In this video clip, Irving Akahoshi talks about his return to France to be with his unit after one of the sections was bombed. He talks a little about the Champagne Campaign, the Gothic Line and Po Valley Campaigns. He describes his homecoming and…
In this video clip, Irving Akahoshi talks about his family and about sharing his story with future generations. He goes on to describe the different medals that he was awarded, including the Distinguished Service Cross, the Italian Cross, and the…
Arao discusses about wounded, earning the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC), and the 442nd book. He details about his experiences in Italy and the bond amongst soldiers. Arao also discusses about the realities of war, returning home, and the progress…
In this segment, Takemoto discusses his experiences in battle at Bruyères and in the Vosges forest. He recounts the many fellow soldiers who were casualties or killed in action, as well as the young and old German soldiers that were captured or…
Tazoi continues about how he got wounded and the Lost Battalion. He details about his mindset towards combat and he experiences from The Vosages and Bruyeres. Tazoi also details about receiving the Distinguished Service Cross.
Sakato discusses surviving in combat. He details the Assault on Hill 617. He also discusses his experiences while being wounded. Sakato details about receiving the Distinguished Service Cross.
Sakato gives more details about Hill 617 and being upgraded to the Medal of Honor. Sakato discusses his life after leaving the army. He also discusses the aspect of discrimination.
Miyake discusses the meaning behind medals. He details about a few Medal of Honor recipients. Miyake also discusses about a few of his experiences in the military.
William Yoshito Thompson arrives in France and lands in Marseille. William's unit is the 2nd Battalion Head Quarters, which services the Rifle Company. In the Rifle Company, there is E Company, F Company, and G Company (the heavy weapons company).…
Hayashi recalls battles in Coli, Italy and Cassino, Italy. After taking medical leave, he arrived back to his company in time for the Anzio Campaign, where he soon received the Distinguished Service Cross. Hayashi concludes by discussing his memories…
Henry M. Hayashi discusses his time at Fort Sheridan and Camp Shelby before going overseas. Joe is also at Fort Sheridan and Camp Shelby with Henry. Henry grows up in Los Angeles, CA, where there is diversity, and everyone gets along. When Henry goes…
Chiye Hayashi Watanabe, Henry M. Hayashi, and Seiichi Nakawatase discuss the Medal of Honor and the process of getting Joe nominated. The process with the War Department takes several years until Joe is approved.
Mr. Kobashigawa describes his arrival in Italy and talks about the action he saw throughout the Anzio Campaign. Mr. Kobashigawa was wounded in battle several times and discusses how military hospitals functioned at the time. Near the end of the…
Mr. Kobashigawa describes a few battles he took part in including those in Belevedere and Cittavecchia. Throughout the video, Mr. Kobashigawa also mentions a few of the fellow soldiers he knew that were killed during battle. Other topics discussed…
In this brief concluding interview, Mr. Kobashigawa focuses on the actions that eventually led to him receiving the Medal of Honor and also gives his thoughts on his upgrade from the Distinguished Service Cross. He briefly discusses his family life…
Kim discusses the end of Cassino and receiving replacements. He details about his experiences at Anzio. Kim also discusses the events that led to him receiving the Distinguished Service Cross.
Kim finishes discussing the events that led to receiving the Distinguished Service Cross. He details about capturing the Lanuvio Pass. Kim also discusses the events after Rome.