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To begin, Matsumoto talks about training and assignments overseas, including a jeep driver and a radio man. He then briefly discusses the Gothic Line breaking and getting a head wound in battle. Next, he talks about recovering from his wound and…

Matsumoto gives us a thorough recollection of his family background and growing up in Hawaii. Next, he talks about being 17 and seeing Japanese planes fly overhead as he played football with friends, which a year later resulted in his volunteering…

Paul discusses the end of the war, as well as the emotional and psychological implications of his internment experience. He goes on to recount his visit to Japan, his legacy and gives details regarding his family post-war. Paul's daughter, Ilene…

Paul discusses his experience during maritime combat including details regarding the threats he faced during wartime. Moreover, Paul talks about the German's wartime strategy and how effective was against the Allied Forces. Paul recalls his…

Paul recollects his forced removal and incarceration experience and details regarding his military embarkation to Europe. Paul discusses his first visit to New York City and military experience as a merchant marine, as well as his experiences during…

Paul details his early adulthood. He recollects his early work experience and he goes on to recount some of his military experience, namely volunteering and embarkation; however, in addition to forced removal and his incarceration experience. Paul…

Paul Matsumoto gives his personal introduction, along with details regarding his familial makeup. Paul discusses his early childhood, adolescence, and early education. Next, Paul gives additional information regarding his adolescence, his early…
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