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In this video clip, Mas Takahasha talks about his childhood growing up in a Salvation Army Orphanage Home in San Francisco after his mother died. He describes his travels around Europe while on pass during the war. He talks about meeting his wife,…

Ikeguchi discusses the work done by the Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) and double agents; talks about his assignment during the Vietnam War; and discusses attending Counter-insurgency school and Vietnamese language school. He then talks about…

Murakami talks about his relationships with his grandchildren. He also discusses his relationships with Hawaiian soldiers during World War Two. He shares his thoughts on wars after World War Two.

Yokooji talks about rejoining the Army reserves in the civil affairs division; discusses his experiences during the Vietnam War including his assistance with Army war plans in Thailand; and provides some thoughts regarding his military service.…

James Iso recalls his duties in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and about his experiences working for the government after completing his military career. At the end of the interview, Iso shares some memorabilia from his military service.

Steidl discusses how his family, of Czech/German heritage, had to evacuate Czechoslovakia due to World War 2. He talks about his German father political prisoner during the war and his family background pre-World War 2. He also discusses how he…

Steidl discusses about his experiences in the Vietnam War and his life after military service. He details about being acquainted with Japanese culture and writing his book. Steidl also discusses about his interactions with Nisei veterans.

Steidl discusses his ideas of the negativity of Fascism and the challenges of preventing Fascist regimes from gaining power. He also discusses the atrocities of war and gives some specific examples from WWII through the Iraq war. He discusses his…

Gustafson discusses joining the American Graves Registration Committee looking for missing in action soldiers. He details about his experiences during the Vietnam War. Gastafson discusses about his post-military life and employment.

Turner talks about his time after high school, attending West Point with the referral of a military delegate. After this, he talks about speaking with his father when he came back from the war and the advice that he gave him, that he would have a…

Turner talks about the Korean War and the intervention and combat with the Chinese in Ursan, where they sustained heavy casualties along the 38th Parallel. After this, he talks about his war experiences in Vietnam, going in helicopters and…

Mitsugi Kasai continues his military service after World War II, participating in military activities in the Korean War and the Vietnam War

Taketomo talks about his wartime experiences. He reflects on how his children opinions differ from those of his generation. He gives his final thoughts and he describes photographs that are captured on video.

Yuki discusses his son who died in the Vietnam War. He details about his children and grandchildren. Yuki also discusses about his life retirement and gives a message to future generations.

Miyake discusses his life after his military service, and after his completion of Northwestern University. He worked in Law and Accounting, then held a political office. In addition, Miyake talks about Hawaii's transition from U.S. territory to U.S.…

Paul Takao Bannai recalls meeting Ken Nakaoka and working in real estate in Gardena. Ken is active in the community and runs for city council, and Paul himself becomes active. Paul's political career starts when he is the Planning Commissioner. Later…

Katayama talks about the end of World War 2 and his recollections of participating on the Gothic Line. He talks about his military career and participation in the Korean and Vietnam wars. He provides anecdotes regarding: guarding German POWs;…

At Camp Shelby, Robert Sugimoto learns he is AWOL because there are no traveling orders. He tries to visit his family at Poston. However, Poston is under the Western Defense Command. Although Robert is in Army, he is not allowed to go.


Shima continues his recollection of joining the 442nd Regiment in Europe after V-E day. He would become involved with the public relations team and be chosen for temporary duty. He would head to New York to hand out public relations papers to…

Miyamoto discusses going undercover to gather information during the occupation of Japan. Miyamoto recalls the Korean War and three regrets. Miyamoto discusses his post-war life and shows his achievement medals from his service in three wars.
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