In this short letter to his sister, Akaki wishes his sister a Merry Christmas. In light of the holiday spirits, he hopes that there will soon be “Peace on Earth” and that the war will be over by next Christmas so he can be home with his loved ones.
In this segment, Benjamin Hazard introduces himself and describes his family background and childhood. He focuses on his ancestry a great deal, and he discusses why he was so interested in exploring his ancestry. Hazard also talks about the moral…
In this segment, Katsumi "Kats" Hikido gives an introduction before talking about his family background and history. He focuses on his parents, but also mentions his grandfather and siblings as well. He also describes his childhood spent growing up…
Murakami discusses his early life and his experiences living in Shelley, Idaho. He details his life journey of how he ended up being a missionary. Murakami also discusses his role in occupied Japan and the relationship with his family and the…
In this segment, Okamoto continues describing his family's assimilation into the community and the values and teachings learned at church. He also shares the activities and extra-curriculars he was involved in through school and church, as well as…
V-mail with Easter card signed by George Ozaki. Ozima' and Ozaki's Army Serial Numbers are present. Ozima's address is Vint Hill Farms Station, Warrenton, Virginia.
Tsubota discusses a wide variety of personal topics, including his Catholic faith, memories traveling through Europe with his children (and their background), and meeting his first wife and his second wife. Lastly, he reflects on his experiences in…
Letter to fellow congregation members in Seattle and other areas. Letter focuses on milestones such as weddings, births, and the congregation's activities, led by a Reverend Anderson. Wounded soldiers are also mentioned. Relocation activities and the…