Izui begins by continuing his recollection of being separated from his father and the strength of his mother during these hard times. He then speaks about loyalty to the United States, including the loyalty questionnaires, no-no boys and reporting…
Oye begins the interview speaking about his family and how they came from Japan to Seattle, Washington. His father would work for various places while his mother would volunteer as a midwife to those in need at the Buddhist church. Growing up in…
After returning from Japan, Matsui would settle in Seattle, noticing the differences between American and Japanese community and culture. He would work as a houseboy for a caucasian family, earning $15 a month and working at the salmon cannery in…
Ota talks more about his childhood in Washington and being able to travel around the state playing sports. He would enjoy playing basketball at the YMCA the most and would continue to help his dad working at the hotels they owned. During the summers,…