Browse Items
- "Bouncing Betsy"
- "bouncing Betty"
- "Buddaheads"
- "Cash" Shiro Koshino
- "enryo"
- "Evacuation"
- "flying duck"
- "Go for broke"
- "Go For Broke" movie
- "Haole"
- "Heigo"
- "I am Chinese" pin
- "Jap"
- "Japs"
- "Kibei"
- "Kilroy was here"
- "No Japs" sign
- "no-no boys"
- "Senninbari"
- "shushin"
- "The War of the Worlds"
- "voluntary evacuation"
- (MIS)
- 100th
- 100th Infantry Battalion
- 100th Infantry Battalion (Separate)
- 100th Infantry Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team
- 100th Infantry Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team (Combined)
- 100th/442nd
- 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team
- 10th Army Headquarters
- 10th Cavalry
- 10th Infantry Mountain Division
- 11th Airborne
- 126th Regiment
- 135th Infantry
- 1399th Engineer Construction Battalion
- 141st Infantry
- 141st Infantry Battalion
- 141st Infantry Regiment
- 141st Texas Infantry Battalion
- 158th Regiment Combat Team
- 15th Medical General Laboratory
- 168th Language Detachment
- 170th
- 171st
- 171st Infantry Battalion
- 175th Language Detachment
- 179th Infantry
- 17th Army
- 188th Regiment
- 1st battalion
- 1st Calvary Division
- 1st Lieutenant
- 1st Marine Division
- 1st platoon
- 1st squad
- 206th Army Ground Forces Band
- 208th Infantry Battalion
- 20th Reconnaissance Division
- 21st Infantry Regiment
- 232nd
- 232nd Combat Engineer Company
- 24th Division
- 25th Division
- 27th Division
- 27th Regiment
- 288th Regiment
- 295th Field Artillery
- 298th Division
- 298th Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Armored Division
- 2nd battalion
- 2nd Lieutenant
- 2nd platoon
- 3 Year Swimming Club
- 302nd Military Intelligence Battalion
- 319th Military Intelligence Company
- 31st Engineer Battalion
- 33rd Division
- 34th Division
- 36th Division
- 36th Infantry Battalion
- 36th Infantry Division
- 36th Infantry Division (British)
- 38th Parallel
- 3rd Army
- 3rd platoon
- 41st Infantry Regiment
- 43rd Division
- 441st CIC
- 442 Veteran's Club
- 442nd
- 442nd Regimental Combat
- 442nd Regimental Combat Team
- 44th division
- 45th Division
- 45th Infantry Division
- 47 Ronin
- 475th Infantry Regiment
- 4C classification
- 4H Club
- 4th platoon
- 50th Anniversary
- 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 52-20 club
- 52-50 club
- 522
- 522nd Field
- 522nd Field Artillery Battalion
- 5250th Technical Intelligence Company
- 53rd Infantry 7th Division
- 552nd
- 57th Medical Corps
- 5th Regimental Combat Team
- 63rd Infantry
- 672nd
- 69th Division
- 6th Army Headquarters
- 6th d
- 6th Division
- 71st Signal Corps
- 77th Infantry
- 795th Military Police Battalion
- 7th Armored Division
- 7th Infantry Division
- 7th Medic
- 81st Division
- 82nd Airborne
- 83rd Mortars
- 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron
- 88s
- 88th battalion
- 88th division
- 8th Army Judge Advocate section
- 8th division
- 9/11
- 91st Division
- 92nd division
- 96th Infantry Division
- 99th Field Artillery Battalion
- 9th Division
- A Company
- Aala Park
- abalone
- academics
- accident reports
- accommodation
- accomplishments
- accountant
- accounting
- accuracy
- acquaintance
- acting
- acting sergeant
- active duty
- active reserve
- activism
- administrative career
- Admiral
- Admiral Nimitz
- admiration
- Adolf Hitler
- adoption
- Adriatic Sea
- advanced infantry training
- advantage
- advertising
- advice
- advisory group
- aerial photography
- aeronautics
- aerospace
- affection
- Africa
- African American
- African American soldiers
- Afrika Korps
- aftermath
- aftermath from Pearl Harbor
- aging
- agriculture
- aid station
- Aiea
- air conditioning
- Air Corps
- Air Force
- Air Intelligence Service Squadron
- Air raid shelter
- air raids
- aircraft
- aircraft carrier
- aircraft engineer
- airlift
- airplane
- airplanes
- airport
- Aix
- Akiyama Yoshifura
- Ala Moana
- Alabama
- Alabaster
- Alamo Regiment
- Alaska
- alcohol
- alcoholism
- alertness
- Aleutian Island
- Aleutian Islands
- alfalfa
- algebra
- Algeria
- Alien Enemies Act (1787/1918)
- alien land laws
- All Nation Boys Club
- Allen Funt
- Allied Forces
- Allied Occupation of Japan
- Allied Translator and Interpreter Section
- Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS)
- Allotment
- Aloha Airlines
- Alpha Beta
- Altadena
- Alturas
- alumni
- Amache
- Amache concentration camp
- Amadeo Giannini
- Ambassador Hurley
- Ambassador Nomura
- Ambrières
- ambush
- Americal Division
- American
- American citizen
- American citizenship
- American Civil War
- American concentration camp
- American Concentration Camps
- American Consulate
- American Factors
- American GI
- American Graves Registry
- American Japanese
- American Legion
- American of Japanese ancestry
- American people
- American prisoners of war
- American Service Medal
- American soldiers
- American Spy
- Americanism
- Americanization
- Americans of Japanese Ancestry
- ammo bearer
- ammunition
- amphibious landing
- amputation
- Amsterdam
- ancestry
- And then there were eight
- Andrews Sisters
- anesthesiologist
- aneurysm
- Angel Island
- anguish
- animosity
- announcement
- anthrax
- anti aircraft
- anti-American
- anti-Japanese
- anti-Semitic
- anti-tank cannon
- Anti-Tank Company
- antiques
- antitank company
- antitank gun
- Antitank platoon
- Antwerp
- Anzio
- Anzio beach
- apartments
- Apennine Mountains
- Apollo program
- apology
- appendicitis
- apple pie
- appreciation
- Aptos
- Arab Americans
- Arcadia
- architect technician
- architecture
- Argus
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- armored division
- Arms and Specialized Training Program
- Army
- Army Air Corps
- Army commendation
- Army Depot
- army food
- army helmet
- Army hospital
- Army Language School
- Army life
- Army National Guard
- Army Nurse
- Army Reserve
- Army Reserves
- Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP)
- Arno
- Arno River
- arranged marriage
- Arrest
- arrested
- art
- art school
- Arthur MacArthur
- Article of War 15
- articles
- artifacts
- artillery
- artillery barrage
- artillery fire
- artillery section
- artillery shell
- artillery shells
- artillery survey specialist
- artist
- Arzew
- Asahi
- asbestos
- Ascot Speedway
- Asian Americans
- Asiatic-Pacific Theater
- assembly
- assembly center
- assembly centers
- assembly line
- assignment
- assignments
- assimilation
- assistant weapons carrier
- associations
- asssembly centers
- asthma
- astronomy
- Atami
- athlete
- Atlantic City
- Atlantic Ocean
- atom bomb
- atomic bomb
- atomic bombing
- Atomic bombs
- atomic energy
- Atomic Printing Company
- atrocities
- Atsugi Air Base
- Atsugi Airbase
- attachment
- attack
- attack dog
- attack dogs
- Attack on Pearl Harbor
- attributes
- Attu
- Auburn
- Augsburg
- Aulla
- Auschwitz
- Australia
- Australian Army
- Austria
- author
- auto body shop
- auto shop
- autobiography
- aviation
- award
- award ceremony
- Awards
- awards and medals
- Axis
- Azores
- B Company
- B-17
- B29s
- bachelor officer quarters
- Bachelor's Degree
- bacteriology
- badge
- Bagnoli
- Baguio
- Bailey bridge
- Bainbridge Island
- baker
- Bakersfield
- bakery
- baking
- Baldwin High School
- Baldwin Park
- ballet
- Ballico
- Baltimore
- bamboo
- band
- banking
- banzai attack
- Banzai charge
- bar
- barbecue
- barbed wire
- barbed wires
- barber
- barber shop
- barbershop quartet
- barefoot
- Bari
- Baron Tanaka Memorial
- Barracks
- barrage
- bartender
- Base yard
- baseball
- basic traing
- basic training
- basketball
- bath
- bathhouse
- bathhouses
- bathing
- bathrooms
- Battalion Headquarters
- battalion runner
- battle
- Battle Creek
- battle fatigue
- battle memories
- Battle of Attu
- Battle of Bruyeres
- Battle of Cassino
- Battle of Coli
- Battle of Leyte
- Battle of Midway
- Battle of Monte Cassino
- Battle of Rapido River
- Battle of the Bulge
- battles
- Battleship Row
- battleships
- bayonet
- bayonet charge
- bazooka
- be prepared
- beach
- Beale Air Force Base
- Bear River High School
- beauty shop
- bedding
- beer
- beer rations
- beets
- Belgium
- Bell
- Bellevue
- Bellows Field
- Belmont
- Belmont High School
- belongings
- Belvedere
- Ben Parker Elementary School
- Ben Parker High School
- Benevento
- Benito Mussolini
- benshi
- Benson Polytechnic High School
- Berkeley
- Berlin
- betrayal
- Beverly Vista School
- bi-cultural
- bible
- bibles
- bicycle
- Biffontaine
- Big Bertha
- Big Five
- Big Island
- Big Save Market
- bigotry
- bilingualism
- Bill Mauldin
- Bill of Rights
- bill oshiro
- billet
- Biloxi
- biological warfare
- birds
- birth certificate
- Bismarck
- Bismarck Sea
- bitterness
- bivouac
- black badge
- black belt
- Black Belt Hall of Fame
- Black Market
- black out
- black outs
- black propaganda
- black segregation
- Blackfoot
- blacklisted
- Blackouts
- bleached celery
- bleeding out
- blind
- Block
- block manager
- block patrol
- Blue Star Flag
- Bluewater
- boarding house
- boarding school
- boat
- Bob Crane
- Bob Hope
- body cast
- body guards
- body language
- bodyguard
- Boeing
- Boeing Field
- Bolsa Elementary School
