Sgt. [Seargent] Robert Masao Baba took this photo of Larry Ogino standing outside the St. [Saint] Maria Del Soccorso church. Schedule of different worships on the wall behind Larry Ogino.
Sgt. [Seargent] Robert Masao Baba took this photo of Setsuo Katsuda. He is standing in front a barbed wired makeshift fence protecting the building behind him.
Sgt. [Seargent] Robert Masao Baba standing in front of a building at Mt. [Mount] Vernon, Virginia. Other 442nd Regimental Combat Team members sitting in wooden chairs against the building in the background.
At 61st Btn [Batalion] hospital. Tom Kawabara and James Kawamoto, playing with a dog on the side of the road. On the reverse of image: "Leghorn, Italy. June '46. At 61st Btn. Hospital. Tom Kawabara and James Kawamoto."
Miller talking with another officer at the port of embarkation to Leghorn, Italy. Japanese American soldiers in background getting belongings ready to board ship.
Robert Masao Baba is on the right, holding a magazine. Larry Shimada is on the left. On the S.S. Wilson Victory. Likely captured in mid-Atlantic Ocean. Later part of June 1946.
"Johnny Pineapple's Girls giving us the hula at the Outdoor Theatre. Entertainment for returned 442nd [Regimental Combat Team] before going to D.C. to be honored by President Truman."