Ouchi gives a description of the members of his family from his children to his grandchildren and their accomplishments. He also gives a brief background into his father's life, which includes a lineage as a shogun in Fukuoka, Japan and the duties of…
Kim Ida Surh begins by discussing her background and her family's background, including her family's time in Mexico, California, and Arizona. She also recounts some memorable childhood stories of her antics with her Uncle Bob before proceeding to…
During this interview, Kim Ida Surh touches on some personal, emotional memories. She first discusses the pain of her Sunday school teacher excluding her brother and her from a party and the effect it had on her emotionally as she grew up. Later,…
Surh begins by describing her friend Nish, a Japanese American. She recalls going to Jerome in Arkansas to visit Nish and her family while they were imprisoned in camp. She also describes the poor conditions that Nish and her family lived in while at…
Surh begins the interview by discussing her visit to Jerome to see her best friend Nish and her family. She expresses confusion and disappointment at the fact that the U.S. government would incarcerate its own citizens. Surh also talks about the…
Surh begins by expressing her appreciation for army medics, since she served as an Army Nurse. She also briefly talks about her and her husband (at that time), Young Kim, deciding to not share their war experiences with one another. Surh moves on to…
Masako "Mary" Yamada was a United States Army Nurse during World War II. She was born in Belvedere, California, but moved to New York City during her youth, where she attended nursing school and volunteered to be a US Army Nurse. She describes her…
Kishiue displays photographs of himself in military uniform while at Schofield Barracks and Makin Island. He also shows photographs of personnel from a civilian camp in Saipan. There is also a display of medals he earned from the Military.
Aki continues to talk about his experiences as a prisoner of war while in Japan. Towards the end of the war, he noticed that a lot of weird things were happening with the Japanese Army guards and that the POWs were taken out of work. He overheard…
Oshiro finishes up the interview with a few experiences he had while living in occupied Japan. He talks about a nurse that committed suicide, a Soviet prisoner-of-war they found dead, and climbing Mt.Fuji during a fog. He also talks about traveling…
In this video clip, Toshiko Hattori talks about living a healthy lifestyle, sharing her life experiences with her family, and about her visits to Japan. She talks about how many people do not know about Japanese American women's contribution to the…