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Uesato looks through various pictures and narrates them. The pictures include moments from the Taj Mahal, political leaders (including Mao Zedong and Ambassador Hurley), and a picture from a graduation.

Uesato continues his discussion of his time in occupied Japan. During this time, he was an interpreter for political analysts who were trying to get as much information as they could regarding Japan's population in politics. In this way, Uesato was…

Uesato discusses his assignment in Burma, where his team would be in charge of opening back up the Burma Road. Next, he would head to China where he would get the rare chance to be around elite military leaders, including Mao Zedong of China and many…

Uesato begins the interview speaking about his family background, including his mother and father. Next, he talks about keeping up with the wars overseas and how unexpected the attacks on Pearl Harbor were. Living in Hawaii at the time, they were…
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