Browse Items (416 total)

Mr. Kuniyoshi describes his time at Camp Shelby, discussing his role as a squad leader and discusses some of the former members of his squad. He next talks about being shipped to the frontline in Italy and describes a situation in which his platoon…

Mr. Kuniyoshi discusses how he received the nickname "Lefty" and shares his memories from the morning of the Pearl Harbor attack. After the attack, he decided to serve his country by first enlisting in the Hawaiian Territorial Guard and later the …

Kimoto discusses friends and leisure time when at Camp Shelby, also discussing discrimination in Mississippi, particularly from fellow soldiers. Kimoto next discusses his trip aboard a liberty ship and later his deployment to Naples where his…

Kimoto discusses his trip from Hawaii to San Francisco and later the train ride to Camp Shelby in Mississippi. Arriving at Camp Shelby, Kimoto received basic training as part of the engineering unit, and learned how to find and diffuse land mines.…

Isonaga discusses the Varsity Victory Volunteers, joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, traveling to the mainland, and basic training at Camp Shelby. He then talks about the relationship between Hawaiian and mainland soldiers, discusses his…

Togami continues his recollection of his basic training at Camp Shelby, including scoring high on his tests and playing cribbage. He would then be shipped overseas, taking a convoy to North Africa, before finally being dropped in Naples. There, he…

Togami begins the interview with a brief introduction and talking about his family background. His father came over from Japan and went to Colorado to farm, and after having an arranged marriage, would settle down in New Mexico. Togami talks about…

Kuwabara describes life at Gila River Incarceration Camp including the living quarters, the types of employment opportunities inside the camp for incarcerees, and his experiences as block manager. He also talks about his reasons for volunteering for…

Sakaguchi briefly discusses the Axis powers. He talks about the forced removal of Japanese Americans. He explains why he joined the military. He talks about the Governor of Colorado's stance on the treatment of Japanese Americans. He describes the…

Inouye continues to talk about how his family was forced to move to Colorado after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He talks about his plans after high school that were interrupted by the draft. Inouye discusses the discrimination Japanese Americans…

Hayashi discusses his early life in California, being drafted into the Army, and the reaction to Pearl Harbor. He details about his time at Camp Shelby and Fort Sheridan. Hayashi also discusses his voyage across the Atlantic and and his early…

Henry Gary Shiota is 19 years old when he is inducted into the Army. Then Gary goes to Camp Maxey, TX, with 25 other Nisei. Gary learns the war is over during his third week at basic training. After eight weeks of basic training, Gary goes to Camp…

Sakaji discusses attending trade school; talks about his knowledge of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Battalion; discusses getting drafted and his induction; and talks about his 4C and 1A classifications. He then talks about basic…

Harry Tanaka discusses working in a Libby cannery during the summer time and at the University of Hawaii work for a professor. During High school, Tanaka thought he would pursue a career in engineering but he ends up receiving his degree in history…

Nakabe talks about his duties being in charge of meal tickets on the train while traveling to Camp Shelby; discusses 'Axis Sally; and talks about segregation at Camp Carson and in the Southern United States. He then talks about the relationship…

Nakabe discusses his experiences at Merced temporary detention facility as well as the mood of incarcerees there, and discusses the Japanese family structure in regards to incarceration. He then talks about leaving Merced and traveling to [Granada…

Kuga speaks about how he was drafted into the Army and began his basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. While there, he made friends with many Hawaiian soldiers, visited Rohwer concentration camp, and boxed. Next, he discusses various Japanese…

Kiyabu discusses about basic training, being assigned to the 100th Infantry Battalion, and his furlough experiences. He details about going overseas. Kiyabu also discusses about his combat experiences in Italy and France.

Kanada talks about traveling to the Mainland, his brothers' military service; and discusses experiences during basic training such as his daily routine, food, friendships, going into town, Earl Finch, and becoming a squad leader. He also discusses…

Harry Akune recalls meeting his wife in Chicago after the war. He describes his Japanese language training at the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Camp Savage, where they studied Japanese military language. Half-way through his…

Tokashiki describes one of his military furloughs. He describes his Anti-Tank unit and his commanding officers. He talks about the Concentration Camps that Japanese Americans were forced to move into. He discusses his journey to Camp Shelby. He goes…

Tokashiki talks about his parents immigration to America. He discusses his parents launch into farming. He explains why his family moved to Honolulu. He describes his father's other careers. He briefly talks about high school and his involvement in…

Kishaba discusses about life after high school, going to vocational school, and working on the railroad until volunteering for the military. He talks about his experiences going to the Mainland leaving Hawaii for the first time. Kishaba also…

Harold Horiuchi goes to Camp Shelby for his basic training. Basic training is for 13 weeks before he goes overseas as a replacement for the 442nd.