- bomb
- bomb shelters
- Bombay
- bombing
- bombing survey
- bombings
- Bon Odori
- bond
- bonding
- bones
- bonsai
- booby trap
- book
- book binding
- bookkeeper
- bookkeeping
- books
- boss
- Boston
- Bostonia
- botany
- Bougainville
- bouncing Betty
- bowling
- Boxing
- Boy Scouts
- Boy's Day
- Boyd Street School
- Boyle Heights
- Boys' and Girls' Club of America
- Boys' Club of America
- Brandisi
- bravery
- Brawley
- Brazilian Expeditionary Force
- Brazilian Japanese soldiers
- breed
- Bremerhaven
- Bremerton Navy Yard
- Brenner Pass
- Brentwood
- Brescia Airport
- brewery
- bridge
- bridges
- brig
- Brigadier General Linden
- Brigadier General MacNider
- Brigham City
- Brighton Beach
- Brisbane
- British Army
- British Army on the Rhine
- British Columbia
- British Commander
- British Empire Medal
- British Intelligence
- British zone
- broadcasting
- Broadway High School
- Bronze Star
- brother
- brotherhood
- brothers
- Brown Automatic Rifle (BAR)
- Brown Star
- Browning automatic rifle
- browning automatic rifle (BAR)
- brussel sprouts
- Bruyeres
- Bruyeres-Biffontaine
- Bubonic Plague
- buck private
- buck sergeant
- Buddaheads
- buddha heads
- Buddhism
- buddhist
- Buddhist church
- Buddhist Temple
- Buddhist Temple of Salinas
- buddy system
- bug bites
- bugler
- building
- buildings
- bullet
- bullets
- bullies
- Bunker Hill
- Burma
- burning flesh
- bus
- Busan
- bushido
- bushido spirit
- Bushnell Hospital
- business
- business school
- butcher
- Butsudan
- bypass surgery
- C Company
- C rations
- c-ration
- cabbage
- Cable Act
- caddying
- cadets
- cadre
- calculating
- California
- California Polytechnic State College
- Calipatria High School
- calisthenics
- call of duty
- calligraphy
- Caltech
- camaraderie
- Camarillo
- camera
- camera man
- cameras
- camp
- Camp 4F
- Camp Atterbury
- Camp Barkeley
- Camp Beale
- Camp Blanding
- Camp Carson
- Camp Chase
- Camp Chelmer
- Camp Chesterfield
- Camp Croft
- Camp Crowder
- Camp Edwards
- Camp Fannin
- Camp Grant
- Camp Haan
- Camp Hale
- camp harmony
- Camp Holabird
- Camp Hood
- Camp Jerome
- Camp Kilmer
- Camp Knight
- Camp Kohler
- Camp Lee
- camp life
- Camp Livingston
- Camp Maxey
- Camp McClure
- Camp McCoy
- Camp McDowell
- Camp Meade
- Camp Patrick Henry
- Camp Pinedale
- Camp Richie
- Camp Ritchie
- Camp Roberts
- Camp Robertson
- Camp Robinson
- Camp Robinson basic training
- Camp Rohwer
- Camp San Luis Obispo
- Camp Savage
- Camp Schofield
- Camp Shelby
- Camp Smith
- Camp Stoneman
- Camp Topaz
- Camp Tyler
- Camp Walters
- Camp Wolters
- Camp Wood
- Camp Zama
- campaign
- campaigns
- camping
- camps
- Canada
- canal
- cancer
- candy
- cannery
- Cannes
- cannon
- Cannon Company
- capitalism
- Capri
- captain
- Captain Byrnes
- Captain Fukuda
- Captain Nishimura
- Captain Oba
- Captain Takahashi
- captured
- captured documents
- car
- car salesman
- carbine
- carbines
- card games
- cards
- career
- career aspirations
- Carlsbad
- carpenter
- carpentry
- Carrara
- Casa Grande
- Casablanca
- cases
- Cassino
- cast
- Castellina
- castle
- casualties
- casualty
- Cat Island
- Catalina islands
- cathedral
- Catholicism
- caucasian soldiers
- Caucasians
- cauliflower
- cavalry
- cave flushing
- caves
- cavity
- CCC Camp
- Cebu Island
- celebrations
- celery
- cello
- censorship
- central California
- Central High School
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Central Intermediate School
- Century College
- ceremony
- certificates
- Champagne Campaign
- Champagne Campaign
- Champange Campaign
- champions
- chaplin
- character
- characters
- charge
- charge of quarters
- charges
- charity
- Charlie Battery
- charm
- Chattanooga
- chauffeur
- cheese
- chef
- chemical core
- chemical mortar company
- chemical warfare
- chemistry
- Cherry Blossom Festivals
- Chevrolet
- Cheyenne
- Chiba
- Chiba prefecture
- Chicago
- Chicago Japanese American Council
- Chicago Resettlers Committee
- Chichijima
- chick sexing
- chickens
- chief cook
- chiggers
- child delivery
- Child rearing
- childhood
- childhood activities
- childhood employment
- childhood home
- children
- chili con carne
- chili peppers
- China
- China Burma India War Theater
- China-Burma-India Theater
- Chinatown
- chinaware
- Chinese
- Chinese buttons
- Chinese citizens
- Chinese Communists
- Chinese food
- Chinese restaurants
- Chinese soldiers
- chocolate
- choir
- chores
- Chosin Reservior
- Christian church
- Christianity
- Christmas
- Christmas Eve
- chruch
- chrysanthemum
- Chuck Feibleman
- Chula Vista
- church
- churches
- Chushingura
- cigarettes
- circuit court judge
- citation
- citations
- citizens
- citizenship
- City College of San Francisco
- city council
- citzenship
- Civil censorship
- Civil Censorship Detachment
- Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD)
- civil court
- civil engineering
- Civil Information and Education Division (CIE)
- Civil Intelligence Service (CIS)
- civil liberties
- Civil Liberties Act of 1988
- Civil Liberties Monument
- civil rights
- civil service
- civil service job
- civilans
- civilian
- civilian casualties
- Civilian Conservation Corps
- civilian consultant
- civilian service
- civilian translator
- civilian work
- civilians
- civilians camp
- Civitavecchia
- Clandestine Operations
- Clark Field
- class
- Class 1A
- Class 4C
- Class A trials
- Class B trials
- classes
- classical dance
- classification
- classified
- classified documents
- classmates
- cleaning
- clerical school
- clerk
- clerk typist
- clients
- cliffs
- climbing
- Clinton
- close combat
- closet
- closing remarks
- clothes
- Clovis
- club
- Club 100
- clubhouse
- clubs
- coaching
- coal mining
- Coca Cola
- code book
- code of ethics
- code of honor
- code talkers
- Coe College
- coffee
- coffee farm
- Cold War
- cold weather
- college
- College of Horology
- College of the Pacific
- college years
- colonel
- Colonel Marshall
- Colonel Miller
- Colonel Murray
- Colonel Pence
- Colonel Pursall
- Colonel Rasmussen
- Colonel Yeaton
- Colonel Young Oak Kim
- Colonel Young-Oak Kim
- colonels
- colony
- Colorado
- Colorado River
- Colorado School of Mines
- Colorado State University
- colored
- colored section
- Columbia County
- Columbia Records
- Columbia University
- combat
- combat engineer unit
- combat experiences
- combat fatigue
- combat infantryman badge
- combat medic
- combat missions
- combat patrol
- combat team
- comfort girls
- comfort women
- command
- commander
- commanding officers
- commendation
- Commendation Medal
- commendations
- commission
- Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
- Commissioned Officer
- communication
- communication officer
- communication platoon
- communications
- Communism
- Communists
- Communities, rural
- community
- community center
- community housing
- community involvement
- community leader
- Community leaders
- community organizations
- community service
- company
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- company clerk
- Company Commander
- company commanders
- Company I
- compassion
- compensation
- competition
- competitions
- composer
- compound
- Compton
- Compton Gakuen
- Compton Junior College
- computer programming
- comradery
- concentration camp
- concentration camps
- concerts
- concrete work
- concussion
- concussion grenade
- conditions
- confidence
- confidential missions
- conflict
- conflict girls
- Congress
- Congressional Medal of Honor
- conscientious objectors
- consciousness
- constitution
- Constitutional Rights
- construction
- contact lenses
- contraband
- contractors
- contribution
- contributions
- convoy
- cook
- cooking
- coordinates
- copper company
- copper mill
- copper mining
- Coral Islands
- cores
- corporal
- corpses
- correspond
- correspondence
- Cortez
- Cortez Growers' Association
- Cosmopolis
- costumes
- Cotton Club
- Counter Intelligence Corps
- Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC)
- counter subversion
- Counterintelligence Corps
- Counterintelligence Corps (CIC)
- country
- country club
- countryside
- courage
- courier
- court
- court interpreter
- court martial
- courthouse
- courtship
- cousin
- cowardice
- cowboy
- cows
- crabbing
- crabs
- craps
- credit
- crematory
- cribbage
- Croix de Guerre
- crops
- Cross of St. George
- crossfire
- Crystal City
- CSU Long Beach
- CSU Northridge
- cub scouts
- cultural differences
- cultural heritage
- cultural identity
- cultural values
- culture
- culture shock
- Cumberland County
- Curfew
- current affairs
- curriculum
- custodian
- Czechoslovakia
- D Company
- D-Day
- Dachau
- Dachau Concentration Camp
- Dachu
- Dai-Ichi Building
- Dai-Ichi Hotel
- Dai-Ishi Building
- dairy farm
- dairy farms
- dam
- Dan Inouye
- dance
- dances
- dancing
- Daniel Inouye
- Daniel Tani
- Danny Inouye
- Danube River
- darkness
- dating
- Datsun
- daughter
- Davenport
- Davis
- Davis Buckley
- death
- death camps
- death of presidents
- death penalty
- debate
- debris
- December
- December 7th
- deckhand
- decor
- dedication
- defendants
- defense
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
- Defense Language Institute
