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Photo of men, women, and children cleaning up rubble of the war

Close up photo of the ground, caption is a ?

Close up photo of a Lieutenant

Close up photo of a Lieutenant

Blurry photo of a close up of an officer

Close up photograph of government building (Japanese General Government Building?) in Seoul with soldiers approaching gate

Close up portrait of Tsutomu in uniform

Photograph of two women posing outside by a building.

Photo of a soldier sitting on a rock with his arms crossed

Photo of people with bundles of firewood sitting on the side of the road

Colonel Charles W. Pence, former 442nd Team Commander.

Colonel Virgil R. Miller, present 442nd Team Commander.


Waterfront image with small row boats docked.

Company B, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry group picture.

A black and white drawing of the Company D Fort Snelling Training Camp panoramic done in 1945.

A panoramic of Company D at "Turkey Farm" Fort Snelling Training Camp taken in 1945
Scan 121.jpg

Company photograph, Sadamu Koito possibly included.
Scan 124.pdf

Letter of condolence to the parents of Sadamu Koito, soldier killed in action. Envelope attached
Scan 3.jpg

Confidential memo (not neessarily to Takeski J. Miyagawa) stating that Miyagawa is to be awarded a Bronze Oak Cluster in addition to his Purple Heart for wounds received on June 2, 1944 at Cisterna Italy.

Kurahara discusses his name, birth place, and birth date. His parents are Issei and his Father passes away from an accident. at an early age His Mother remarries a Filipino and Kurahara remembers the intercultural prejudices they face when they take…

Kurahara discusses about camp experiences at Tule Lake Concentration Camp. During this time his Mother is ill and passes away after visiting the children in camp. Only Jan, Kurahara's brother is allow to leave camp to attend their Mother's the…

Kurahara discusses the campaigns and the relationship between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. Kurahara explains the motivation of the Japanese soldiers during war is bravery and loyalty. No matter if the soldier is an original and replacement, they…

Kurahara discusses getting discharged from the hospital and being sent to a reconversion unit for training. Shortly after, Kurahara finds out the war is over and is assign to guard the Prisoners of War. Post-war, Kurahara graduates from Columbia…

Conrad Kurahara describes photographs of his Issei parents, brothers, family, high school time, war time, and a letter of apology from President Bush.

Photo of Henry and another soldier cooking in a pot in the snow

Photo of a man cooking

Dr. Coolidge Shiro Wakai was part of the 100th Company B. He was born December 2, 1925, in Kappa, Kauai, Hawaii. Coolidge's father was a missionary for Japanese Immigrants and established the first Christian church in Kappa, Kauai. Coolidge has six…

Coolidge Wakai guarded thousands of POWs in the Po Valley when the war ended. Later, Coolidge was transferred from guarding the POWs to Headquarters Company as a cleric.

After the war, Coolidge returned to the United States. He participated in a…

Seven men standing in kitchen. Caption identifies men, left to right as: cook, Bill, Paul, Tom, Harold, Carson and Dave. Image is a black and white photocopy; location of original image is unknown.

Cover of an extensive photo journal of 442nd Regimental Combat Team in European Theater. Has the outline of Italy engraved on it. Red with gold borders.

Photo of cows standing in and drinking water at Mt. Aso

Photo of cars crossing a bridge at Mt. Aso

Photo of a military jeep driving across Namdae River

Photo of a busy crosswalk in Nara
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Currency exchange office. Works Progress Administration identifier on boarder: WPA-45-62897.
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Damaged buildings on the river bank. Works Progress Administration (WPA) identifier on the image boarder: WPA-45-63700.

Damaged fighter plane at Hollandia air strip in New Guinea.

Photo of soldiers posing together. Photo has scratches on it making it hard to see them

Dan Uchimoto is born October 9, 1921, in Loomis, California. Dan's Issei parents immigrated to the United States from Japan for better opportunities. His parents are sharecropped farmers, raising canning tomatoes. People of Japanese descent are not…

Dan Uchimoto explains the meaning of his last name "Uchimoto" in Japanese. In Japan, "Uchimoto" means original home. "Uchi" means a kind of home, "Moto" means original home or basic home. Besides farming, Dan's parents have two additional businesses.…

In Iowa, Dan Uchimoto receives a draft notice from the Army and leaves Loras College. Dan's parents leave camp voluntarily and resettle in the East. However, some people stay in camp until World War Two ends. A family friend tells Dan's parents about…