Harold discusses his first combat and artillery fire. He says being on the frontline is scary.…

In high school, Harold Horiuchi enjoys playing basketball. In Seattle, Harold plays basketball for the Fieldhouse Team as a Center. Harold plays basketball in the Japanese American Community too.

In 1938, Harold graduates high school and goes to…

Fukunaga discusses traveling from Hawaii to the mainland to go to Camp Shelby for basic training. He then talks about some of his duties during basic training, and his interactions with other soldiers. Next, Fukunaga retells stories he heard…

Yamane continues to describe the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about guarding Hawaii after the attack. He explains how the 100th Infantry Battalion was formed. He discusses his travels through Europe. He describe the journey to…

Miyamoto talks about his medics training, his experiences going to Hattiesburg, and his relationship with Mainland soldiers. He then talks about going to Missouri for training at a hospital; traveling overseas; describes what he carried as a medic;…

Miyamoto talks about his siblings, living in a boarding house after high school, and his job as a foreman at an experiment station. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath including blackout restrictions, and his experiences…

Following the Turlock, Ichikawa and his family were moved to the Gila River Concentration Camp, where he saw posters showing that the Army needed military volunteers who could speak Japanese and work as interpreters. Once approved, Ichikawa was…

Gustafson discusses losing men and the restructure of the division. He details about close combat with German soldiers and when the German soldiers surrender. Gustafson discusses a story about crabs and other wartime shares, and his promotion.

Gustafson discusses military school and graduating from Reserve Officer Training Corps and going to Camp Shelby to be with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about discrimination in the military by sharing Lieutenant Yanamura's experiences…

Teshima discusses about photographs. He details about experiences at Camp Shelby. Teshima also discusses about his experiences in Europe.

Taketa discusses about becoming a medic and his experiences as a medic. He details about his experiences at Camp Shelby and Camp McCoy. Taketa also discusses about Hawaii, family, and the treatment of Japanese Americans.

Takabayashi talks about his birthplace and his childhood in Honolulu, Hawaii. He discuses his parents immigration. He talks about his siblings. He describes witnessing segregation while stationed in the south. He discusses his father's career.…

Sakato discusses wanting to join the air force but ending up in the army. He details about basic training. Sakato also discusses about traveling on a transport ship and he also gives his opinions and thoughts about the war.

Mukai discusses traveling in Mississippi and witnessing discrimination first hand. He also details what is was like visiting Jerome Concentration Camp. He also discusses the voyage overseas and arriving in Italy.

Mukai discusses traveling to Camp Shelby and being assigned to the 232nd Combat Engineer Company. He details he experiences from basic training. Mukai also discusses about some of the fun the regiment had.

Morihiro discusses V-mail and the realities of war. He details about his journey to Camp Shelby and his experiences at Camp Shelby. Morihiro also discusses discrimination.

Miyashiro talks about his interest in opera. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He explains how he volunteered for the military. He discusses the induction process. He recites his serial number. He talks about his interactions…

Miyashiro talks about traveling by train to Camp Shelby; the Hattiesburg townspeople including Earl Finch; and basic training. He then talks about traveling overseas including getting seasick and gambling; and discusses joining up with the 100th in…

Masuda discusses breaking the news to friends and family about volunteering for the army. He also talks about his furlough experience. Masuda discusses how he became a company clerk a pharmacist for the army.

Minata describes his time working on railroads and mines. He also describes his job at the university. He talks about why he enlisted and his time at Camp Shelby. He explains how he trained new recruits. George "Ike" Minata talks about surgical…

Mukai talks about the fear amongst Japanese Americans following the Pearl Harbor bombings. He talks about what happened to his family farm after his forced removal. He describes the induction process. He discusses his combat training at Camp Shelby.…

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Genro Kashiwa's father was interned, due to his stature in the Japanese community (as a Buddhist Priest and Japanese language school teacher), and taken to the Mainland. Genro describes his experience during basic…

Yasukochi talks about farming life while living in California, driving a truck up and down the coast to pick up fertilizer in San Pedro and back to Oceanside at the age of 11. Next, he talks more about what it was like to grow up in California,…

Shiosaki talks about officers he knew at Camp Shelby; discusses the leadership of Colonel Pence; and talks about his combat experiences near the Arno River. He then talks about soldiers killed in action; receiving British rations; and discusses his…

Shiosaki talks about the reasons why he volunteered as well as his father's thoughts and reactions to his volunteering. He then talks about reporting to Fort Douglas; traveling to Camp Shelby in Mississippi; and witnessing segregation and the…

Matsumura discusses his family background in Hawaii and hearing about the attack of Pearl Harbor on the radio. He volunteered to defend water and power installations as a civilian in the aftermath of the attack, and later enlisted into the Army. He…

