Katagiri discusses communicating using Hawaiian slang [pidgin] for codes; and talks about the messages that were being sent and received. He then talks about some of his duties with the communications section, getting wounded, and his assignment…
Nakasone talks about the reactions to the Japanese attacking the Americans at Pearl Harbor and the effect that it had on his family. His parents understood that they would be seen as enemy aliens after the attacks but also understood that their…
Inami talks about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, getting discharged, and going back to college post-war. He then talks about receiving a commission for signal corps and getting recalled into the Korean War, as well as his duties during the Korean…
Wada discusses hearing about the death of his father after battling with leukemia, and then going from basic training to overseas. They would go from Camp Patrick Henry on a 30 day trek to Naples, where he would begin his combat. He talks about his…
Fujimoto continues his recollection of his time in occupied Japan, working as an interpreter. After coming back from his tour of Japan with the Colonel, he would work at the Dai-Ichi Hotel at the front desk, interpreting and watching for signs of…
Shishido continues his recollection of his time in occupied Japan, interpreting for the war crimes trials in Tokyo. He discusses the intricacies of the interpreting process, including body language and understanding various dialects and meanings.…
Tanaka discusses his time at Poston concentration camp in Arizona. He would work outside of the camp, but when the loyalty questions came about, he would end up answering no, yes and getting drafted into the Army. He was attending art school in…
Tanaka talks about his cousins that were living in Japan during the war and the communications he had with them. Next, he talks about the route to joining the 442nd in Nice. After this, they would march forward to begin a surprise attack on the…
Hinatsu discusses the regimental structure of the Headquarters company and communications platoon. While at Camp Shelby, he would begin his work in the cadre, teaching discipline to the new Army recruits. He talks about the Hawaiian soldiers and…
Ken Tamura severes in the 442nd Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Company L.
He is born in Okmulgee, OK on March 27, 1923. His parents are from Japan, and he has three sisters and a brother. Ken grows up in an isolated area on a farm.
Kiyoji Morimoto discusses his birth date, birthplace and familial description. Morimoto's father is from Japan and becomes a commercial fisherman in Hilo, Hawaii. Morimoto's Father is a happy go lucky guy. His occupation requires him to work on the…
After arriving in Germany, Sakamoto would begin his time with occupational forces, where he would end up going to clerical school, being a typist in Heidelberg. After this, he talks about meeting his wife, while working as a typist. They would court…
Kawagoye discusses the experiences of the Japanese Americans throughout the war and how their legacy would be instrumental for future generations. He finishes with a message for future generations.
Muranaka goes through his work in the Army after the end of World War Two, where he served in the Korean War. Next, he discusses the importance of Nisei soldiers during the occupation of Japan, and how big of an impact communication is in order to…
Moteki discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his experiences Gila River Concentration Camp and his experiences in post-war Korea. Moteki also discusses about communication with his family and his post-war life.
Matsukawa talks about his family background, including his mother and father coming over from Niigata prefecture in Japan. As the terrain of Utah was very similar to Niigata, the family would end up settling there. Next, he talks about the…
Sumio Frank Shimada shares his experience with the Hawaiian soldiers at Camp Shelby. Frank had a good experience with them and learned how to speak pidgin.
At Camp Shelby, the summer was hot, and the winter was cold. The winter was chiller,…
Kagawa talks about a pre-invasion Air Force bombing; and discusses joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in Bruyeres and his company's experiences assisting in the Lost Battalion rescue. He then talks about his duties in communications operating…