- defense language section
- defense perimeter
- defense plant
- defense project
- defensive positions
- deferment
- degree
- delegate
- delivering mail
- delivery boy
- demarcation
- demilitarization
- democracy
- democratic party
- democratic revolution
- democratize
- demographics
- demolition
- demonstrations
- demotion
- dengue fever
- dense
- Denson
- dental school
- dental technician
- dentist
- dentistry
- Denver
- Denver County Jail
- Department of State
- department store
- deportation
- Depression
- deputy branch manager
- deputy division chief
- descendants
- desert
- design
- designer
- desk job
- desperation
- destruction
- Detached Enlistment Men's List
- detachment
- detainee
- detention facility
- detractors
- Detroit
- devastation
- dialect
- dialects
- Diamond Head
- diamond smuggling
- diaries
- diary
- Dictator Samoza
- dictionary
- dignitaries
- Dinuba
- diplomacy
- disability
- discahrge
- discharge
- discharge papers
- discharged
- discipline
- discrimination
- discrimination in the military
- discrimination in the work force
- disease
- diseases
- dishwasher
- disinter
- disloyalty
- display
- Distinguished Service Cross
- ditch
- diversion
- diversity
- diving
- divorce
- Dixie Mission
- docks
- doctor
- documents
- Dodge
- dog
- dog training
- dojo
- dole
- Domain of the Golden Dragon
- domestic work
- donor wall
- Doolittle Flyers
- dormitory
- Douglas MacArthur
- Dr. Oshiro
- Draft
- draft board
- draft deferment
- draft notice
- draft number
- draft resisters
- Drafted
- draftsman
- drive-in movies
- driver
- drivers license
- driving
- drowning
- drug store manager
- drum corps
- dry cleaning
- dry goods store
- dry socks
- dual citizenship
- Duarte
- due process
- duel citizenship
- duffel bag
- Duke Ellington
- Duke Kahanamoku
- dumpling soup
- Dunwoody Institute
- DuPont
- dust
- Dust Bowl
- dust storms
- dusty
- duties
- duty
- duty free
- Dwight Eisenhower
- dynamite
- dysentery
- E Company
- Eagle Rock
- Eagle scout
- ear drums
- Ear Finch
- eardrums
- Earl Finch
- earthquake
- East High School
- Easter Sunday
- Eau Gallie
- economic conditions
- economic losses
- economy
- education
- educational
- educational experiences
- Edwin Ratcliffe
- effects of war
- eggs
- El Centro
- El Monte
- El Paso
- eldest son
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- elections
- electrical department
- electrical engineering
- electrician
- electricity
- electronics
- elementary school
- elevation
- elevator boy
- eligible
- Elko
- Ellensburg
- Ellis Island
- Ellwood
- embargo
- embarkation
- emergency furlough
- emigration
- emotion
- emotional impact
- empathy
- Emperor
- Emperor Hirohito
- Emperor of Japan
- employment
- employment,contractors
- encouragement
- enemy
- enemy alien
- enemy alien (law)
- enemy aliens
- enemy fire
- enemy lines
- Enewetak
- engagement
- engineer
- engineer battalion
- engineer supply depot
- engineering
- engineers
- England
- Englewood
- Englewood High School
- English
- English Channel
- English language
- English name
- English school
- enlist
- enlistment
- enryo
- entertainment
- Epinal
- Epinol
- episcopal
- equality
- equipment
- equiptment
- Ernie Pyle
- Ethel Bell
- ethics
- ethnic makeup
- ethnic slurs
- ethnicity
- etiquette
- Europe
- European Theater
- evacuate
- evacuated
- evacuation
- Evacuation Day
- evacuation orders
- Evergreen Baptist Church
- Evergreen Cemetery
- evidence
- exam
- exams
- exchange rate
- exclusion act
- Exclusive 20 Boys
- Executive Order 9066
- exempt
- exercise
- exhaustion
- exhibition fights
- expatriation
- expats
- experience
- experiment
- explosion
- exposure
- express
- F Company
- factories
- faimly
- fainted
- Fair Play Committee
- fairgrounds
- Fall of Michina
- fallen comrades
- family
- family business
- family car
- family concerns
- family dynamic
- family internment
- family life
- family meals
- family reunion
- family tree
- family vacations
- family values
- family;
- famring
- farm
- farm labor
- farmer
- farmers
- farmhouse
- Farming
- farming community
- farming documents
- Farmington
- farmland
- Farrant Turner
- Farrington High School
- fasting
- fate
- father
- father in law
- fatherless
- fatigues
- Faubion Bowers
- FBI arrest
- fear
- Federal Bureau of Investigations
- federal service
- fertilizer
- festivals and holidays
- field
- field artillery
- field commission
- field hospital
- Fife
- fight
- fighting
- fights
- Fiji
- filial piety
- Filipinos
- film
- films
- finance
- finances
- fingerprinting
- fire
- fire bomb
- Fire Department
- fire for effect
- firearms
- firebomb
- fireman
- fireworks
- first combat
- first scout
- first sergeant
- first son
- Firwood
- fish
- fish cannery
- fish market
- fish pond
- fisheries
- fisherman
- fishing
- fishing village
- flag
- flamethrower
- flashlight
- flat feet
- flattened
- flight mechanic
- flight training
- Florence
- Florida
- Florin
- florist
- flower arrangements
- flower grower
- flower shop
- flowers
- flute
- flying
- flying lessons
- Flying Tigers
- food
- food rations
- food shortages
- food stand
- foods
- football
- football player
- forced march
- forced removal
- Ford
- Ford Foundation
- Ford International
- Ford Island
- Ford Model T
- fored removal
- foreign service
- foreman
- forest
- forestry
- forests
- formation
- Fort Armstrong
- Fort Barbonnet
- Fort Benning
- Fort Blanding
- Fort Bliss
- Fort Bragg
- Fort Custer
- Fort Devens
- Fort Devons
- Fort Dicks
- Fort Dix
- Fort Douglas
- Fort Douglass
- Fort Hall
- Fort Hood
- Fort Jackson
- Fort Kamehameha
- Fort Knox
- Fort Lawton
- Fort Leavenworth
- Fort Lee
- Fort Leonard Wood
- Fort Levenworth
- Fort Lewis
- Fort Lincoln
- Fort Logan
- Fort Lupton High School
- Fort MacArthur
- Fort Mason
- Fort McArthur
- Fort McClellan
- Fort Mead
- Fort Meade
- Fort Missoula Internment Camp
- Fort Model T
- Fort Myer
- Fort Myles Standish
- Fort Ord
- Fort Riley
- Fort Ritchie
- Fort Sam Houston
- Fort Shafter
- Fort Sheldon
- Fort Sheridan
- Fort Sill
- Fort Snelling
- Fort Warren
- Fort Wayne
- fortifications
- forward observer
- foster family
- foster home
- foundation
- Fountain Valley
- Fourth of July
- Fox Company
- foxhole
- foxholes
- France
- Frances Ford Seymour
- Frank D. Roosevelt
- Frank Hachiya
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Frank Merrill
- Frank Sinatra
- Frankfurt
- Franklin Avenue Elementary School
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- Franklin High School
- fraternity
- free zone
- freedom
- freedom of action
- Freedom of Information Act
- freedom of thought
- French
- French civilians
- French Forces of the Interior (FFI)
- French Riviera
- French soldiers
- French Underground
- Fresno
- Fresno Temporary Detention Center
- fried chicken
- friend
- friendly
- friendly fire
- friends
- Friends of Truman
- friendship
- friendship tour
- friendships
- front line
- front lines
- frontline
- fruit
- fruit farming
- fruit stand
- Fruitland
- fruitstand
- fujinkai
- Fukuoka
- Fukuoka Prefecture
- Fukushima
- Fukushima prefecture
- full pack
- Fuller Brush Man
- Fullerton Union High School
- fun
- fundamental research
- funeral
- Funny memory
- furlough
- furloughs
- furniture
- furo
- Furstenberg
- future
- future generations
- future plans
- G Company
- G-2
- G.I Bill
- G.I.
- G.I. Bill
- Gaithersburg
- gakuen
- gaman
- gambling
- games
- Ganado
- gangs
- garbage
- garbage truck
- Garda
- garden
- Garden Grove
- Garden Grove High School
- Gardena
- Gardena High School
- gardener
- gardening
- Garfield High School
- gas
- gas chambers
- gas mask
- gas masks
- Gas Station Attendant
- gasoline
- gears
- Geisha house
- gender roles
- General
- General Beightler
- General Bruce C. Clark
- General Clark
- General Dahlquist
- General Dean
- General DeWitt
- General Douglas
- General Douglas MacArthur
- general election
- General Electric
- General Hata
- General Headquarters
- General Headquarters (GHQ)
- General Hodges
- General Homma
- General hospital
- General MacArthur
- General Mark Clark
- general order
- general orders
- General Patton
- General Ridgway
- General Short
- General Stillwell
- General Stilwell
- general store
- General Tojo
- General William Marquat
- General Willoughby
- General Yamashita
- generational wisdom
- Geneva
- Geneva Convention
- Genoa
- geography
- geological surveying
- geopolitics
- George H. W. Bush
- George Nakano
- George Washington University
- Georgetown
- Georgetown University
- Georgia
- German
- German 88s
- German Army
- German guns
- German lines
- German planes
- German POWs
- German prisoners of war
- German Prisoners of War (POWs)
- German Republic
- German soldier
- German soldiers
- German soliders
- German tanks
- German weaponry
- german weapons
- Germans
- Germany
- Germany surrender
- Getty Airport
- Gettysburg
- Ghedi
- Ghedi Air Base
- GI Bill
- GI Joe
- Gifu
- Gila River
- Gila River Concentration Camp
- Gilda
- Ginza
- girlfriend
- girls
- Girls Athletic Association
- Glasgow
- glee club
- glider
- gliders
- gliders campaign
- Go For Broke
- Go For Broke film
- Go For Broke Foundation
- Go For Broke Inc.