Kitada discusses his infantry, rank, parents, growing up in the Los Angeles area, siblings, and working as a gardener. He then talks about school, the attack on Pearl Harbor, experiences with discrimination, and going to Manzanar Concentration Camp.…

Ida talks more about his experiences at Camp Shelby, eating fried chicken and catfish at the local restaurants. Shortly after, they would be sent overseas in a convoy, first landing in Oran before arriving in Naples. They would head up to…

Ida talks more about volunteering for the Army, going into Schofield Barracks where he would be given the title acting sergeant. He would head to the mainland, landing first in San Francisco before taking the train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi.…

Hariayama discusses about basic training. He details heading overseas, landing in Italy, and his experiences in Italy. Hariayama also discusses about his first combat experiences, his experiences in France, and his duties during combat.

Hiryama discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about enlisting into service and leaving the island of Kauai. Hariyama also discusses about going to and his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Wada discusses hearing about the death of his father after battling with leukemia, and then going from basic training to overseas. They would go from Camp Patrick Henry on a 30 day trek to Naples, where he would begin his combat. He talks about his…

Wada talks about volunteering for the Army, getting married before getting his notice to report to basic training. He would be inducted at Salt Lake City, feeling proud and more American in the process. He would head to Camp Shelby in Mississippi,…

Takao discusses volunteering for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and going to the mainland for basic training. Takao and five friends volunteer and only himself and a friend is selected. Takao is assign to Company C, First Battalion, Fourth Platoon…

Frank Matsuda hears the news the Army is accepting Japanese American volunteers. Frank signs up to volunteer and returns to camp to take his physical exam. He passes the physical exam and goes to Camp Shelby for basic training. Frank is a BAR man…

Mori continues his recollection of his basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and the preparation for the war. After that, he was sent back to Fort Snelling before being shipped out, and at that time also got married. Next, he would be shipped…

Mori begins the interview speaking of his parent's background, immigrating from Japan to Santa Barbara, California. While attending school, Mori took an interest in horticulture and would end up farming after his high school graduation and before the…

In this segment, Frank Kimura recaps the celebrations and holidays his family would participate in. He also shared his feelings about living in America and the meaning of being an American. Being an American citizen, Kimura decided to join the…

Ohta discusses his family, childhood, and growing on a plantation. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Ohta also discusses answering the call for volunteers, experiences at Camp Shelby, and early Italy.

Ohta begins the interview with an introduction and talking shortly about his family background, his parents being from Maui. Next, he talks about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii up until the Pearl Harbor attacks. After that, he would join the…

Uno discusses the loyalty questionnaire he was given while at Amache incarceration camp, talks about his mother's reaction to his military service, and discusses the induction process including having to get surgery before joining the Army. Next, Uno…

Nakashima discusses basic training and the cultural difference between Mainlanders and Islanders. He shares stories about dominance of power and resentment of authority at Camp Shelby. Before going overseas, Nakashima sees his Mother and receives a…

Higashino describes photographs shown on camera. He continues to talk about Japanese language school. He describes his cultural heritage. He discusses volunteering for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He talks about his journey to the Mainland and…

Ogawa discusses his family and his father's tofu business. He details about his education experiences, Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Ogawa also discusses joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Tamanaha continues to talk about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. He discusses why he enlisted and his journey to the Mainland. He describes discrimination at Camp Shelby and Hattiesburg, including racial discrimination against African Americans.…

Nishihara discusses about his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He details about furlough and leisure experiences. Nishihara also discusses his voyage overseas and his experiences in Italy.

Nakamura discusses about his family, experiences in camp, and the family pet. He details about his experiences at Fort Douglas. Nakamura also discusses at Camp Shelby.

Nakamura begins the interview talking about being born in America and quickly being moved to Japan as a child, where he would spend the next 8 years of his childhood. It was there that he would learn the culture of Japan and begin his elementary…

Yamasaki begins the interview talking about how his family came from Japan to Hawaii. As his parents were born in Hawaii, he was a sansei, and would speak very little Japanese at home. His father would help to get him into a private elite school,…

Edward Kanaya talks about his contract work. He talks about joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He describes the gambling on the ship that took him to the Mainland. He discusses his time at Schofield Barracks. He talks about his interactions…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls volunteering for the 442nd, his military training, and the racial discrimination he witnessed during his time in Hattiesbug. This part of the interview concludes with Ichiyama discussing when…

Tanaka discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. He details about enlisting into the service and his experiences in Mississippi and Camp Shelby. Tanaka also discusses his experiences traveling and his arriving overseas.

Tanaka discusses a submarine washing ashore and the formation of the 100th Infantry Battalion. He details about his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. Tanaka also tasks about heading overseas and his experiences in North Africa.