Dan Uchimoto discusses the effects of war and the atomic bomb. He shares his opinion of having a military career for future generations. Dan feels going to college and educating yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Dan is discharged…

Atagi discusses his childhood house growing up in Oregon, his siblings, and his parents immigrating from Japan. He then continues to talk about his childhood including discussing working on his family’s farm, watching movies, going to grade school,…

Atagi discusses signing up for the Air Force and going to Biloxi for basic training, attending technical school for mechanics training, and his experiences being confined in barracks due to being Japanese. He then talks about going to Camp Shelby and…

Atagi describes trench foot, being near tree burst artillery fire while in France, interactions with German soldiers during his time as a medic, and his thoughts about the war in regards to Japanese Americans and discrimination. After the war, Atagi…

In this first interview with Senator Daniel Akaka, Mr. Akaka discusses his family background, childhood, and what his life was like growing up in Hawaii. Senator Akaka describes the day of the Pearl Harbor attack, what news he heard about the…

Senator Akaka focuses on the importance of recognition of Nisei soldiers and describes the role he played in upgrading awards and helping secure Medal of Honor designations for a group of Nisei veterans. Senator Akaka also discusses a book which…

Senator Daniel Inouye describes how his parents and their families came from Japan to Hawaii to work on the sugar plantations. His parents were brought up very differently with his mother growing up an orphan within an adoptive Hawaiian Methodist…

Senator Daniel Inouye describes the effects of the proclamation of martial law in Hawaii including censorship, removal of Japanese cultural presence, and selective incarceration of Japanese Americans. He also talks about the differences between…

Senator Daniel Inouye talks about his reaction to being upgraded to receiving the Medal of Honor and his subsequent studies surrounding qualifiers for receiving medals and awards. He notes that recipients of awards are rarely medics. He then talks…

Kawagoye discusses his parents including his father's employment and death; and his mother's remarriage. He then talks about his childhood chores; siblings; attending high school; childhood friendships; and some of his post high school employment…

Kawagoye talks about his assignment at Fort Riley working with a butcher; discusses rations; and talks about his brothers' military service. He then talks about reporting to Camp Shelby and the formation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team; discusses…

Kawagoye discusses the civilians and countryside in Italy; talks about his first combat experiences in Italy; and discusses what it was like to experience artillery fire. He then talks about his duties as part of an Antitank Company; discusses his…

Kawagoye discusses getting wounded in France; talks about being awarded a Purple Heart; and discusses his combat experiences in Bruyeres. He then talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion; discusses the different types of mines German soldiers…

Kawagoye discusses corresponding with his family while overseas; talks about his assignment processing German POWs post-war; and discusses the Army point system. Next, Kawagoye talks about traveling back to the United States and his stopover in…

Kawagoye discusses his grandsons; talks about his friendships with veterans; and discusses his involvement in community groups and the 100th/442nd Veterans Association. He then talks about the Go for Broke monument; provides some thoughts regarding…

Katagiri discusses how he got drafted after release from internment camp. He talks about becoming a replacement soldier for the 442nd regiment and being sent to Europe, eventually participating in the Gothic Line combat. Katagiri shares anecdotes…

Katagiri discusses a story about his birth; and talks about his father including discussing his employment and immigration from Japan. He then talks about his childhood in Kent, Washington and discusses his experiences growing up within a Japanese…

Katagiri talks about his combat experiences in Italy. He talks his experiences at Mount Grugola; how he got injured and his recuperation. He also talks about: Medal of Honor recipient Yukio Okutsu; his recollections of Captains Hill and Keegan; U.S.…

Katagiri talks about his interest and employment in aviation including discussing building model airplanes while in Tule Lake Concentration Camp. He also talks about learning how to fly an airplane while working for Boeing, joining a sailplane club,…

Katagiri talks about working with German prisoners at the end of the war, and his life post war. He discusses his career in aeronautical design. He also talks about his father's background and ancestral lineage.

