[Satoru Nakamura photo album page 36 continued]



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Top row, furthest left photograph: Takato. Stamped on back: "Hammond Photo Service, Meridian, Miss. Jan. 24, 1944"; Top row, middle photograph: Unidentified soldier standing on bridge in Jackson, Mississippi; Top row, furthest right photograph: On base of Washington's Monument. Written on back: "[Taken heads] Washington's Monument. Wash. D.C."; Middle row, furthest left photograph: Terry, Eddie & Annie. Written on back: "Rohwer, Ark., 4-9-44. S Sgt. Ed G. Maehara returning from USO with hostess escorts: Terry Akutagawa & Annie Kani." Stamped on back: "Hammond Photo Service, Meridian, Miss. Apr. 13, 1944"; Middle row, middle photograph: On a wet, cold Mississippi day (winter). Written on back: "Dec. 31, 1944, Cp [Camp] Shelby, Miss."; Middle row, furthest right photograph: AWOL at Monroe, Louisiana. "Monroe, Louisiana, April 10/44- S Sgt. Iwao Yokooji at the Tri-State Bus Depot." Stamped on back: "Hammond Photo Service, Meridian, Miss. May 5, 1944"; Bottom row, furthest left photograph: Building with inscription: "Peace shall come to those who strive for Peace"; Bottom row, middle photograph: Capitol Street looking east, showing old Capitol in distance, Jackson, Miss. Written on back: "8-29-43. Main street in Jackson. The restaurants on this street were really clean. Nearly all were air-conditioned"; Bottom row, furthest right photograph: Written on back: "8-29-43. I went into this capital. The lower floor was something like a museum. It had many old documents of Mississippi. Had a new Hawaiian thing."




1 album page, 9 black and white photographs




Nakamura, Satoru: collector, “[Satoru Nakamura photo album page 36 continued],” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed March 16, 2025, https://ndajams.omeka.net/items/show/1055086.