Turner talks more about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, and the formation of a provisional Battalion, that would end up being the 100th Infantry Battalion. He talks about the various local leaders, competing to be the commander of the 100th and his…
Turner talks about his time after high school, attending West Point with the referral of a military delegate. After this, he talks about speaking with his father when he came back from the war and the advice that he gave him, that he would have a…
Turner talks about the Korean War and the intervention and combat with the Chinese in Ursan, where they sustained heavy casualties along the 38th Parallel. After this, he talks about his war experiences in Vietnam, going in helicopters and…
Turner talks about the 100th club and his involvement with the veterans. After this, he talks about his father's perspective of the 100th Infantry Battalion and how it was the most important part of his life. Next, he gives a message for future…
Mr. Saiki discusses helping his father be reunited with the rest of the family at Rohwer. Mr. Saiki was able to the leave the internment camp, and traveled to Chicago where he got a job working as a foreman in a bomb factory and helped establish…
Moto discusses about his neighborhood and the values he was taught. He details about his childhood, schooling, and growing up. Moto also discusses about his father and college.
Moto discusses about his father [Karou Moto] being upgraded to the Medal of Honor posthumously and the ceremonies surrounding it. He details about the Nisei. Moto also discusses about Japanese Americans and reads his father's Medal of Honor citation.
Takekawa talks about his father and his various occupations, and discusses his mother, siblings, and growing up in Hawaii. He also talks about some of the recreational activities and games he played as a child, friendships, and discusses attending…
Okubo discusses about his family background and parent's life. He details about Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp monument and outreach program. He details about how the monument came to be and their future plans for the monument.
Yamashita discusses his father's military service. He details about Hawaiian identity and The Torpedo Gang. Yamahita also discusses about what his father's service meant, how the sansei benefitted from the Nisei, and the meaning of citizenship.
George Aratani begins the interview by detailing his father's vocation in Japan, and then his immigration to the United States where he starts businesses in agriculture. Next, he discusses his mother, and his parents sending him to Japan to learn…
Riess discusses more about his father's background, including the legacy that he left in both Greece and the then Czechoslavakia. On trips back to those YMCA's, his father is still remembered by those that were there when it was first built. Next, he…
Sakaji discusses growing up in California in a farming community; and talks about his father’s personality, physical traits, and employment. He then talks about his childhood home, siblings, religion, and discusses his mother. Next, Sakaji talks…
Yoshitake talks about his parents including his father's business, discusses growing up in east Los Angeles, and talks about the differences between Issei and Nisei. He then talks about his childhood including experiences with discrimination, high…
Horikawa discusses his father's life in Japan; his parents marriage; and his father's employment at a hardware store and as an inventor. He then talks about some of the inventions his father created; discusses his family's religion and attending…
Hiromi Suehiro begins the interview talking about his family and how they immigrated to Hawaii. His father, coming from Japan, ended up fighting in World War I for the United States, while his mother was born in Hawaii. While growing up, he would…
Matsuda discusses his father, childhood vacations and mushroom hunting. He details the aftermath of Pearl Harbor and his experiences with forced removal. Matsuda also shares his experiences at Salinas Temporary Detention Center and Poston…
Kikuchi discusses his father including talking about his immigration to the United States, employment, and experiences in college. He then talks about attending Japanese language school, attending high school, growing up in Los Angeles, playing…
Kawakami discusses his family and childhood. He details meeting an uncle in Japan and his experiences during the Great Depression. Kawakami also discusses his experiences with prejudice.
Ikeguchi discusses his experiences during his tour in China; talks about weapons he carried; and discusses the end of the war and returning home to California. He then talks about going back to college to finish his degree; discusses his brother's…
Ikeguchi discusses how he located his father who was living in Japan; talks about visiting his relatives in Japan; and discusses his duties while assisting the Osaka police with the black market. He then talks about his assignment in Yokohama;…
Kurata discusses his whereabouts during Japan's surrender; his father's immigration to the United States and employment at a sugar cane plantation; and discusses some of his thoughts regarding Japanese civilians prior to his assignment in Japan. He…
Hayakawa talks about his father’s reasons for going to Japan and Manchuria; discusses his childhood trip to Japan; talks about his post-high school employment working at a coal mine; and talks about his life after Executive Order 9066. Next, Hayakawa…
Akune begins with describing his childhood and family. He moved to Japan at the age of ten, after his mother passed away. When he turned fifteen, he returned to the United States to help his father.
