Arakaki talks about visiting Japan as a toddler and remembering how poor his family was while living there, often only having a slice of bread for lunch. The family would move back to Hawaii to escape that, and would have much more opportunity and…
Guy discusses his time in basic training at Camp Croft in South Carolina. He would learn how to use heavy machine guns and then be shipped overseas, first landing in Casablanca, playing card games and reading throughout the shipment. Once arrived in…
Julian Quayles' interview is combined with Ray Wells.
Julian Quayles joins the National Guards during his sophomore year in college. He is a part of Company B, 124th Infantry, 31st Division. Julian does his training at Camp Blanding. He…
Ray Wells's interview is combined with Julian Quayles
Julian Quayles joins the National Guards during his sophomore year in college. He is a part of Company B, 124th Infantry, 31st Division. Julian does his training at Camp Blanding. He describes…
Hoashi discusses his reasons for joining the Army, and the process of induction, getting assigned to a company and getting shipped over to Mississippi. While at Camp Shelby, he would experience segregation in the South while doing his basic training.…