Michael Doi oral history interview, part 1 of 2, November 2, 2009


Dublin Core


Michael Doi was born on May 25, 1920, in Camarillo, CA. Later the family moved to Oxnard, CA, when Michael was five years old. On December 7, Michael went to Los Angeles to watch a movie, and news of Pearl Harbor was announced. During this time, Michael's parents were living in Japan. After December 7, the family business was not affected and still did well.

On January 19, 1942, Michael was drafted and went into service. He went to Fort MacArthur San Pedro and then to Rockford, IL, for medic training at Camp Grant. Michael was a male nurse in the ward for a year before working in a clinic. In Chicago, Michael met his wife, Jean Doi. Michael said his wife was influential in the redress and helped get the swing vote from their Assemblyman in Georgia.

After working in the clinic for a year, he was transferred to Camp Sheridan and then to Camp Blanding. At Camp Blanding, Florida, he trained as an infantryman. He describes the conditions and training at camp Blanding. Michael made friends easily and had a good relationship with the Hawaiian soldiers.

The training was quick because replacements were needed overseas. Michael's oldest brother Sam was drafted, and his younger brother Jimmy was drafted. Michael reunited with his brothers briefly at Camp Blanding before shipping out. However, Sam was discharged and sent to Gila.

In Europe, Michael joined the 100th, A Company-Mortar. As a mortarman, he could not use the mortar in the forest due to shell burst. Michael said the German weapon sounds scarier than a mortar because you cannot hear a mortar. He recalls experiencing artillery fire.

Michael recollects many battles and life on the battlefield. Occasionally, Michael gave aid to wounded soldiers who needed treatment. Hot meals were not served frequently, but soldiers survived on C rations and K rations.

After the Lost Battalion and losing many soldiers, General Dahlquist did a review. The remaining soldiers and Michael were sent to the French Italian border to guard until they received replacements. At this time, Jimmy joined G Company, Michael remembers running into Jimmy and his friend.







Doi, Michael: narrator, Nakaishi, Russell: interviewer, and Go For Broke National Education Center: publisher, “Michael Doi oral history interview, part 1 of 2, November 2, 2009,” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed March 7, 2025, https://ndajams.omeka.net/items/show/1058045.