- Go For Broke National Education Center
- gold star
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Golden Gate National Cemetery
- golf
- golf caddy
- golf course
- golfing
- Gonsei
- Good American Citizenship Club
- good citizenship
- Good Conduct Medal
- good luck charm
- Goodenough Island
- Gor For Broke
- Gosei
- Gothic Line
- government
- Governor
- Graceland University
- graduate
- graduate school
- graduation
- grammar school
- Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp
- Granada Concentration Camp
- Grand Junction
- grandchidlren
- grandchildren
- grandfather
- grandmother
- grandparents
- grandson
- grants
- Grants High School
- grapes
- gratitude
- grave
- grave registration
- graves
- grease
- Great Circle route
- Great Depression
- great grandchildren
- Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
- Greece
- Gregory Peck
- grenade
- grenade launcher
- grenades
- Gresham
- Gresham High School
- Griffith Park
- Grim's Ditch
- Grinnell College
- grocery store
- Ground Training School
- Guadacanal
- Guadalcanal
- Guadalupe
- Guam
- guard
- guard duty
- guard tower
- guard towers
- guards
- guitar
- gun
- gun placement
- gymnastics
- H Company
- habeas corpus
- haiku
- Haiti
- Haji Miyamoto
- Hakalau
- Hakalau School
- Hakodate
- Hakujin
- Haleiwa
- Haleiwa Elementary School
- half sibling
- Hall of Fame
- Halloween
- Hamakua
- Hamilton Air Force Base
- Hamilton Field
- hammocks
- Hampton Roads
- hanafuda
- Hanamatsuri
- Hanapepe
- Hanashi
- Hanashi Group
- hand signals
- handball
- handwritten
- Haneda Airport
- hanshi
- Haole
- hapa
- hapu'u
- hard work
- hard-hat diving
- hardships
- Harlem
- harmonica
- Harry Fukuhara
- Harry S. Truman
- Harvard
- Harvard Business School
- harvest
- harvesting
- hatchery
- hate crime
- hatred
- Hatsume
- Hattiesburg
- Hawaii
- Hawaii Friend Peace Mission
- Hawaii Hochi
- Hawaii statehood
- Hawaii Territorial Guard
- Hawaiian
- Hawaiian history
- Hawaiian identity
- Hawaiian music
- Hawaiian National Guard
- Hawaiian Nisei
- Hawaiian Pidgin
- Hawaiian Pineapple
- Hawaiian Provisional Battalion
- Hawaiian soldiers
- Hawaiian Territorial Guard
- head wound
- headquarters
- headquarters company
- healing
- health
- Health Department
- hearing
- Hearst
- heart attack
- Heart Mountain
- Heart Mountain Concentration Camp
- Heart Mountain Sentinel
- Heartbreak Ridge
- heat
- heavy guns
- Heavy Weapons
- heavy weapons company
- Heidelberg
- height
- Heigo
- Helemano
- helicopter
- helmet
- helping
- hepatitis
- heritage
- hernia
- heroes
- heroism
- Hiawatha
- Hickam Field
- Hideki Tojo
- Higashi Honganji
- high school
- high school diploma
- high school principal
- high schoool
- Higher education
- highways
- hike
- hiking
- hill
- Hill 140
- Hill 260
- Hill 600
- Hill 617
- Hill A
- Hill C
- Hillsboro
- Hilo
- Hilo High School
- hippies
- Hiroshima
- Hiroshima & Nagasaki
- Hiroshima-ben dialect
- history
- Hitler
- Hitler's Bunker
- HMS Glory
- HMS Victory
- hobbies
- hobby
- hog ranch
- hog ranchers
- Hoichi Kubo
- Hokkaido
- holding pattern
- Holdrege
- Hole Hole Bushi
- holidays
- Holland
- Hollywood
- holocaust
- home
- home environment
- home life
- homecoming
- homeless
- homes
- homesick
- homestead
- Honda
- Honduras
- honesty
- honey wagons
- Honeywell
- Honoka'a School
- Honokaa
- Honolulu
- Honolulu Symphony
- Honomu
- honor guard
- honorable discharge
- Honouliuli Internment Camp
- Honshu
- Hood River
- hope
- Horology
- horrors of war
- horros of war
- horse stables
- horses
- horticulture
- hospital
- hospitality
- hospitality industry
- hospitalization
- hospitals
- hosptial
- hostility
- hot meal
- hot springs
- hot weather
- hotel
- hotel import
- hotel lease
- hotels
- hotrod
- house
- house boys
- houseboy
- household
- housemaid
- housewife
- housing
- Houston
- Howitzer
- human intelligence
- humanity
- humble
- humidity
- humiliation
- humility
- Hung Wai Ching
- hunting
- Huntington Beach
- hurricane
- husband
- hydraulic press
- hydrogen bomb
- hygiene
- Hyperion Blvd
- I am Chinese pin
- I Company
- ice box
- ice cream
- Ichiro
- Idaho
- identification
- identity
- Identity and values
- Identity and values--Family
- ideology
- Ikebana
- Illinois
- illness
- immigration
- immigration & citizenship
- Immigration Act of 1924
- immigration center
- Immigration Detention Stations
- immigration office
- immigration station
- impactful people
- impactful teacher
- impactful teachers
- Imperial Japanese Army
- Imperial Palace
- Imperial Valley
- impermanence
- importing
- imports
- in-laws
- inactive duty
- incarceration
- incarceration camp
- incarceration camps
- incarcerations
- incendiary bomb
- incendiary bombs. Tokyo
- Incheon Landing
- Inchon Landing
- incinerated
- India
- Indian reservation
- Indian University Bloomington
- Indianapolis
- Indians
- Indio
- indoctrination
- Indonesia
- induction
- induction center
- industrialization
- industry
- Industry and Employment--Structural Engineering
- infantry
- infantry training
- infantryman
- influence
- influential
- informants
- information
- inhumane
- injuries
- injury
- inmates
- inner spirit
- innovations
- inspection
- inspections
- inspector
- inspiration
- instructor
- instructors
- instrumentation section
- insubordination
- insulation
- insurance company
- integrated unit
- intelligence
- intelligence center
- intelligence gathering
- intelligence officer
- intelligence reconnaissance
- intercultural marriage
- intercultural prejudices
- interfacing
- intermediate school
- interment camp
- international conference
- International Military Tribunal for the Far East
- international relations
- interned
- internment
- internment camp
- internment camps
- internship
- interpeter
- interpret
- interpretation
- interpreter
- interpreters
- interpreting
- interracial marriage
- interrogate
- interrogating
- interrogation
- interrogation centers
- interrogation methods
- interrogation techniques
- interrogations
- interrogator
- interrogators
- interview
- invasion
- invasion money
- Invasion of Japan
- Invasion of Normandy
- Invasion of Okinawa
- investigation
- investigations
- investments
- Iolani Palace
- Iowa
- Iran
- Irish
- Irish Americans
- ironwood
- Isamu Minatodani
- Ishikawa
- island
- islands
- Isola Del Cantone
- isolation
- isolationism
- Israel visit
- Issei
- Issei father
- Issei parents
- Italian Alps
- Italian civilians
- Italian flag
- Italian identity and values
- Italian people
- Italian soldiers
- Italian War Cross
- Italians
- Italy
- Ito
- Iwakuni
- Iwo Jima
- J. Edward Deming
- Jack Burns
- Jack Smith
- Jack Su
- Jack Wilson
- Jack Yasutake
- Jackie Robinson
- Jackson
- Jacksonville
- James Okubo
- janitor
- Japan
- Japan Airlines
- Japan flag
- Japan language
- Japan Town
- Japan,100th
- Japanese
- Japanese aircraft
- Japanese American
- Japanese American Citizens Club (JACC)
- Japanese American Citizens League
- Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)
- japanese American comm
- Japanese American community
- Japanese American history
- Japanese American identity
- Japanese American linguists
- Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism During World War II
- Japanese American National Museum
- Japanese American soldier
- Japanese American soldiers
- Japanese American unit
- Japanese American units
- Japanese American Veterans Association (JAVA)
- Japanese American women
- Japanese Americans
- Japanese Army
- Japanese Association
- Japanese baseball
- Japanese calvary
- Japanese characters
- Japanese citizens
- Japanese citizenship
- Japanese civilians
- Japanese club
- Japanese community
- Japanese consulate
- Japanese corporations
- Japanese Cultural Center
- Japanese cultural values
- Japanese culture
- Japanese dance
- Japanese deported
- Japanese dialects
- Japanese estate
- Japanese farmers
- Japanese food
- Japanese government
- Japanese Governors
- Japanese heritage
- Japanese history
- Japanese household
- Japanese identity and values
- Japanese immigrants
- Japanese langauge school
- Japanese language
- Japanese Language s
- Japanese language school
- Japanese language school teacher
- Japanese linguists
- Japanese Manchuria
- Japanese military
- Japanese military documents
- Japanese military leaders
- Japanese military training
- Japanese movies
- Japanese music
- Japanese names
- Japanese nationals
- Japanese Navy
- Japanese people
- Japanese police
- Japanese politics
- Japanese prisoners
- Japanese prisoners of war
- Japanese proverbs
- Japanese restaurant
- Japanese school
- Japanese school teacher
- Japanese Service Committee of Chicago
- Japanese show
- Japanese soldier
- Japanese soldiers
- Japanese soliders
- Japanese songs
- Japanese submarines
- Japanese Town
- Japanese traditions
- Japanese uniforms
- Japanese value
- Japanese values
- Japanese weapons
- Japanese women
- Japanese Yen
- Japanese Zero
- Japanese-Americans
- Jean MacArthur
- jeep
- jeep driver
- jeeps
- Jefferson Barracks
- Jerome
- Jerome Concentration Camp
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Jewish
- Jewish soldiers
- Jews
- Jim Crow
- Jinx Falkenburg
- jitter bug
- job
- job discrimination
- job loss
- jobs
- Jodo Shinshu
- Joe DiMaggio
- Joe Hayashi
- Joe Nishimoto
- John Aiso
- John Burns
- John Marshall High School
- Johnson Air Base
- Joint Special Operations
- joke
- jokes
- Jonesboro
- Joseph Altsheler
- Joseph Stilwell
- journalism
- journalist
- Jr. YBA
- judge
- judo
- jungle training
- jungle warefare
- jungle warfare
- junior college
- Junior High School
- K Company
- K rations
- K.I.A.
