Sato discusses his experiences in Europe. He details his fondness for chess and his educational experiences. Sato also recalls his experiences in post-war japan and reflects on various aspects of his life.
Sato discusses his family and remembering December 7, 1941. He reflects on his early Army experiences and training. Sato also discusses his experiences in Europe.
Hamada reflects on some of the experiences he had during the war. He also details about his career after leaving the service. Hamada discusses the medals that he received.
Hamada discusses Operation Magpie and the role he played in it. He also details of what some of the Doolittle Flyers went through as prisoners of war. Hamada discusses his family.
Hamada discusses what the role the OSS played in Burma. He details his experiences during his first assignment. Hamada also discusses a little more about the specialized OSS training that he received.
Hamada discusses more about basic training. Hamada details about volunteering for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Hamada discusses the specialized training he received from OSS.
Hamada discusses what it was like being a high school student. He also details what it was like being there and witnessing the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Hamada also discusses volunteering and his experiences and Camp Shelby.
Hamada discusses what it was like growing up on a sugar plantation. He also details about the relationship he had with his parents and siblings. Hamada discusses about childhood activities.
After the war, Susumu Sarae goes back to Hawaii. He is a taxis driver for several years before going back to Okinawa, Japan. In Okinawa, Susumu works for the civil service for a year on rebuilding houses. Part of his duties is looking for land and…
During Susumu's service, he corresponds back home. Some soldiers who write back home can disclose their location. However, Susumu is part of the Naval Intelligence and is restricted on what he can write in his letters. He shares an instant when he is…
In November 1944, Susumu Sarae receives his draft notice. He goes to the replacement depot, where is his indoctrinated into service. From the replacement depot, he goes to Schofield Air Force Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Kamehameha before…
Susumu "Chick" Sarae is born on August 2, 1923, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His parents are from Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, and they have six children. One child lives in Japan for ten years before reuniting with the family in Hawaii.