Hiroshi "Hershey" Miyamura discusses learning his family history through relatives. His father, Yaichi Miyamura, and mother were from Kumamoto, Kyushu, Japan. He immigrated to Gallup, N.M. briefly before returning to Japan to bring Hershey's mother…
Enoch Kanaya was born March 14, 1925. His parents are from Okayama-ken, Japan, and immigrated to the United States. Enoch's parents were hard-working and loving parents. When the Great Depression happened, farming became difficult, and the Kanaya…
Mr. Black discusses his childhood growing up in southern California and his involvement with the Methodist church and orchestra. Mr. Black recounts his hearing the news of the Pearl Harbor attack and how he viewed Japanese-Americans at that time.…
Jumpei "Jumpy" Mine is born on August 4, 1920, in Montebello, CA. Jumpei's father is a hard-working man. Jumpei's mother, Jen Mine, passes away early.
Jumpei grows up in Montebello and helps his father with farming. Jumpei's favorite sport is…
Bright and Sam Onoda begin the interview speaking of how their parents came to the United States from Oita, and began work in the Washington area. Their father would at the lumber mill until his untimely death, while their mother would put her faith…
Dr. Coolidge Shiro Wakai was part of the 100th Company B. He was born December 2, 1925, in Kappa, Kauai, Hawaii. Coolidge's father was a missionary for Japanese Immigrants and established the first Christian church in Kappa, Kauai. Coolidge has six…
Before going overseas, the three Morishita brothers, Kenzo, Leo, and Yutaka receives a good luck charm from their mother. After his tour, Leo receives a ribbon for being in the European Theater and a good conduct medal for his service. At the end of…
Leo Morishita is born December 24, 1923, in Shelley, Idaho. Leo's parents are from Hiroshima, Japan, and immigrates to the United States for a better life. When Leo's father arrives in the United States, he works on the railroad and later becomes a…
Inouye discusses the community he grew up in including attending events and church; and talks about his religion. He then talks about some of his childhood hopes and dreams for the future; learning about Japan from his parents; discusses some…
The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.
Clarence and Robert discuss their employment after graduating high school. Clarence works at a lumber mill and Robert is employed at the Hawaiian cannery. Later,…
Frank Tadao Matsuda is born on January 9, 1922, in Seattle, Washington. His father, Saiki Frank Matsuda, and mother, Masae Miyoshi, are from Japan. Frank has an older sister Aiko and a younger sister Kathryn Sumiko. Frank is closest to Aiko because…
When Lillian Matsudaira moves to Philadelphia, she works at an insurance company as a clerk. Lillian stays in Philadelphia for nine months before going to Cleveland. In 1945 Seattle reopens, and Lillian goes back home at the end of July.…
Lillian Aiko Inouye Matsudaira is born June 8, 1925, in Seattle, Washington. Her parents are from Senkaku, Japan, and immigrated to the United States. Lillian's father goes to school to learn English and open a restaurant in 1925. The restaurant…
Doiwchi discusses his parents immigrating from Japan and his father’s job working at Rafu Shimpo. He talks about his family’s ownership of property, attending Japanese language school and church, and discusses his interest in automobiles. He also…
Sumio Frank Shimada was born on April 21, 1918, in Vacaville, CA. Later his family moved to Cordelia and then San Jose. Frank revisited Vacaville last year for a reunion. He described the changes in the town since his childhood.
Minamide discusses his name, birth place, and birth date. His Father and Mother are Issei and have four children. In 1927, he goes to Japan with his family. Essential, the Minamide losses two children over in Japan. The oldest daughter passes away…
Masato Yamashita's interview is with Lloyd Fujitani.