- Ka'iulani Elementary School
- Kabuki
- Kachin
- Kagoshima
- Kahaluu
- Kahuku
- Kahuku High School
- Kahului
- Kahului Beach
- Kahului Elementary School
- Kahului School
- Kailua
- Kailua-Kona
- Kaiser
- Kaiser Permanente
- Kaiserslautern
- Kakaako
- Kalākaua Middle School
- Kalihi
- kamaboko
- Kamikaze
- Kaneohe
- Kaneohe Naval Base
- Kanji
- Kansas
- karaoke
- karate
- karma
- karuta
- kata
- katakana
- katana
- Katonk
- Kats Miho
- Kauai
- Kauai High School
- Kawaii
- Kawailoa
- Kawasaki
- Kazuo Otani
- Kealakekua
- Kempeitai
- kendo
- kendo technique
- Kentucky
- Kentucky Windage
- Keo Nakama
- Kerama Island
- Ketchikan
- Kevin Martin
- kiawe beans
- Kiawe Corps
- kibei
- Kido Diary
- Kilauea
- killed in aciton
- Killed in Action
- Killed in Action (KIA)
- kimono
- King's Hawaiian Bakery
- Kingston
- kinship
- Kiska
- kitchen
- kites
- Knott's Berry Farm
- Kobe
- Kochi
- Kochi prefecture
- Kochi-ken
- koden
- Kolekole Pass
- Koloa
- Kona
- Korea
- Korean
- Korean Americans
- Korean soldiers
- Korean War
- Kosaku Isobe
- kotonks
- KP duty
- Kukuiolono Park
- Kumamoto
- Kumamoto prefecture
- Kumwha Valley
- Kunu-ri
- Kyoto
- Kyushu
- L Company
- L'Escarène
- LA River
- La Spezia
- labor
- Labor Battalion
- labor camp
- labor corps
- labor unions
- laboratory
- Lahaina
- Laie
- Lake Como
- Lake Garda
- Lake Kawaguchi
- Lake Placid
- lamb
- Lamoni
- Lanai
- land
- land reform
- landing craft
- Landing Craft Mechanized
- landing strip
- landings
- landlord
- landownership
- landscape architecture
- landscape contractor
- language
- language barrier
- Language School
- language test
- language training
- languages
- Lanikai
- Lanuvio
- Larry Lubetzky
- Las Vegas
- last push
- Latay
- Latin America
- Latinos
- latrines
- laundry
- Laupāhoehoe
- law
- law firm
- law office
- law school
- laws
- lawsuit
- lawyer
- Le Havre
- leaders
- leadership
- leaflets
- leave
- leaves
- leaving camp
- Lecco
- lectures
- legacy
- legacy of Japanese American soldiers
- legacy of Nisei soldiers
- legal defense
- Leghorn
- Leghorn (Livorno)
- Legion of Merit Medal
- legislation
- legislature
- leisure
- Lend Lease Act
- Lents
- lesiure time
- lessons
- letter
- letter bearer
- letter writing
- letters
- Leyte
- liberate
- liberation
- liberty
- liberty boat
- liberty ship
- liberty ships
- Libertyville
- library
- license
- liesure
- Lieutenant
- Lieutenant Colonel
- Lieutenant Colonel Purcell
- lieutenant governor
- Lieutenant Peterson
- Lieutenant Tanahashi
- Lieutenant Yempuku
- lieutenants
- lieutenants,colonels
- life
- light machine gun
- light weapons
- Lincoln Elementary School
- Lincoln Park
- Lincoln Wreckers
- Lindsay
- line of demarcation
- linguist
- linguists
- listen
- Lithuania
- Lithuanian Jews
- litter-bearer
- Little Rock
- Little Tokyo
- Littleton
- live ammo
- Liverpool
- livestock
- living conditions
- Livingston
- Livingston High School
- Livorno
- Livorno-Leghorn
- lobbyist
- Lodi
- logo
- Lompoc
- London
- Long Beach
- Long Island
- longshoreman
- Loomis
- Los Angeles
- Los Angeles City College
- Los Angeles Times
- Los Angelese
- Los Feliz
- Los Feliz Flowers
- lost
- Lost Battalion
- lost items
- Louisiana
- loyalty
- Loyalty Questionnaire
- loyalty questions
- loyalty script
- luau
- Luciano
- luck
- lumber mill
- lung
- Luzon
- lychee
- Lyn Crost
- M Company
- M-1
- M1 Carbine
- Macarthur Headquarters
- Macdill Air Force Base
- machine gun
- machine gun nest
- machine gunner
- machine guns
- machine parts
- machine shop
- machinist
- Macon
- magazines
- Maginot Line
- magnesium bombs
- magpie
- mail censor
- mail service
- mail services
- Maine
- Mainland
- Mainland Nisei
- Mainland soldiers
- Mainland soliders
- mainlanders
- Maizuru
- Major
- Major Aiso
- Major Frank Merrill
- Major General
- Major General Reynolds
- Major Iso
- Makiki Church
- Makin Island
- malaria
- malnutrition
- Mamo Theatre
- Man of the Year
- Manchuria
- Mandalay
- maneuvers
- mango tree
- Manhattan
- Manhattan Project
- Manhattanville
- Manila
- manju
- Manoa Valley
- manpower
- manual labor
- manuals
- manufacturing
- Manzanar
- Manzanar Concentration Camp
- Manzanar Free Press
- Mao Zedong
- map
- marbles
- Marburg
- march
- March Field
- marching
- Mariana Islands
- Marilyn Maxwell
- Marilyn Monroe
- marines
- Maritime Alps
- market
- markets
- marksmanship
- Marquardt Corporation
- marriage
- marriage certificate
- married
- Married Life
- Mars Task Force
- Marseille
- Marseilles
- Marshall Islands
- Marshall Law
- martial arts
- Martial Law
- Martin Ida
- Marty Higgins
- Maryland
- Marysville
- Marysville Temporary Detention Center
- mass incarceration
- mass removal ("evacuation")
- Massa-Carrara
- Massachusetts
- Massacre Bay
- master sergeant
- math
- Matsumoto
- Matsuyama
- Maui
- Maui News
- Maui Pineapple
- Mauna Kea
- Mauser
- Mayahira
- Mayer Assembly Center
- mayor
- McBride plantation
- McCarran-Walter Act
- McGerrow Camp
- McGuire General Hospital
- McKinley High School
- meals
- measels
- measles
- meatballs
- mechanic
- mechanical engineering
- mechanics
- medal
- Medal of Honor
- medals
- medals & awards
- medic
- medical
- medical attendant
- medical board
- medical camp
- Medical Corps
- Medical Detachment
- medical discharge
- medical equipment
- medical issues
- medical profession
- medical replacement training center
- medical school
- medical training
- medical treatment
- medication
- medicine
- medics
- medieval
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean Sea
- Meiji Restoration
- Meiji University
- melting pot
- memoirs
- memorabilia
- Memorial
- Memorial Foundation
- memorial service
- memories
- menehune
- mentality
- Menton
- mentor
- Merced
- Merced Temporary Detention Center
- Merchant Marines
- Meritorious Service Plaque
- Merrill's Marauders
- Merrill's Marauders (5307 Composite Unit
- Merrill's Marauders (5307 Composite Unit, Provisional)
- Merrill's Marauders (5307 Composite Unit)
- Mesa College
- mess hall
- Mess Sergeant
- message
- messenger
- methodist
- Mexico
- Miami
- Michelangelo
- Michigan
- Michigan State
- Mickey Mantle
- Mickey Rooney
- Mid-Pacific Institute
- middle school
- Midway
- midwife
- Mike Masaoka
- Milan
- militarism
- militarization
- military
- military artifacts
- military awards
- military cadet
- military career
- military cohesion
- military convoy
- military decorations
- military documents
- military draft
- military equipment
- military experience
- military finances
- military food
- military government
- military history
- military hospital
- military intelligence
- Military Intelligence Service
- Military Intelligence Service (MIS)
- Military Intelligence Service Language School
- Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS)
- Military Intelligence Services (MIS)
- military leadership
- military occupation
- Military Occupational Service (MOS)
- military pass
- Military Police
- military police (mp)
- military recruitment
- military secrets
- military service
- military supplies
- military tactics
- military terms
- Military Trader Magazine
- military training
- military training school
- military travel
- military tribunal
- military truck
- milk
- million-dollar-wound
- Milne Bay
- Mindanao
- Mindoro
- mindset
- mine
- mine sweeping
- mine training
- minefields
- Mineral Wells
- mines
- Minidoka
- Minidoka concentration camp
- Minidoka Concentration Center
- Minidoka Relocation Center
- Minister
- Ministry of Education
- Minneapolis
- Minnesota
- minority
- minstrel show
- Miranda
- MIS Camp
- Misawa Air Base
- mischief
- Mishima
- missiles
- missing in action
- mission
- missions
- Mississippi
- Mississippi River
- Missoula
- mistaken identity
- Mitsubishi
- Mitsui Company
- Miyagi prefecture
- Miyako Sushi
- Mobile
- Mobile Intelligence Training Unit (MITU)
- moccasins
- mochi
- model
- model planes
- Model T
- modernization
- Modesto
- Modoc Union High School
- Moffett Field
- Molokai
- Monaco
- money
- Mongolian soldiers
- monorail
- Monrovia
- Monrovia High School
- Montana
- Monte Carlo
- Monte Casino
- Monte Cassino
- Montebello
- Monterey
- Monterey Park
- Montgomery Ward
- monument
- monuments
- mood
- moral issues
- morale
- morals
- Mormanism
- Mormon
- Morotai
- mortar
- mortar barrage
- mortar fire
- mortar gunner
- mortar shell
- mortar shells
- mortar squad
- mortars
- Moscow
- mosquito nets
- mother
- motherless
- motor pool
- motor pool sergeant
- motor school
- motorcycles
- motto
- Mount Fogarito
- Mount Folgorito
- Mount Signal
- Mount Vesuvius
- mountain
- mountain apples
- Mountain View
- Mountain View Elementary School
- Mountain View Union High School
- mountain warfare
- mountains
- movie
- movie theater
- movies
- moving
- Mt. Fuji
- Mt. Vernon
- Mt. Vesuvius
- mud
- Mukoyoshi
- mules
- Munich
- Muroc
- museum
- Museum of Modern Art
- museums
- mushroom hunting
- music
- music teacher
- musician
- Muslims
- Mussolini
- Mussolini Canal
- mustard gas
- musubi
- Nagano
- Nagasaki
- Nagasaki prefecture
- Nagoya
- Nakamura Hotel
- name change
- Nanking
- Naples
- Naples-Foggia
- Napoli
- National Cemetery
- National Defense Service Medal
- National Food Stores
- National Guard
- National Guards
- National Institute of Health
- National Japanese American Historical Society
- National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- National Tea Company
- National Volunteer Combat Force
- National Youth Corps
- nationalist
- nationality
- Native American soldiers
- native americans