Namba talks about his family's forced removal including discussing the items he was allowed to take and what he had to leave behind. He then talks about some of his family's items that were lost after his father returned from incarceration camp; and…
Miyahara discusses the change of Japan during the occupation, including manufacturing quality items that turned into a big part of their future economy. As a welfare officer and member of occupational forces, Miyahara helped in the recovery of Japan.…
Miyahara discusses the executive order 9066 and the procedure for getting married to a woman from Japan. Next, he speaks about the intricacies of kendo, including the senseis that had big influence on him and the specific techniques needed to prevent…
Kanda discusses his father including talking about his employment in railway systems both in Japan and the United States, as well as his father's automobile garage. He then talks about his mother; his childhood home; neighborhood growing up;…
In the second part of his interview, Mr. Jack Hirose describes more about playing football with Mickey Rooney. He also recalls memories of eating together with his family, and making projects for wood shop class in high school. In addition, he…
Mr. Jack Hirose describes the interaction between himself and his parents, and the lessons and values he learned from them. He recalls memories from going to school, working with Glenn Ford, his family's visit to Japan as a child, as well as his…
In this segment, Matsuji Sakumoto begins by introducing himself and proceeds to describe his childhood home in Hawaii. He also discusses a variety of other topics, including school, his family, and different activities he participated in as a child.…
Peter Nakahara recalls his time training for the Military Intelligence Unit at Camp Savage, Minnesota. He also goes into details about the circumstances and whereabouts of his family while he was in training. Finally, he discusses more of his…
Tsuda discusses his family religion and the untimely death of his father while he was away in Kahuku. He also talks about his brother that was already in the 100th infantry and his progressions to get there. After this, he talks about his journey to…
Takashige continues to talk about working during the Great Depression. Following the pineapple cannery, he would find a job as an elevator boy at Royal Hawaiian Hotel, eventually moving up to a position of bar boy. While working there, he would be…
Nishijima discusses his father; his grandfather's immigration; his father's employment; and the reasons why his father returned to the United States. He then talks about his father and grandmother's personalities and physical traits; discusses his…
In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa talks about visiting his father's family in Japan. During his time in Japan, he also traveled to Manchuria and Korea because his brother-in-law worked for the Japanese railroad company. His father came to America…
Rudy Tokiwa talks about growing up on a farm in Salinas, California. When he was in high school, he moved to Japan and traveled to Manchuria and Korea. He describes what it was like living in Japan and how his fellow Japanese students treated him --…
Rudy Tokiwa talks about his father, who immigrated to America from Japan. He was highly educated for an immigrant, and was known to give advice to other Japanese immigrants in America. Rudy also talks about his mother, who was brought over to the…
Fujimoto talks about growing up in Los Angeles and describes his neighborhood. He then talks about his father's life in Japan and immigration to the United States; and his father's various jobs including his nursery business. Lastly, Fujimoto talks…
Matsukawa talks about his family background, including his mother and father coming over from Niigata prefecture in Japan. As the terrain of Utah was very similar to Niigata, the family would end up settling there. Next, he talks about the…
In this video clip, Sho Nomura describes his childhood growing up in Sierra Madre. He talks about his Issei parents and about attending Japanese language school. He talks about his sister, who had been sent to Japan to live with their grandparents,…
Oye discusses the music and dance that she was involved with, traveling all the way down to Long Beach to perform. Next, she talks about her childhood home and the various things she was involved with as a kid, which included such things as skating,…
Ito recalls what his life was like after the attack on Pearl Harbor. His family was relocated to Stockton Concentration Camp, while he was assigned to fix trucks for the artillery battalion. Instead of following his mother's request to stay away from…
Kawahara discusses his father and home life. He details his childhood, hobbies, and life during the Great Depression. Kawahara also discusses his high school years and more about aviation.
Takano discusses his father's personality and physical traits; talks about his father's knowledge of the English language; and discusses values he learned form his parents. He then talks about fishing with his father; his favorite memories of his…
Kagawa talks about growing up in Japan until he was nine; his father's employment; and his childhood in Hawaii including discussing recreational activities and attending Japanese language school. He then talks about attending high school and his…
Hiraoka discusses about his family and their history. He discusses about farming and his education. Hiraoka also discusses about different aspects of his childhood, including friends, playing sports, neighbors.
Yoshio Nakamura begins the interview with his family's background, how the family adapted to life without a mother, and the family's farming business. Next, he describes his elementary and high school experiences and activities. Lastly, he recounts…
Yoshio Nakamura recounts the experiences of evacuation to the Tulare Temporary Detention Facility. Next, he describes the transfer from Tulare to the Gila River Concentration Camp. Lastly, he discusses his father's difficulty living in the camps,…