Yamashita talks more about his time at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. There, he see segregation of races for the first time and talks about some of the experiences he had there. He also talks about meeting Earl Finch and how generous he was towards the…
Peterson discusses his experiences training new recruits and as a heavy weapons platoon leader; and describes the duties of H Company as well as the structure of the United States Army. He then talks about his participation in maneuvers; discusses…
Takiguchi discusses working in a sugar mill after high school, his desire to travel after the war, and his experiences after basic training in Honolulu including describing a close call with a Japanese submarine. He then talks about his experiences…
Tateishi talks about his shipment from Hawaii to the mainland, where he would land in San Francisco and head to Wisconsin, and then Camp Shelby for his basic training. Next, he talks about his shipment to Oran in Africa, passing the time with fellow…
Yamanaka talks about traveling overseas, landing in Oran, Africa; and then going to Italy. Next, Yamanaka talks about his first days in battle, discusses his combat medic and litter bearer duties and experiences; and talks about getting injured in…
Nakamura discusses his experiences at Camp McCoy, including making a skating rink, and then describes going to basic training at Camp Shelby; and what the weather and scenery was like, as well as his relationships with commanding officers and the…
Nagaki talks about his duties as part of D Company, life at Camp Shelby including going into town, and his experiences witnessing segregation in Mississippi. He then talks about traveling overseas and landing in Oran, and then going to Naples. Next,…
Nishimoto talks more about his time at Camp Shelby for his basic training, including the mental and physical challenges and the inner spirit that made the Nisei soldiers so balanced. He also talks about the responsibilities of being a sergeant and…
After arriving at Camp McCoy, Takashige would be chosen to be part of a secret experiment at Cat Island in Mississippi. The Army was testing and training dogs to track down Japanese soldiers and would use Japanese Americans to help train the dogs and…
Takashige continues talking about his first day in combat in Salerno, he would immediately be hit with a tree burst that would embed multiple pieces of shrapnel into his back, wounding him and necessitating medical attention. He would rejoin B…
Hamasu discusses his role and duties as staff sergeant in F Company, leaving Hawaii and being assigned to the 100th Infantry Battalion, and what it was like traveling to the Mainland and going to Wisconsin for basic training at Camp McCoy. Hamasu…
Hamasaki begins by giving a background of his family, as well as a sense of what it was like growing up in Maui. Next, he talks about the Pearl Harbor attacks and the effects that it had on the community, the ministers and the Japanese language…
Matsumoto discusses his experiences prior to shipping out to Europe; talks about traveling from Hawaii to the mainland, and from Virginia to Oran; and talks about his experiences at Camp Shelby including his assignment with the mortars. He then talks…
After graduating from high school, Shintani joined the Army, going to basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. It was here that he saw firsthand, the segregation throughout the South. At the same time, he would see fighting between Hawaiian and…
Matsunaga talks about his time overseas and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. At the outset of the regiment, there were many differences between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers which were put aside after Earl Finch took the Hawaiian soldiers to…
Fukunaga discusses traveling from Hawaii to the mainland to go to Camp Shelby for basic training. He then talks about some of his duties during basic training, and his interactions with other soldiers. Next, Fukunaga retells stories he heard…
Ida talks more about his experiences at Camp Shelby, eating fried chicken and catfish at the local restaurants. Shortly after, they would be sent overseas in a convoy, first landing in Oran before arriving in Naples. They would head up to…
Satow talks about his combat experiences in Italy and Hill 140; and his job assignment in his company. He also talks about the voyage overseas and downtime on the front line of battle. He shares anecdotes regarding: a friend KIA, relations with…
Kondo discusses his experience in the European Theater of World War 2. He describes what crossing the Atlantic was like, and later what hiking the mountains in Europe was like. He describes his first two battle experiences. He also shares anecdotes…
Taba continues with his time after he had joined the Army. After taking a train to Mississippi, he would begin his basic training at Camp Shelby, learning to be an assistant machine gunner. While there, he would join the 100th Infantry Battalion and…
Stanley goes in depth on the training that was received prior to going to Europe. The training began in Mississippi, where Hawaiians and mainland soldiers were first introduced to one another, resulting in slight attitude from both sides. Serikaku…
Hagiwara discusses his shipment overseas, taking a U-boat through the Strait of Gibraltar and ending in Oran. There, they would train some more and prepare to join the rest of the men in Italy. He also talks a bit about various members of his unit…
Following the American concentration camps in Idaho, Tochihara would volunteer for the Army, wanting to fight for the country he was born and raised in. After a 30 day furlough, he would begin his basic training at Camp Shelby as a replacement for…
Julian Quayles' interview is combined with Ray Wells.
Julian Quayles joins the National Guards during his sophomore year in college. He is a part of Company B, 124th Infantry, 31st Division. Julian does his training at Camp Blanding. He…
Ray Wells's interview is combined with Julian Quayles
Julian Quayles joins the National Guards during his sophomore year in college. He is a part of Company B, 124th Infantry, 31st Division. Julian does his training at Camp Blanding. He describes…
Seiso Kamishita describes finding German soldiers and about his court-martial case. He recalls the landing in Oran, Africa, and facing combat with F Combat for the very first time at the river crossing of the Volturno River. He describes his…