- natives
- natto
- naturalization
- nature
- nature of war
- Navajo
- Navajo Code School
- Navajo Code Talker
- Naval Liaison
- Naval Radio Station
- Navy
- Navy escort
- Navy escorts
- Nazi
- Nazi flag
- Nazi's
- Nazis
- Nebraska
- negotiations
- neighborhood
- neighbors
- Neptune Bombers
- nerve gas
- Nevada
- New Britain
- New Caledonia
- New Delhi
- New Georgia
- New Guinea
- New Guinea Campaign
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New Mexico A&M State University
- New Orleans
- New Year
- New Year's
- New Years
- New York
- New York City
- Newport News
- news
- newspaper
- newspapers
- newsreels
- Nice
- nickname
- nicknames
- niece
- night patrol
- nihonmachi
- Niigata
- Niihau incident
- Nikkei
- Nikko
- Niland
- Nimitz Headquarters
- Nisei
- Nisei legacy
- Nisei linguists
- Nisei parents
- Nisei soldier
- Nisei soldiers
- Nisei solider
- Nisei story
- Nisei veteran organizations
- Nisei veteran story
- Nisei veterans
- Nisei women
- Nishioka
- no man's land
- No-no boys
- non-combatant
- Non-commissioned officer
- non-commissioned officers
- Norfolk
- Normandale Gardens
- Normandy
- North Africa
- North American Aviation
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- North Korea
- North Korean soldiers
- Nuremberg
- nurse
- nursing school
- nutrition
- NYK Building
- O'Connor Task Force
- Oahu
- Oakland
- obey
- obi
- objective
- obligation
- obon
- observer
- observers
- obstacle course
- occupation
- Occupation Forces
- occupation of Germany
- Occupation of Japan
- occupation of Japan.
- occupied countries
- Occupied Japan
- Ocean Park
- Oceanside
- Oceanside High School
- octopus
- Office of my Strategic Services (OSS)
- Office of War Information (OWI)
- office work
- officer
- Officer Candidate School
- officer training
- officer’s club
- officers
- official history
- offsite
- Ogden
- Ohio
- Ohio State
- Ohio State University
- oil
- Oita prefecture
- Oji
- Okayama
- Okayama prefecture
- Okies
- Okinawa
- Okinawan culture
- Oklahoma
- okolehao
- older soldier
- olive drabs
- olive groves
- olive trees
- Olympics
- Omaha University
- omamori
- Omar Bradley
- on duty
- Onekahakaha Beach
- onigiri
- onions
- Onomichi
- onsen
- Ontario
- opera
- operation
- Operation Blacklist
- Operation Magpie
- Operation Olympic
- Operation Varsity
- opportunity
- optometrist
- oral history
- Oran
- oratory
- orchards
- orchestra
- ordained minister
- orders
- orders clerk
- Oregon
- Oregon City
- Oregon City High School
- Oregon State University
- organizations
- originals
- Oroville
- Oroville Union High School
- orphan
- orphanage
- orphaned
- orphans
- Orson Welles
- Osaka
- OSS Detachment 101
- OSS Detachment 101: Bruma
- Oswego
- Otay
- outdoor activities
- outhouse
- outpost
- outreach
- ovens
- overseas
- overseas trip
- Oxnard
- ozoni
- P.h.D
- Paauhau
- Pacific Grove
- Pacific Insurance Company
- Pacific Military Intelligence Research Section (PACMIRS)
- Pacific Northwest
- Pacific Ocean
- Pacific Theater
- Pacific theatre
- Pacific war
- packing house
- Pahala High School
- Paia
- Paia School
- painting
- paintings
- Palama Settlement
- Palau
- Palawan
- Palermo
- pamphlet
- Pan-American Airlines
- Panama City
- Panama Hotel
- parachute
- Parachute Infantry Regiment
- parachute mission
- parade
- paranoia
- paratrooper
- paratrooper training
- paratroopers
- parent less
- parents
- Paris
- parks and recreation
- partnership
- Pasadena
- Pasadena City College
- Pasadena Junior College
- Pasadena Union Church
- pass
- passes
- passwords
- pastor
- patches
- patients
- patriotic
- patriotism
- patriots
- patrol
- patrol missions
- patrols
- Patton's Army
- Paul Tani
- pay
- peace
- Peace Conference
- peaches
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor and aftermath
- Pearl Harbor, government
- pearls
- pediatrician
- Peking
- pen pal
- penicillin
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Dutch
- Pentagon
- Percy Jones
- performances
- permanent limited assignment (PLA)
- persimmons
- personal belongings
- personal documents
- personal philosophy
- personality
- perspective
- Peru
- Petaluma
- pets
- pharmacist
- Philadelphia
- philanthropy
- Philippine Islands
- Philippines
- Phillips Academy
- philosophy
- Phoenix
- photo
- photo technician
- photographs
- photography
- photos
- physical
- physics
- pianist
- piano
- Piazza Michelangelo
- pickpocketing
- picnic
- picnics
- pictorial censorship
- picture
- picture bride
- pictures
- pidgin
- Pidgin English
- Pier
- Pietrasanta
- pig pen
- Pigeon
- pigs
- pillbox
- pilot
- pilots
- pilots license
- pine trees
- pineapple
- pineapple cannery
- pineapple fields
- pineapple plantation
- Pinedale
- Pinedale Temporary Detention Center
- pink house
- Pisa
- pistol
- Pittsburgh
- Placer County
- Placer High School
- Placer Reunion High School
- plane crash
- plane parts
- planes
- plant breeding
- plantation
- plantation camp
- plantation village
- plantation;
- plantations
- platoon
- platoon leader
- platoon sergeant
- platoons
- Pleasanton
- plowing
- Po Valley
- Poamoho Camp
- poetry
- Pohukaina School
- point man
- point system
- points
- points system
- poker
- Poland
- pole vaulting
- police
- police department
- police station
- polio
- political activism
- political analysts
- political climate
- political prisoners
- politician
- politics
- politics;
- polygraph test
- Pomona
- Pomona Assembly Center
- Pomona Temporary Detention Center
- Pompeii
- pontoon bridges
- pool
- pope
- population
- Port of Embarkation
- Portland
- Portland Assembly Center
- Portland Temporary Detention Center
- portrait
- portraits
- Portuguese
- post combat
- Post Exchange (PX)
- post military
- post office
- Post Traumatic Stress
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS)
- post war
- post-high school
- post-military life
- post-war
- post-war Europe
- post-war Japan
- post-war life
- post-World War II
- postal service
- postcards
- Poston
- Poston Concentration Camp
- Poston Incarceration Camp
- Poston War Relocation Camp
- posttraumatic stress disorder
- postwar
- potato
- potato pancakes
- potbelly stove
- poultry
- poverty
- POW camps
- powdered eggs
- power
- power plant
- practical jokes
- practice
- prayer
- prayers
- pre-war
- pre-war Hawaii
- pre-war Japan
- pre-war military service
- pre-World War II
- precision machinery
- prefectural language
- pregnant
- prejudice
- prejudices
- preparation
- presbyterian
- Presbyterianism
- President Carter
- President George H. W. Bush
- President Harry Truman
- President John F. Kennedy
- President Obama
- President Richard Nixon
- President Ronald Reagan
- President Roosevelt
- President Truman
- Presidential Unit Citation
- Presidio
- Presidio Language School
- Presidio Monterey
- priests
- primary education
- primary school
- principal
- prison
- prison camps
- prison garb
- prison of war camp
- prisoner
- prisoner escort
- prisoner exchange
- prisoner of war
- prisoner of war camp
- prisoners
- prisoners of war
- Prisoners of War (POW)
- Prisoners of War (POWs)
- prisoners of war camp
- prisons and prisoners
- privacy
- private
- private bill
- private first class
- pro bono
- probation
- procedure
- procedures
- process
- processing
- produce
- produce market
- professional sports
- professor
- profits
- program director
- progress
- Prohibition
- Project 9
- Project American
- prom
- promotion
- promotions
- prop planes
- propaganda
- propaganda films
- propaganda leaflets
- property
- props
- prostitution
- protest
- Protestant
- proud
- provisional Battalion
- Provisional)
- Provo
- provost marshal
- proxy marriage
- prunes
- psychiatrist
- psychological impact of war
- Psychological Warfare Unit
- psychology
- PT boats
- Pu'unene School
- Public education
- public relations
- public speaking
- public transportation
- Puerto Rico
- Pullayup Assembly Center
- Pullayup Temporary Detention Center
- pumping station
- Punahou School
- Punch Bowl Cemetery
- Punchbowl
- punishments
- Purple Heart
- Purple Heart Battalion
- purser
- Puyallup Assembly Center
- Puyallup Temporary Detention Center
- PX store
- Pyongyang
- quail hunting
- Quakers
- quality control
- quarantine
- quarterback
- quartermaster
- Quartermaster Corps
- Queen Liliʻuokalani
- Queen Mary
- questionnaire
- quiet
- R and R
- rabbit
- race
- race discrimination
- race relations
- race tracks
- races
- racial discimination
- racial discrimination
- racial identity
- Racial prejudice
- racial profiling
- racing
- Racism
- radiation
- radio
- radio broadcasts
- radio communication
- Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
- radio intercept group
- radio man
- radio silence
- radio work
- radioman
- Rafu Shimpo
- raids
- raiload
- railroad
- railroad tracks
- railroads
- rain
- raisins
- Ralph Yempuku
- ranch
- Rangoon
- rank
- ransacked
- Rapido River
- raspberries
- Ratcliff
- ration
- Ration and Price Control Division
- ration runner
- rations
- rattlesnake
- ravine
- RD4 Caterpillar
- re-enlisting
- reaction
- reactions
- reading
- real estate
- realities of war
- reality of war
- rebuild
- recall
- reception
- reclassification
- recognition
- reconnaissance
- reconnoiter
- reconstruction
- recovery
- recreation
- recreational activities
- recruit detachment
- recruit school
- recruited
- recruiters
- recruitment
- recruits
- Red Ball Express
- Red China
- Red Cross
- Red Hill
- Redlands
- redress
- redress and reparations
- reef ceremony
- reenlistment.
