Tatsuo Yamane at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Military Intelligence Service Language School in 1942. The photograph was captured from below. Tatsuo Yamane is not looking at the camera. The sky and surrounding trees are visible.
General Morozumi signing surrender documents on Mindanao, Philippines. Tatsuo Yamane (back to the camera) was the interrogator for the captured Japanese general and other high ranking officers that surrendered in the Philippines. The Japanese general…
Tatsuo Yamane (in front) with two unknown soldiers behind him in front of barracks at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri for basic training. One other unknown soldier on the second-floor balcony of barracks.
Group photo of twelve guys on the bulldozer. Tatsuo Yamane located top row, second to the right. Taken during basic training at Camp Leonard Wood, Missouri in the woods.
Six trainees, including Tatsuo Yamane (second to the right) digging trenches in the woods at Camp Leonard Wood for basic training. All are wearing the same uniforms and equipped with shovels.