Browse Items (21 total)

Scan 128.pdf

Honorable discharge certificate and form, front and back of the same page. Includes military record of service, Nakagawa was in both the European and Asiatic-Pacific Theatres.
Scan 127.pdf

Certificate of service for Private, Company D, 299th Infantry, Osamu Nakagawa, army identification 30101321. Several signatures and finance office stamp on the document.
Scan 126.pdf

Selective service form includes physical examination, family lineage, education and place of residence. "Copy" on the first page.
Scan 109.pdf

Form document notifying Sato he has been selected for training in the Army.
Scan 13.jpg

Honorable Discharge certificate for Fujimoto given in Yokohama (Honshu), Japan on November 25, 1946.

Item has fold creases and ink transfer.
Scan 12.jpg

Discharge paper includes details of Fujimoto's military training and service. He was a translator in Japan, serving for sixteen months. He underwent 26 weeks of language training at Fort Snelling.

Document includes thumbprint and signature.
Scan 11.jpg

Certificate of completion of infantry replacement, Company C, 63rd Infantry Training Battalion, 11th Infantry Training Regiment. Special qualification for Rifleman (745). Signed by Bruce Magruder, Major General, Commanding. Training conducted at…
Scan 10.jpg

Department of Selective Service Form 218, stating Hisao "Physically fit, acceptable for general military service."

Some content of the form is redacted with "x" typescript.

Physical examination performed at Local Board No. 3, Oahu County,…
Scan 6.jpg

Military discharge record including thumb print. Includes service outside United States. Hisao served in the Asiatic Pacific Theater and EAME, European African Middle Eastern Theatre.
Scan 7.jpg

Record includes summary of military occupations-- supply clerk, guard patrolman, months of service and grade. Hisao ended his service as a supply clerk, Technical Sargent 5.

Back of page includes level of education-- 8th grade, and civilian…
Scan 2-2.pdf

Discharge document with military history and occupation, immunization records, civilian occupation, physical traits, military rank, pay, and military awards. Contains thumb print and signature.

Signature of DA Gibson, WOJG USA.
Scan 3.jpg

Confidential memo (not neessarily to Takeski J. Miyagawa) stating that Miyagawa is to be awarded a Bronze Oak Cluster in addition to his Purple Heart for wounds received on June 2, 1944 at Cisterna Italy.
Scan 2-1.pdf

Certification of honorable discharge from 100th Battalion 442nd Infantry Regiment. Discharge given at CPEC Separation Center.

Certificate number 11125. Stamp of benefits eligibility at the bottom left with application number.

R.E. Kries,…
Tsukiyama_31 .jpg

Facsimile of page 28.
Tsukiyama_28 .jpg

Discharge certificate from the Hawaii Territorial Guard.

The Enlisted Record and Report of Separation Honorable Discharge papers of Satoru Nakamura. Presented the Separation Center at Fort Dix, New Jersey on 23 November 1945.

Satoru Nakamura's furlough papers authorizing him to visit Chicago, IL and Portland, Maine, while he was stationed at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.

U.S. Army papers promoting Staff Sergeant Satoru Nakamura to First Sergeant on November 4th, 1942, by Cpt. David Kahanamoku.

U.S. Army papers promoting Corporal Satoru Nakamura to Staff Sergeant on June 3rd, 1942 at Schofield Barracks, by his Commanding Colonel H.L. Robb.

The Infantry Replacement Training Center certificate presented to Technical Sarget 5 Gilbert T. Tanji for special training as a rifleman at Camp Blanding, Florida from April 10, 1944 to June 3, 1944.

"No. 96536. This is to certify that [Hiroshi Mizuki] is a member in good standing of the Fifth Army Association. Certified on June 30, 1945 by Lt. General L.K. Truscott, Jr." Stamped with Fifth Army Association logo.
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