- reflection
- reform
- reforms
- refrigeration
- Refugee Relief Program
- refugees
- regimental band
- register
- registration
- regroup
- rehabilitation
- Rein
- reinforcements
- rejection
- relationship
- relatives
- release
- relics
- relief
- religion
- relocation
- relocation camps
- relocation centers
- Reno
- renunciation of citizenship
- repair shop
- repairs
- reparations
- repatriation
- replacement
- replacement depot
- replacement soldiers
- replacements
- reporter
- reports
- reputation
- rescue
- rescue mission
- Rescue of the Lost Battalion
- research
- resentment
- reservation
- reserve
- reserve officer
- reserve troops
- reserves
- reservoir
- resettlement
- resignation
- resistance
- resisters
- respect
- responsibilities
- rest
- rest and relaxation (r&r)
- rest camp
- rest period
- restaurant
- restaurants
- restrictions
- retirement
- retreat
- reunion
- reunions
- Revolutionary War
- Rhineland
- Rhineland- Maritime Alps
- Rhineland-Vosges
- ribbon
- ribbons
- rice
- rice farm
- rice fields
- Richard Washington
- Richmond
- rifle
- rifle company
- rifleman
- riflemen
- rifles
- rights
- riot
- riots
- rivalry
- river
- river crossing
- Riverside
- RMS Aquitania
- RMS Queen Elizabeth II
- Road to Rome
- Rock of Gibraltar
- rodeo grounds
- Rohwer Concentration Camp
- romaji
- Rome
- Rome-Arno
- Ronin
- roommate
- Roosevelt
- rope ladders
- roster
- rotary club
- Roy Matsumoto
- Royal T. Frank
- Royal Hawaiian Band
- Royal Hawaiian Hotel
- rubbish
- rumors
- runner
- runway
- rural
- Rural communities
- Russia
- Russian River
- Russian soldiers
- Russo-Japanese War
- sabotage
- Sacramento
- sacrifice
- Sadao Hashimoto
- Saigon
- Saint Agnes
- Saint Louis School
- Saipan
- Saitama
- sake
- Sakhalin
- salary
- Salerno
- salesman
- Salina
- Salinas
- Salinas Assembly Center
- Salinas Junior College
- Salinas Temporary Detention Center
- salmon cannery
- Salt Lake City
- Salt Lake Research Center
- salvage
- Salvation Army
- samisen
- Samuel King
- samurai
- Samurai sword
- San Antonio
- San Bruno
- San Diego
- San Diego State University
- San Fernando Valley
- San Francisco
- San Francisco Presidio
- San Francisco Giants
- San Francisco Immigration Bureau
- San Francisco World Exposition
- San Gabriel
- San Jose
- San Luis Obispo
- San Pedro
- Sand Island
- Sandia National Laboratories
- Sanger
- sanitarium
- Sansei
- Santa Ana
- Santa Ana Race Track
- Santa Anita
- Santa Anita Racetrack
- Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center
- Santa Barbara
- Santa Clara
- Santa Fe
- Santa Maria
- Santa Monica
- Sanzō Nosaka
- Sapporo
- sargent
- Sasebo
- Sasebo Naval Base
- Sasseta
- Sassetta
- Satsuma
- savings
- Saw mill
- Sawtelle
- scent
- Schneider
- Schoffield
- Schofield
- Schofield Barracks
- scholar
- scholarship
- school
- School Activites
- school activities
- school administration
- school boy
- school district
- schoolboy
- schooling
- schoolteacher
- science
- science section
- sciences
- Scofield Barracks
- scooter
- scorpions
- Scotland
- Scott Field
- scout
- scouting missions
- scouts
- screaming mimi
- scuba diving
- sea sickness
- sea voyage
- Seabrook
- Seabrook Farms
- seafaring
- seafood
- seamstress
- search and seizure
- Sears
- Sears-Roebuck
- seasick
- seasickness
- Seattle
- Second Battle of Bougainville
- second-class citizens
- secondary education
- secret documents
- secret files
- secret mission
- secretary
- Secretary Mineta
- securities
- security
- seedlings
- seeing eye dog
- segregated unit
- segregation
- selective service
- self discipline
- self identity
- self image
- selfless
- Selleck
- Selma
- Selma High School
- Senate
- senator
- Senator Daniel Akaka
- Senator Daniel Inouye
- Senator Sparky Matsunaga
- Senator Ushijima
- Sendai
- Senninbari
- sensei
- sentence
- Seoul
- separation
- September 11th
- sergeant
- sergeant first class
- Sergeant Kubota
- serial number
- service
- service battery
- service center
- Service Company
- service station
- Seventh Day Adventist
- sewing
- shame
- shamisen
- Shangahi
- Shanghai
- sharecropping
- sheetrock
- Shelby
- shell hole
- shell shock
- Shelley
- shelling
- shells
- Sherman tank
- Shibuya Park
- Shida machi
- Shiga prefecture
- Shikata ga nai
- Shikoku
- Shimoda Conference
- Shinmachi
- Shinto
- Shiogama
- ship
- Ship Island
- shipment
- shipping out
- shipping vegetables
- shipyard
- Shiro Kashino
- Shizuoka
- Shizuoka Prefecture
- shock
- shoe repair
- shoe store
- shoes
- shogun
- shortages
- shortstop
- Shoshone River
- shower
- showers
- shrapnel
- shrapnels
- Siberia
- sibling
- siblings
- Sicily
- sickness
- side stories
- Siegfried Line
- Sierra College
- sightseeing
- sign painter
- signal corp
- Signal Corps
- silent
- silent films
- silk worms
- Silver Star
- Silver Stars
- Singapore
- singing
- Sino Translation and Interrogation Center (SINTIC)
- Sino-Japanese War
- sister
- sisters
- site seeing
- skating
- sketch
- skiing
- skirmish
- skit
- slave camp
- slave labor camp
- sleep
- smart
- Smithsonian
- smoke
- snakes
- sniper
- snipers
- snow
- soap
- soba
- Social activities
- Social activities, dating
- social awareness
- social conditions
- social dance
- social democracy
- social event
- social reform
- social sciences
- Social Security
- social values
- social work
- socials
- society
- sociology
- softball
- soil
- Soldier's Medal
- soldiers
- soldiers, Japanese
- Solerno
- Solomon Islands
- son
- song
- Sons and Daughters
- sorority
- Sospel
- South Carolina
- South France
- South Korea
- South Pacific-Australia-Alaska
- Southampton
- Southern California
- Southern France
- souvenirs
- Soviet Union
- space industry
- spaghetti
- Spain
- spam
- Sparky Matsunaga
- Sparta
- Spartenburg
- speaker
- speakers
- spearfish
- spears
- special police (sp)
- special services
- speech
- speech therapy
- spending
- Sperry Rand
- spiders
- spies
- spirit
- Spokane
- spokesman
- spoon meat
- sports
- sportsmanship
- Spring
- spy
- squad
- squad leader
- squad members
- squadron
- SS Lurline
- SS Thomas Cresap
- SS troops
- St. Anthony School
- St. Augustine
- St. Christopher medal
- St. Louis
- St. Louis Club
- St. Louis Heights
- staff sergeant
- Stalag 13
- stamp collection
- Standouts
- Stanford
- Stanford University
- Starke
- Stars and Stripes newspaper
- starvation
- State Department
- state exam
- statehood
- statements
- static line
- Statue of Liberty
- stealing
- steel rigger
- stench
- Steve Finley
- stigma
- stockade
- Stockton
- Stockton Assembly Center
- Stockton College
- stonemason
- storage
- stories
- story
- strafing
- Strait of Gibraltar
- stranded Nisei
- strawberries
- street car
- streetcars
- stretcher
- strict
- strike
- stripes
- strokes
- student
- student body
- student body officer
- student government
- students
- study
- studying
- stunned
- subculture
- submarine
- submarine commander
- suffrage
- Sugamo Prison
- sugar
- sugar beet
- Sugar beets
- sugar cane plantation
- sugar farm
- sugar plantation
- sugar plantations
- sugarcane
- sugarcane plantation
- suicide
- suicide cliff
- suicide hill
- suitcase
- sukiyaki
- Sullivan Brothers
- sumi-e
- summa cum laude
- sumo
- sumo wrestler
- sumo wrestling
- sunburn
- Sunday school
- Suneyoshi Yamada
- superstition
- supplies
- supply lines
- Supply Sergeant
- support
- supportive community members
- Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP)
- Supreme Court
- Surabaya
- surfboards
- surfing
- surgery
- surgical service
- surplus
- surprise attack
- surrender
- surrender committee
- surrender of Japan
- survey
- surveying
- surveyors
- survival training
- survive
- surviving son
- survivor
- sushi
- suspicion
- swamper
- swastika
- Swede
- sweeping mines
- swimming
- swimming pool
- switchboard operator
- switchboards
- Switzerland
- swords
- Sydney
- sympathetic
- synergy
- T-rations
- T3
- table
- Tacoma
- tactical value
- tactics
- Tadashi
- Taiwan
- Taj Mahal
- Takamatsu Headquarters
- takuan
- talent shows
- Tanforan
- Tanforan Detention Facility
- Tanforan Temporary Detention Center
- Tanforan Temporary Detention Facility
- tank
- Tank Destroyer Battalion
