School growing up. He works at a cannery during the bombing of Pearl Harbor and…
Kono discusses his parents immigration from Japan; talks about growing up in a village where sugar cane is produced; and talks about attending school and Japanese language school. He then discusses the reasons why he was sent to Japanese language…
Yukimura discusses Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about being in the Hawaii Territorial Guard and being discharged from the guard. Yukimura also discusses how the 442nd Regimental Combat Team formed and he joined the Army. He also details…
Ariyoshi discusses his parents immigrating from Japan to Hawaii, his siblings, and his father’s occupations. He then talks about getting thrown out of Japanese language school for fighting, his father speaking about the importance of education, and…
Kishaba discusses growing up on a farm in Hawaii and learning how to cut hair. He also discusses his family and childhood. Kishaba discusses embracing his Japanese identity and values.
Nishimura and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his early life in Hawaii. He talks about his parents and siblings. He describes his involvement in sports. He describes his religious background. He talks about the social activities…
Ito begins the interview speaking about his family background, including descriptions of his mother, father and the values they taught him growing up. Next, he speaks about school and what it was like to grow up in Hawaii. During this time, Ito…
Ito discusses the aftermath of Pearl Harbor and the pressures of war hysteria. It was during this time that he was drafted into the Army and selected for Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He was sent to Fort Snelling to take Japanese language…
Kawaguchi discusses his childhood growing up in San Francisco, California, including talking about going to school, his hobbies, religion and his involvement with the church, and going to Japanese school. He also recalls a story regarding the…
Aka discusses his family and growing up in Hawaii. He details about moving to Japan for four years and his experiences upon his return. Aka also discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath.
Yamada discusses playing sports in his childhood such as barefoot football, tennis and fishing with his friends. One holiday that his family celebrates annually is the Emperor of Japan's birthday and New Year (because of the food). They also sing…
Clarence "Matt" Matsumoto discusses growing up, he isnot close with parents because out playing with friends. Matsumoto says his values and morals are learned by going to church every Sunday. In 1940, he graduates high school and goes to Community…
Izumigawa talks about playing sports; discusses his interest in watching and following sports; and talks about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor including experiences with blackouts. He then talks about his post high school employment; volunteering for…
Takano discusses his father's personality and physical traits; talks about his father's knowledge of the English language; and discusses values he learned form his parents. He then talks about fishing with his father; his favorite memories of his…
Takano talks about his parents reactions to the attack on Pearl Harbor; discusses his knowledge of pre-war tensions between the United States and Japan; and talks about his dual citizenship. He then talks about the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor…
Teraoka discusses his experiences transitioning from elementary to intermediate school and his classes in an English standard school. He then talks about The Attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath, volunteering for the Army and his father’s reaction,…
Muramaru describes a rice soup dish called “chagai”; and discusses playing football and his family’s store growing up. He then talks about his uncle in Japan, his whereabouts during the attack on Pearl Harbor, neighbors who were sent to Honoluliuli…
Saiki discusses his experiences being a Hawaii Territorial Guard after Pearl Harbor attack and how he enlisted in the 442 Regiment after he declined joining the Varsity Victory Volunteers. He talks about how his family reacted to his enlisted. He…
Akamine talks about his parent's immigration to the United States. He also explains the hierarchy among his fathers siblings. He discusses Japanese cultural values and his experiences while working in a hotel. Akamine talks about learning a trade and…
Akamine reveals the effects of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He discusses the Big Five companies in Hawaii, his electric work, and the draft. Akamine talks about his basic training experiences and the journey to Europe. He elaborates on his struggles…
Ota discusses his parents and their occupations, and talks about growing up in Hawaii including childhood chores, discussing his siblings, and going to Japanese language school. He also talks about the Japanese community in Hawaii, going to church,…
Ota discusses his thoughts about Pearl Harbor and experiences after including talking about discrimination and restrictions he experienced, and life at Jerome incarceration camp. He then talks about volunteering for the Army, basic training at Camp…
Kimura discusses his parents; siblings; growing up in Honolulu, Hawaii; and talks about his father’s employment. He then talks about attending Japanese language school; discusses the languages he spoke at home; religion and attending church; learning…
Kimura discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor; describes Japan’s airplanes and the Japanese flag; and talks about how his father was picked up by the FBI. He then talks about volunteering for the Army; his brother’s employment at Hickam Air Force Base;…
Kamiya discusses his life before the war as an orphan, with siblings, on a sugar plantation in Kekaha and as a young adult in Honolulu. He also gives an account of being drafted and his experience during the Pearl Harbor attack. In addition he…
Mitsunaga discusses his childhood growing up on a family-run dairy farm in Manoa Valley, Hawaii. He talks about farming and his adolescence. He also talks about his experiences being drafted before the Pearl Harbor attack and the U.S. military…
Mitsunaga discusses aspects of his experiences in basic training for the army. He talks about his assignment after the Pearl Harbor attack; traveling to the U.S. mainland for the first time; and describes his military as a jeep driver. Mitsunaga also…
Yamane and the interviewers introduce themselves. Yamane describes his early life in Hawaii. He talks about his father's work on a sugar plantation. He discusses how his mother's sake was a separate source of income for his family. He lists his…
Yamane continues to describe the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about guarding Hawaii after the attack. He explains how the 100th Infantry Battalion was formed. He discusses his travels through Europe. He describe the journey to…
Takashima begins the interview discussing his family background, including how they became farmers in Chula Vista, California. He talks about various parts of his childhood from the small home he grew up in to the celebrations and values that his…
Ito discusses growing up in Portland, Oregon including talking about attending school and playing sports; speaking mostly English at home; and talking about his parents, including his father's various jobs. He also talks about an incident in which…
Aoki discusses his family and childhood growing up in Hawaii, He details about moving to California and being drafted. Aoki also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences in Wisconsin.
Goto describes growing up on a planation in Ewa, Hawaii and taking the train into Honolulu to go to school. After graduating from high school, Goto worked at a 7UP bottling company as a soda salesman and delivery man. He also talks about being a…
Ito discusses his family, educational experiences and religion. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Ito also discusses about basic training and his experiences working in Manila on the General Yamashita trail.
Nakashima discusses the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack including his experiences with restrictions, blackouts, and discrimination. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor, volunteering for the Army, discusses his dual citizenship, and…
Murakami describes his reaction to the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He also reveals the discrimination Japanese people faced after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Murakami also describes his time at Camp Shelby. He reveals details about his time overseas with…
Hoashi discusses more about growing up on Kauai. At the age of 12, he would begin working at McBride plantation during the summers. He also talks about the impactful people he knew during this period of time. From there, he gives us his whereabouts…
Oshita talks about the sports she was involved with and the recreational activities during her childhood, where she was intrigued with basketball and swimming and her family would have picnics to "talk stories". She would also correspond with her…
Oshita continues talking about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Although not seeing any direct discrimination, she talks about the FBI taking many of the Japanese and her future husband George deciding to volunteer for the Army. They would get engaged…
Miyashiro talks about his interest in opera. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He explains how he volunteered for the military. He discusses the induction process. He recites his serial number. He talks about his interactions…
Yamate discusses joining ROTC while at the University of Hawaii; talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor; and discusses the formation of the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV). He then talks about his work as a carpenter and chauffeur for the Department…
Nakamura begins the interview with an introduction, talking about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, attending McKinley High School and Japanese language school while his father was a fisherman from Hiroshima and his mother came from Fukuoka. He…
Nakamura discusses life in Hawaii during the war time, including martial law and heavy food rations. He talks about the various restrictions that the civilians had, and the few things that they would do for fun, such as going to the movies. He then…