Masato Mauch Yamashita is born on December 27, 1924, in Lodi, CA. Lloyd Katsuto Fujitani is born January 1, 1917, in Lodi, CA. Both Masato and Lloyd are with 442nd Company I. Masato, and Lloyd's…
Okumura talks about his marriage that began before the war, and some of his experiences while in Okinawa. Next, he talks more about reconstruction of Japan, including improving housing systems. He discusses being sansei and how he considers himself…
Sugamura provides some thoughts regarding the treatment of Japanese Americans; discussing her parents and her father’s employment as a doctor; and talks about speaking Japanese at home. She then talks about attending Japanese language school and…
Doi talks more about his high school education, attending Mid-Pacific Institute in Honolulu, where he would learn social values as well as further his education. He would also partake in acting and even get to take part in a Huckleberry Finn play.…
Kawagoye begins the interview talking about his family and how they immigrated from Kagoshima to Los Angeles. It was in Santa Monica that his father would first open a restaurant, followed by becoming a gardener in the West LA area. Mitsunori would…
Ito talks about a bulletin for weary Caucasian soldiers. He discusses his military government unit. He describes his interpretation work. He talks about his work at the Presidio SF. He discusses his family's lives after the war. He describes his new…
Uno discusses his life after retiring from the YMCA which included working for the federal government, becoming ordained as a deacon, and volunteer hospice work. He then talks about attending 442nd veteran reunions, discusses his children, and talks…
After his war experiences in Europe, Matsukawa would head back to the United States, stopping first in New York, where he and a friend were determined to see the Statue of Liberty. He would head back to Utah and there, would decide to take advantage…
Unoura shares his parents backstories. He talks about the churches that his father started in Los Angeles, California. He discusses his knowledge of the Japanese language. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He briefly talks…
Ushijima explains how he made money overseas. He describes how his unit captured a payroll truck. He discusses his first encounter with the enemy. He explains how a lieutenant's driver was killed. He also explains his role as a sergeant. He talks…
Saiki discusses more about his childhood years, including festivals where the local children would be able to try sumo wrestling and win prizes. He would attend Kauai High School and talks about his whereabouts during the Pearl Harbor attacks. His…
Ken Nihei was born in 1925 in Sacramento, CA. Ken grew up in Sacramento until he was seven years old and moved to Hayward (Bay Area) during the Great Depression.
Ken's father immigrated to the United States from Fukushima-ken, Japan, to help his…
Hanamura talks about church services while overseas, interactions with German POWs; and discusses the Gothic Line battle including his experiences getting shot and taken to the aid station, and his leg amputation as a result of that wound. He then…
Sumida discusses values he learned from his parents; talks about attending church and Sunday school; and discusses learning Kendo. He then provides some thoughts regarding race and citizenship; talks about volunteering for Military Intelligence…
Hashisaka begins the interview talking about his life, growing up on Kauai and moving to Honolulu and attending McKinley High School. He then talks about his family background, his parents came from Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan and would settle in…
Sato begins the interview talking about being born in Stockton, and then moving to Fresno at the age of three. He would grow up in Fresno on a farm, selling vegetables and fishing occasionally, though he did not enjoy it. Next, he talks about his…
Kagawa talks about a Japanese American architect he worked with, and discusses his experiences as an architect in Detroit. He then talks about his involvement in veterans organizations including being president of an Anti-Tank Company chapter and…
Yokote continues talking about his experiences in the 206th band, including raising morale for the unit as a whole and helping soldiers deal with the harsh conditions of war. After the war, he would return home and be discharged at Beale Air Force…
Yokote has an in depth discussion on his family's time in the American concentration camps. As he was angry about the way Japanese Americans were being treated, he at first refused to visit his family while at the Tule Lake concentration camp. His…
He talks about his employment ventures after high school. He discusses his work for a church. He explains why a reverend was arrested. He describes volunteering for the military. He talks about being a part of the labor battalion. He discusses being…
Huberth discusses his family, childhood, and love for horses. He details about going to church and college. Huberth also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.
Arakaki begins the interview speaking about how his father came from Okinawa to Hawaii to work on the sugar plantations. His mother was a picture bride and would join his father in Hawaii to begin their life, having five children. They would have a…
Kubota discusses his Father immigration from Hiroshima, Japan. His Father is able to come to the United States in 1903 through sponsorship of his own Father. He works on the plantation before returning to Japan to marry his Mother. His parents…
In this segment, Okamoto continues describing his family's assimilation into the community and the values and teachings learned at church. He also shares the activities and extra-curriculars he was involved in through school and church, as well as…
Allan Okamoto begins his interview by describing his family's reasons for moving to the US, specifically Philadelphia, and his parents' personalities. He shares the demographics and community dynamics of the suburbs and his childhood growing up as…
Surh begins by discussing her childhood in Los Angeles by recounting different childhood activities and memories. She also talks about a painful moment at Sunday school where she and her brother were excluded from a party by adults. She later…
In this video clip, Tets Asato describes his Issei parents, growing up on a farm in El Monte, California, and growing up in a Japanese household. He talks about his childhood - friends, school, playing sports, etc. - and about his mother's passing.