- tanka poetry
- tanks
- tanomoshi
- Tanomoshiko
- target practice
- task force
- tattoo
- tax collection
- taxes
- taxi
- tea house
- teacher
- teachers
- teaching
- team
- teaming up
- teamwork
- tear gas
- tech sergeant
- Technical Air Intelligence Unit (TAIU)
- technical illustration
- technical intelligence
- technician
- technique
- Ted "Bulldog" Ohira
- Ted Tanouye
- telephone
- telephone lines
- telephone wire
- telescope
- temple
- temporary detentaion center
- temporary detention center
- Temporary Detention Facilities
- temporary duty
- temporary duty travel
- Tenchōsetsu
- Tennessee
- tennis
- tent
- tent city
- tents
- Terminal Island
- Termination of War
- terrain
- Territorial Guard
- territory
- terrorism
- Terry Mizutari
- testimony
- Texans
- Texarkana
- Texas
- Thailand
- Thanksgiving
- The Beatles
- The Boulevard Room
- The Gothic Line
- the great depression
- The Lost Battalion
- The National Diet
- The Oliver Club
- The South
- The White House
- theatre of war
- theft
- therapy
- thesis
- Thessaloniki
- Thomas Onaga
- Thomas Shiratsuki
- Thomas Starr King Junior High School
- Thomas Takei
- Thompson machine gun
- tickets
- ticks
- tidal wave
- Tiger tank
- time bomb
- Tinian
- tobacco
- tobacco pipe
- tofu factory
- toilets
- Tojo Hideki
- Tojo Trials
- Tokushima
- Tokyo
- Tokyo Army Hospital
- Tokyo Bay
- Tokyo Flower Shop
- Tokyo Rose
- tolerance
- toll road
- tombs
- Tooele Army Depot
- toothache
- toothpaste
- top secret
- Topanga Canyon
- Topaz
- Topaz Concentration Camp
- topography
- topping sugar beets
- torpedo
- Torrance
- torture
- tourism
- town planning
- toy manufacturing
- Toyo Miyatake
- tracer
- track
- tractor
- trade
- trade school
- tradesmen
- trading
- traditions
- tragedy
- train
- train depot
- train ride
- train stations
- train. clothing
- training
- training aids
- training officers
- training schedule
- trains
- traitors
- Trans-Siberian Railroad
- transfer
- transition
- translate
- translater
- translating
- translation
- translations
- translator
- translators
- transportation
- travel
- travel (leisure)
- travel order
- travel permit
- travel restriction
- traveling
- travels back to US
- treasury department
- treatment of Nisei soldiers
- treaty
- Treaty of San Francisco
- tree burst
- tree bursts
- tree-burst
- Tremonton
- tremors
- trench
- trench foot
- trenches
- Tri State High School
- trial
- tripod
- tripwire
- trombone
- troop ship
- troop ships
- troop shop
- troop transport
- troops
- troopship
- truce
- truck
- truck driver
- trucks
- true Americans
- truth
- Tsunami
- tuberculosis
- tugboats
- tuition
- Tujunga
- Tulare
- Tulare Temporary Detention Center
- Tule Lake
- Tule Lake Concentration Camp
- Tulelake
- tuna fishing
- tunnels
- Turlock
- Tuscon
- Tuscon Federal Work Camp
- Tuskegee Airmen
- Ty Cobb
- typhoon
- typhus
- typist
- U-boat
- U.S. Marshal
- UC Berkeley
- UC Davis
- UC San Francisco
- Ueno
- Ueno Park
- Ueno Station
- ukulele
- uncle
- understanding
- undesirable aliens
- UNI Sugar Company
- uniform
- uniforms
- union
- union officer
- Union Pacific Railway
- unit
- unit citation
- United Service Organizations (USO)
- United States
- United States Engineering Department
- United States government
- United States Marine Corps
- United Way
- university
- University High School
- University of Alaska
- University of California
- University of California Santa Barbara
- University of Chicago
- University of Cincinnati
- University of Denver
- University of Florence
- University of Florida
- University of Hawaii
- University of Hawaii ROTC
- University of Illinois
- University of Maryland
- University of Michigan
- University of Minnesota
- University of Puget Sound
- University of Southern California (USC)
- University of Tokyo
- University of Utah
- University of Washington
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wyoming
- unlucky
- Unsan
- upbringing
- Ursan
- US Army
- US Army Nurse
- US Constitution
- US Foreign Services
- US government
- USO dance
- USO dances
- USO show
- USO shows
- USS Arizona
- USS Hornet
- USS John Pope
- USS Leary (DD-158)
- USS Missouri
- USS Oklahoma
- USS Randolph (CV-15)
- Utah
- V-E Day
- V-J Day
- V-mail
- vacation
- vaccination
- valedictorian
- Valentine's Day
- Valentines Day
- value
- values
- Vancouver
- Varsity Victory Volunteers
- Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV)
- Vashon Island
- Vatican
- VE Day
- vegetable farm
- vegetable garden
- vegetable soup
- vegetables
- Venafro
- venereal diseases
- Venice
- Venice Beach
- Venice High School
- veteran
- veteran history
- veteran organizations
- veterans
- Veterans Administration
- Veterans Affairs
- veterans association
- veterans organizations
- veterans' association
- veterinarian
- veterinary section
- VFW magazine
- Vice President
- vice principal
- Vice-President
- Vicksburg Campaign
- victims
- victory boat
- victory garden
- Victory Medal
- Victory Park
- victory ship
- Vietcong
- Vietnam
- Vietnam veteran
- Vietnam War
- village
- vineyard
- vineyards
- violence
- violin
- Virginia
- Visalia
- visitors
- vivisection
- vocational school
- voice interceptor
- Volcano
- volley
- volleyball
- Volturno
- Volturno River
- voluntary enlistment
- voluntary evacuation
- volunteer
- volunteer "evacuation"
- volunteer enlistment
- volunteer for service
- volunteering
- volunteers
- Vosges
- Vosges Forest
- Vosges Mountains
- vote
- voting
- voyage
- wage discrimination
- wages
- Wahiawa
- Waialua Sugar Plantation
- Waihee
- Waikiki
- Waikiki School
- Wailua
- Wailuku
- Wailuku Sugar Company
- Waimanalo
- Waimea
- Waipahu Gakuen
- waiter
- Wakayama
- Wakayama prefecture
- Wake Island
- Wakkanai
- Walerga Assembly Center
- walkie talkie
- walking
- Walla Walla
- Wally Fukeda
- Walt Disney
- Walter Cronkite
- Walter McBride
- Wapato
- war
- War bonds
- war brides
- War Brides Act
- War Correspondence
- war crimes
- War Crimes Investigation Detachment
- war crimes trials
- war crimes tribunals
- War Department
- War Department Intelligence
- war diary
- war essential industry
- war experience
- war experiences
- war hysteria
- war in Iraq
- war monument
- War on Terroism
- War Relocation Authority
- war stories
- war zones
- war;
- Wara
- warehouse
- warfare
- warrant officer
- wars end
- wartime
- wasabi
- Waseda University
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- Washington DC
- Washington Heights
- Washington Junior High
- Washington Place
- Washington School
- watch maker
- watch making
- water
- water polo
- Waterfront
- watermelon
- Watsonville
- Watsonville Joint Union High School
- Watts
- Waynesboro
- Wayzata
- weapons
- weapons training
- weather
- wedding
- weekend passes
- weight
- Weiser
- welfare officer
- West Covina
- West Los Angeles
- West Point
- Westfield Investment Group
- wheat field
- Wheeler Airfield
- whiskey
- White House
- White Russians
- Whitman College
- wholesale distribution
- widow
- widower
- wife
- Wilcox Estate
- Wildcat Kim
- William Hohri
- William Nakamura
- Willie Bean
- Willie Pep
- Wilson High School
- Wilson Teachers College
- Windtalkers
- wine
- Wing coffee
- winter
- winter gear
- wire crew
- wire section
- wiretapping
- wiring
- Wisconsin
- witnesses
- Wittenburg Bridge
- woman's club
- women
- Women Army Corps (WAC)
- Women's Army Corps
- women's rights
- Woodbridge
- woodworking
- work
- Workers Progress Administration
- working
- working conditions
- World War I
- World War Two
- World War Two Japan
- World's Fair
- wound
- wounded
- wounded in action
- wounded in action (WIA)
- wounds
- wrestling
- Wrigley
- writing
- Wyoming
- X-ray
- Yacht Club
- Yakima River
- Yakuza
- Yamaguchi prefecture
- Yamaguchi-ken
- Yamamoto
- Yamanishi-ken
- Yamashita's gold
- Yan'an
- yard boy
- yellow jaundice
- yellow peril
- Yokohama
- Yokohama Bay
- Yokosuka
- Yokota Airbase
- Yonsei
- Yosemite National Park
- Young Buddhist Association (YBA)
- Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)
- youth
- youth organizations
- yukata
- Yuma
- yume
- Yuri Kochiyama
- Zaibatsu
- Zama
- Zen Buddhist
- Zeros
- Ziegelbahn
- zig zag