Katagiri discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath including his parents' reactions; his experiences with bullies and discrimination; and his family's experiences prior to forced removal which involved having to turn in weapons and radios,…

Katagiri discusses the loyalty questionnaire he was given at Tule Lake Concentration Camps; and getting his draft notice and his parents' reaction. He then talks about basic training, weather, and friendships at Camp Blanding; preparing to ship out…

Katagiri discusses communicating using Hawaiian slang [pidgin] for codes; and talks about the messages that were being sent and received. He then talks about some of his duties with the communications section, getting wounded, and his assignment…

Katagiri discusses returning to the United States, seeing his family for the first time, and his post-war employment. He then talks about getting married, divorced, and remarried. Next, Katagiri talks about his children and grandchildren; and…

Masuoka discusses his parents and their personalities and occupations; discusses his siblings; and talks about values he learned growing up. He then talks about his childhood including his neighborhood; participation in youth groups and Boy Scouts;…

Masuoka talks about his experiences at Santa Anita temporary detention facility including reuniting with his girlfriend, living conditions, schools, and working at a hospital. He then talks about his wife's education; traveling to Santa Anita and…

Masuoka talks about his participation in a Japanese American pharmacy fraternity at college; discusses his wedding ring; and talks about his wife's experiences living in Colorado after she left incarceration camp. He then talks about getting drafted,…

Masuoka discusses seeing General MacArthur in Tokyo, talks about rankings within the platoon, and discusses his experiences in San Francisco during his Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) training. He then talks about traveling to Japan, his…

Masuoka talks about mentors he had in graduate school and while he was employed at a VA hospital. He then talks about his experiences traveling across the United States after he retired, and his brother's military service. Next, Masuoka introduces…

Masuoka shows and describes a photograph taken in Manila of the Civil Censorship Detachment.

Photograph of the David statue at Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence, Italy.

Photo of soldiers debarking from ship

Photo of soldiers deboarding a USAF plane

Teraoka discusses growing up on a plantation on Hawaii and talks about the workers on the plantation as well as the plantation store. He then talks about his childhood including discussing recreational activities, his family's home, working, school,…

Teraoka talks about how his parents met, what it was like moving to Honolulu to attend high school, and discusses the boat trip from Hilo to Honolulu. Next, Teraoka talks about his participation in ROTC, attending the University of Hawaii, and his…

Teraoka talks about going to Camp Shelby for basic training, explains the meaning of "katonk", and discusses D Company members. He then talks about traveling overseas to Italy, communicating with his family, and describes Naples. Next, Teraoka talks…

Teraoka discusses the liberation of Pisa; landing in Marseille; and his combat experiences and living conditions in Bruyeres. He also talks about getting trench foot, his combat experiences in Biffontaine, describes the Lost Battalion rescue, and…

Teraoka discusses the rescue of the Lost Battalion and thoughts about the 100th; the good luck charm he carried while overseas; and the Champagne Campaign. He also talks about working as a dentist in Leghorn, returning to Hawaii after the war, and…

Okubo discusses about his family background and parent's life. He details about Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp monument and outreach program. He details about how the monument came to be and their future plans for the monument.

Photo of soldiers in truck at Lightning CP

Momii discusses about his family, childhood, Pearl Harbor, and it aftermath. He discusses about volunteering for the Army, basic training, the voyage overseas, and arriving in Europe. Momii also discusses his experiences in Italy, duties in post-war…

Hamada discusses what it was like growing up on a sugar plantation. He also details about the relationship he had with his parents and siblings. Hamada discusses about childhood activities.

Hamada discusses what it was like being a high school student. He also details what it was like being there and witnessing the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Hamada also discusses volunteering and his experiences and Camp Shelby.

Hamada discusses more about basic training. Hamada details about volunteering for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Hamada discusses the specialized training he received from OSS.

Hamada discusses what the role the OSS played in Burma. He details his experiences during his first assignment. Hamada also discusses a little more about the specialized OSS training that he received.

Hamada discusses Operation Magpie and the role he played in it. He also details of what some of the Doolittle Flyers went through as prisoners of war. Hamada discusses his family.

Hamada reflects on some of the experiences he had during the war. He also details about his career after leaving the service. Hamada discusses the medals that he received.

Six trainees, including Tatsuo Yamane (second to the right) digging trenches in the woods at Camp Leonard Wood for basic training. All are wearing the same uniforms and equipped with shovels.
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Disarmament of Japanese forces. Abandoned and damaged Japanese tanks with smoke rising. Likely Works Progress Administration photograph (WPA).

Photo of soldiers putting together a building. Caption reads "Up in 15 hours!"

Photograph of a dog sitting outside.
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