In this video clip, Ken Akune goes into detail about his experience during the Occupation of Japan. He talks about being reunited with his family, what type of service he provided, and describes the devastation that he saw within the city.
Kazuo Yamaguchi describes his job working at GHQ (General MacArthur Headquarters) in Tokyo. While on one of his errands at the Tsukiji Fish Market, he helped resolve a miscommunication between an American GI and a Japanese laborer. The Japanese…
Frank Mizufuka was assigned to F Company within the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. F Company, along with L Company, were a part of the O'Connor Task Force, which carried out secret missions during the Battle of Bruyeres. He describes the journey…
Saisho begins the interview speaking about his family background and how his father came over to the United States to attend school, and found his mother while working on a farm. He would grow up in various places in California until the attacks on…
Kimura discusses his brothers that were also serving in the Army, one of which would be wounded at the Lost Battalion campaign. He also talks about correspondence with his family and what it was like to be on the front lines. He talks more about his…
Hayashi continues his recollection of interpreting assignments in Manila, working at the War Crimes Trials. After this, he was discharged from the Army so that he could continue his college education, but decided to travel the East Coast first. He…
Following the end of the war, Sakamoto would get out of the camp and head back to Los Angeles, where he would get a place with his brother in Bunker Hill and start working at Columbia Records, manning the hydraulic press to make the plastic records.…
Ichiuji talks about being shipped overseas, first going to Newport News before going on a 28 day convoy to Italy. When arriving in Italy, he would immediately notice the destruction of Naples, and would then move up to Bagnoli, where they would be…
Hashisaka talks about his assignment in the Philippines with the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section, capturing documents and translating them. He talks about one of the diaries that he has and the contents of it. He also talks about the…
Umeda continues to talk about his language training at Fort Snelling with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), talking about the living conditions of the barracks and being classified as a translator. After this, he would be sent overseas, first…
Uchida and Kinoshita discuss their time in Japan and seeing the devastation of Hiroshima and the occupation of Japan. They talk about their experiences talking with civilians and seeing the black market. Next, they talk about their life after…
Ito continues his reactions to the atomic bomb and the devastation of Japan during the war. Next, he speaks more on the war crimes trials that he was involved with, including cases that dealt with vivisection. While in occupied Japan, he was able to…
Nakamura talks about his finishing with Japanese language courses in Monterey and his quick furlough in Hawaii to spend some time with his family and prepare to go overseas. He would head overseas, stopping in multiple countries en route to Yokohama.…
While Matsui was at Camp Savage instructing classes, his uncle would be at Minidoka Concentration Camp, where the living conditions were very poor. He talks about how he met his wife and his outlook on the war while at Camp Savage. Shortly after, he…
Kodama continues his recollection of his time visiting family in Hiroshima and seeing the devastation of the city a year after the atomic bomb had been dropped. Shortly after this, he had the chance to re-enlist in the Army as a 2nd lieutenant but…
Ishimoto begins the interview talking about his whereabouts when he first heard of the surrender of Japan. At this time, he was already beginning preparations to move into Japan for scheduled invasions, and therefore, when shipped to Japan, he would…
George Mitsuru Matsunaga completed training at Camp Ritchie CIC School. In 1945, he went overseas for occupation and was part of the 187th paratroopers. Briefly, George had guard duty at Camp Kuwae. Later he went to Morioka and worked for the CIC.…
Kosaki begins the interview speaking about his childhood and schooling in Hawaii, attending Japanese language school in Waikiki. Next, he jumps into his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor. After spending some time at the University of…
Kosaki continues his discussion on his time in occupied Japan. He speaks about how he was able to travel through different areas of Japan, such Hiroshima and Kochi, where he had family. Next, he talks about his other assignments and duties which were…
Aki continues to talk about his experiences as a prisoner of war while in Japan. Towards the end of the war, he noticed that a lot of weird things were happening with the Japanese Army guards and that the POWs were taken out of work. He overheard…
After joining the Air Force, Aki would ask to be sent to occupied Japan, instead of having to serve in the Korean War. He talks about coming into Japan for the first time since his time as a prisoner of war, and comparing the destruction he saw when…
During the occupation of Japan, Paul Ichiuji worked for the CIC to gather information. Paul got information from the butokai and couriers. Although Paul’s Japanese was not that proficient, he knew important words to communicate with the butokai.…
James Murata took the situation of the war in stride. He did his duty as an American citizen and served in the Army. James attended MIS language school and was proud of what he was doing.
He described the living conditions in a five-man hut. On…
Sato talks about his health and the surgery that he had and the emotions that he has had because of it, which is much different than the Japanese culture he grew up knowing. Next, he talks about being drafted into the Army and being sent to…
Sato continues his recollection of being an interpreter and interrogator in the Philippines. When arriving there, he would immediately notice the devastation and flatness that the war had caused. He talks about the children there seeing Japanese…
Kaneshiro begins the interview talking about his whereabouts when Japan surrendered. As he was already on a ship heading to Manila with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), he would go to the Philippines first, then head to Tokyo. Once he…
Fujikawa talks about his time training at Fort Snelling, studying Japanese language with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He briefly talks about his marriage background, his wife moving to Minnesota while he was at Fort Snelling. After this,…
Kubo continues talking about his experiences in the Pacific Theater, including making sukiyaki in Luzon using meat and K rations. Shortly after, the end of the war would occur and his team would be moved to Fukuoka in Japan. There, he would be able…
Fukuhara would finish up his assignments in Japan, working in Kumamoto and befriending the Yakuza. However, before heading back home, he decided to go AWOL and see other parts of Japan while he was there. He would end up seeing his father and…
Shima begins the interview with an introduction and his family background, coming from Okinawa and moving to the Hawaiian islands. He speaks about growing up in Hawaii and the home that he grew up in. Next, he talks about Pearl Harbor and the after…
Iso discusses how he ended up in Japan during military occupation and what he did while he was there. He also details about the starvation and devastation he witnessed in Japan. Iso discusses what it was like interacting with the Japanese people.
Yamada begins the interview with an introduction on where he was during the surrender of Japan during the war. He would be part of the occupation forces in Japan, specializing on translating documents that would be used in the War crimes trials. He…
Oishi continues his recollection of his time arriving in Japan during the military occupation. He would arrive in Yokosuka and head to Camp Zama, where he would see the devastation of Tokyo and the conditions for the Japanese civilians. Next, he…
Okusa begins the interview speaking about his time living in Japan as a child. He would attend middle school and high school before going back to the United States. Next, he talks about the end of the war and going to the occupied Japan to begin work…
George Suzuki was born on April 6, 1922, in Astoria, OR. He went to Fort Snelling for Military Intelligence Service Language School. n May 1945, he completed training and was assigned to the Philippines for guard duty. When Japan surrendered in…
Araki continues his recollection of his time after being drafted into the Army and having an assignment in Hawaii, guarding Italian prisoners of war. Next, he discusses the Japanese language and the importance of the characters that are used. He…