Growing up, Don Seki attended Japanese language school and took Kendo classes. He talks about how he used to walk around barefoot all the time in Hawaii. After volunteering to join the U.S. Army, he was shipped to Camp Shelby for basic training. He…

After completing basic training at Camp Blanding and Camp Shelby, Don goes overseas on the Queen Mary. Don describes traveling in France to join the 100th and 442nd at the holding line.

Don is in holding a position in France for four months. This…

Matsuda talks about his high school graduation. He talks about his life while living in Heart Mountain Concentration Camp. He discusses his voluntary enlistment. He describes his journey to Fort Logan. He talks about Fort Logan and Camp Shelby.…

Hamada discusses what it was like being a high school student. He also details what it was like being there and witnessing the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Hamada also discusses volunteering and his experiences and Camp Shelby.

Teraoka talks about going to Camp Shelby for basic training, explains the meaning of "katonk", and discusses D Company members. He then talks about traveling overseas to Italy, communicating with his family, and describes Naples. Next, Teraoka talks…

Kawagoye talks about his assignment at Fort Riley working with a butcher; discusses rations; and talks about his brothers' military service. He then talks about reporting to Camp Shelby and the formation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team; discusses…

Atagi discusses signing up for the Air Force and going to Biloxi for basic training, attending technical school for mechanics training, and his experiences being confined in barracks due to being Japanese. He then talks about going to Camp Shelby and…

Takekawa discusses getting kicked out of the Hawaii Territorial Guard and the formation of the Varsity Victory Volunteers. He then talks about incarceration camps in Hawaii, volunteering for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and traveling to the…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss being in basic training for almost a year before deployment overseas. Both men go to France and share their first time seeing action and…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss their experience leaving Hawaii and going to the Mainland. They arrive in Oakland, CA, and go to Mississippi. On the train ride to…

Clarence "Matt" Matsumoto discusses growing up, he isnot close with parents because out playing with friends. Matsumoto says his values and morals are learned by going to church every Sunday. In 1940, he graduates high school and goes to Community…

Keegan provides background details of how he was assigned to train the 442nd at Camp Shelby. He talks about his impressions of the facilities at Camp Shelby and working with Japanese Americans. He also provides anecdotal information of his First…

Keegan discusses his trajectory becoming a commissioned officer assigned to the 442nd. He shares his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack. He also talks about some of the hardships Nisei soldiers faced.

Choichi discusses his journey to the Mainland and his experiences at Camp McCoy. He details about going to the World Series and his experiences in Mississippi and Camp Shelby . Choichi also discusses how he spent his free and his friends.

Henry M. Hayashi discusses his time at Fort Sheridan and Camp Shelby before going overseas. Joe is also at Fort Sheridan and Camp Shelby with Henry. Henry grows up in Los Angeles, CA, where there is diversity, and everyone gets along. When Henry goes…

Chiye (Hayashi) Watanabe, Henry M. Hayashi, and Seiichi Nakawatase recall Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. When evacuation orders are announced, Chiye and her family plan to go to Arkansas. However, the government places travel restrictions. Chiye and…

Charles “Charley” Touoji Ijima goes to Schofield Barracks before going to the mainlands. He receives his basic training at Camp Shelby. He learns how to build different types of bridges and lay mines. At Camp Shelby, Charley describes his first time…

Saiki discusses the senninbari belt that his mother made for him as he was being inducted into the Army. He also talks about his time before the war, including Camp Shelby and meeting Earl Finch. Next, he talks about the values that he learned as a…

Saiki continues his conversation about being in Camp Shelby and they would be given the chance to take a furlough to the American concentration camps where he had cousins living. After that, he would be shipped out to Europe, joining up with the…

Saiki discusses more about his childhood years, including festivals where the local children would be able to try sumo wrestling and win prizes. He would attend Kauai High School and talks about his whereabouts during the Pearl Harbor attacks. His…

Ozaki talks more about what it was like to grow up in Florida, including the segregation that he saw, being in the South and how that compared to the segregation at Camp Shelby. Next, he talks about his assignment while in Italy, which was to guard…

Ozaki begins the interview with an introduction of his family background, his family coming from Wakayama prefecture in Japan and eventually settling in Eau Gallie, Florida. After this, he talks about his whereabouts when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor…

Oda discusses his time in Mississippi, doing his basic training with the 442nd Regiment. There he would marvel at the amount of pine trees and the humidity of the South and would see the color segregation that was evident in the South. He would…

Oda continues his recollection of his time with the 3 Year Swimming Club, in which they would get to travel throughout Hawaii and the United States for tournaments, and would be known as some of the best swimmers. It was thanks to this, that he would…
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