Charles “Charley” Touoji Ijima goes to Schofield Barracks before going to the mainlands. He receives his basic training at Camp Shelby. He learns how to build different types of bridges and lay mines. At Camp Shelby, Charley describes his first time…
In Iowa, Dan Uchimoto receives a draft notice from the Army and leaves Loras College. Dan's parents leave camp voluntarily and resettle in the East. However, some people stay in camp until World War Two ends. A family friend tells Dan's parents about…
George Mitsuru Matsunaga was born on May 28, 1925, in Wailuku, Maui. George had many positive influences that shaped him during his informal educational years. At home, his parents taught him filial piety and to study hard. In English school and…
In the fall of 1941, before the Pearl Harbor attack, Ko Stanley Sameshima, is a student at Cal Tech University. Ko is doing well in his academic studies and is on the Varsity Cross Country Team. In Ko's spare time, he attends social school functions.…
Kubota discusses harvesting pineapples and working at a bakery after high school graduation. On December 7, 1941 Kubota is teaching Sunday School when Pearl Harbor is bombed. He recalls the black armbands and combat troop recruitment. Kubota passes…
Tahara discusses his father's incarceration at Sand Island and the living conditions that he had to deal with there. Next, he talks about his induction into the Army and the processes of getting uniforms and equipment at Schofield Barracks. Following…
Kawakami begins the interview speaking about how he got the nickname "Joe" and his family background as his father was from Kumamoto and his mother was born in Hilo. He would attend school and grow up playing a lot of sports until the Pearl Harbor…
Thomas Ukichi Wozumi discusses basic training and going to the Mainland to McCoy and Camp Shelby. Thomas changes from the regular Army to the 100th Battalion. There are differences between the Mainland soldiers and the Hawaiian soldiers. However,…