Akita describes his basic training experiences and joining the 100th Infantry Battalion. He talks about his basic training photograph. He discusses his journey to North Africa and landing in Casablanca. Akita explains how people responded to Japanese…
Ichiuji talks about being shipped overseas, first going to Newport News before going on a 28 day convoy to Italy. When arriving in Italy, he would immediately notice the destruction of Naples, and would then move up to Bagnoli, where they would be…
Ida talks more about his experiences at Camp Shelby, eating fried chicken and catfish at the local restaurants. Shortly after, they would be sent overseas in a convoy, first landing in Oran before arriving in Naples. They would head up to…
Ikari continues talking about his basic training at Camp Shelby, joining E Company and preparing for their shipment overseas. They would ship out from Newport News aboard a liberty ship, gambling, playing cards and listening to music throughout the…
Yoroku's family has feelings of loyalty and patriotism to America. For the nation and the country, Yoroku volunteers for the Army. Yoroku is stationed at Schofield Barracks for a short time before leaving for the mainland for basic training at Camp…
Kimura would graduate from high school at the young age of 16 and would move out on his own to Waimea in Kauai. He would continue playing baseball and football, but would also work as a carpenter. Next, while practicing for an upcoming baseball game,…
Kuida discusses his path following the family's move to Utah. As his sister was sick, his family ended up moving closer to Salt Lake City, where Kuida would start attending classes at the University of Utah. After about a year at the university, he…
From Fort Meade, Leo Morishita goes to Newport Dunes, Virginia, for additional training and his final medical shots. Leo boards the USS West Point and goes overseas. The voyage takes 24 days, and Leo describes the daily routine on the ship before…
Kenichi and Kiyoshi Muranaga leave Amache to work on a sugar beet farm. Kenichi describes their living accommodations and their duties at the farm. Their father also has a job but he works in the mess hall at Amache.
Ken Nihei was a 16 years old high school student when he went to Topaz, Utah. The perimeter was open at camp, and there were no barb wires yet. Life was different at Topaz.
Ken received his draft letter to report to Fort Douglas when he was 18…
Overseas, every two months Ken's company moved to a different area.
Ken's first battle was on Mount Fogarito. In the Headquarters Platoon, Ken did various assignments. One job was to be a litter-bearer and carry the wounded soldiers off the…
Nishimoto talks more about his time at Camp Shelby for his basic training, including the mental and physical challenges and the inner spirit that made the Nisei soldiers so balanced. He also talks about the responsibilities of being a sergeant and…
Ohta begins the interview with an introduction and talking shortly about his family background, his parents being from Maui. Next, he talks about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii up until the Pearl Harbor attacks. After that, he would join the…
Oura discusses more about the discrimination he saw while in Mississippi and the struggles between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers. He also talks about his captain that made a big difference in training them and readying them for battle. He and…
Julian Quayles' interview is combined with Ray Wells.
Julian Quayles discusses what happens after he escapes from the German soldiers. Julian with another Officer, finds shelter on an Italian civilian's property until they can rejoin the American…
Seichi Sakaida discusses his leaders and squad members. He is in basic training for almost a year before deployment overseas. He lands in Naples, Italy. Seichi is in K Company and the mortar pool unit. His duty is to support the infantrymen.…
Sato begins this portion of the interview by looking through a couple of pictures, and then speaks about his shipment overseas, which took around 11 days in a convoy. When arriving in France, the weather would be cold, having snow on the ground and…
Shiosaki begins the interview giving an introduction of himself and his family and how they came from Japan and ended up in Idaho. His father would work on the railroads and the family would live in railroad housing in Fort Hall and in Blackfoot. He…
Taba continues with his time after he had joined the Army. After taking a train to Mississippi, he would begin his basic training at Camp Shelby, learning to be an assistant machine gunner. While there, he would join the 100th Infantry Battalion and…
Ken Tamura discusses camp life and waiting to leave. His first opportunity to leave Heart Mountain is to work on a sugar beet farm. Another time Ken receives a sponsor to go to Chicago. In Chicago, Ken gets a job at the Chicago Bar Association.…
Tanaka discusses his time at Poston concentration camp in Arizona. He would work outside of the camp, but when the loyalty questions came about, he would end up answering no, yes and getting drafted into the Army. He was attending art school in…
Following the American concentration camps in Idaho, Tochihara would volunteer for the Army, wanting to fight for the country he was born and raised in. After a 30 day furlough, he would begin his basic training at Camp Shelby as a replacement for…
Tsuda talks about facing discrimination after the war and not being served at a gas station. He would go on to volunteer with the Army, get inducted at Fort Douglas and began basic training at Camp Shelby. There, he would join up with E company and…
Tsuda discusses his family religion and the untimely death of his father while he was away in Kahuku. He also talks about his brother that was already in the 100th infantry and his progressions to get there. After this, he talks about his journey to…
While in Bruyeres, Tsuji would be wounded in action and talks about the intricacies of that. He also talks about his time in Marseille and being able to take a pass to explore the local shops and find that the black market was alive and well. He…
Turner talks about his time after high school, attending West Point with the referral of a military delegate. After this, he talks about speaking with his father when he came back from the war and the advice that he gave him, that he would have a…
Ray Wells's interview is combined with Julian Quayles
Julian Quayles discusses what happens after he escapes from the German soldiers. Julian with another Officer, finds shelter on an Italian civilian's property until they can rejoin the American…
Yamate talks about his family's forced removal. He talks about his brief stint in medical school. He discusses his visits with his family while they were in Amache Concentration Camp. He describes his family's life in Colorado. Yamate talks about…
Yasukochi talks about his time at UC Davis, studying botany as he educated himself for a future in plant breeding. After this, he talks about his shipment to Italy, taking 35 days as the convoy zig zagged across the ocean. Next, he talks about his…