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Scan 123.jpg

Letter of response to Mr. Hinaichi Koito who requested to know more information about circumstances of the death of his son.

Anacostia Naval Air Station. Technical Air Intelligence Center (TAIC), US Naval Air Station. Gilbert Tanji and Gio Nawa are identified in the image. Written on the back of the photograph: "Sept. 1945, TAIC, Anacostia DC, US Naval Air Station."

Group photograph at the air base. Tanji and Private Freiden are identified in the image.

Nisei Picnic. 6-22-45. Washington, DC. On back of photograph: Stamped by Life Photograph- "This photograph is owned by Life Magazine published by Time Incorporated, Time & Life Building, Rockefeller Center New York 20, N.Y."

Album page with four photographs of military airplanes

Top row, left. Zeke (Zero) and Messerschmitt 109. Anacostia, DC;
Top row, right. Zeke (Zero) with United States markings, Kate (Bomber), and Baka (Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka) . Anacostia,…

Top row, left: United States Capitol Building, view from left. Top row, middle: US Capitol Building, view from left. Top row, right: "Freiden, 1944. Stacking some wooden crates." Left column: The US Capitol Building, view from left. Corner left: "The…

Top row, left: The Washington Monument; Top row, middle: Irving Freiden. Two soldiers walking away from the Abraham Lincoln Memorial; Top row, right: Statue of Abraham Lincoln at the Abraham Lincoln Memorial.

Bottom row, left Unknown church…

Top row, left: James Tanji on the Rockefeller Center Roof Studio in New York. Written on photo: "Gil & Mary"; top row, right: "Base Headquarters, Bolling Field, D.C."

Bottom row, left: [Frudin] and Robert holding newborn baby. 1947; bottom row,…

Images on this page captured on Bolling Field, Washington D.C.

Top row, left to right: main barracks at Bolling Field. image missing, "run way" replaced with a note "scan."

Middle row, left to right: Gilbert Tanji, soldiers Brevard and Jones,…

Images of Shira Enmoto, Ben Sumita, Gilbert Tanji and Mary Tanji near the Capitol Building in Washington, DC.

At the top of the page, "Watanabe and Uno's Wedding,"

Images of the wedding. Last image on the page (left to right), group biking at Hains Point.

Images captured at Hains Point, Washington, DC.

Top row, left to right: "Shuzy Hiroska" and friends laying on grass; Three young Japanese American women riding bikes at Hains Point

Bottom row, Two young Japanese American women laying on grass;…
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