While watching American troops parade in Tokyo during observance of Fourth of July, a Japanese child waves the stars and stripes while perched on his father's back for a better view.
Crowds gather as General MacArthur leaves Dai Ichi Building, Tokyo:
General MacArhtur is greeted by a large crowd as he leaves his headquarters in Tokyo, on the historic day of the Japanese people's Celebration of the Promulgation of the New…
"Mrs. [Jean] MacArthur and Arthur MacArthur view parade held in the Imperial Plaza, Tokyo, Japan, commemorating Independence Day. Arthur's arm was broken recently in an accident at a Tokyo ice rink."
British Navy marches during 4th of July celebrations. Units of the British Navy passed in review before Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Douglas MacArthur during 4th of July Independence Day Ceremonies held at the Imperial Palace Plaza, Tokyo, Japan.
British Commonwealth Occupation Forces troops march during Independence Day Ceremonies.
British Commonwealth Occupation Forces marched along with United States troops during 4th of July Independence Day Ceremonies held at the Imperial Palace…
"Typical scene in Japan. Japanese buildings in ruins. Rubble everywhere." Photograph is focused on a single building standing, but gutted. Written on the border of the image is WPA-45-63278.
Japanese residential town. Sign pointing left for "IIZAKA." A mother walking with young children. Written on the border of the photograph, WPA-45-62710.
Table of American soldiers watching two Japanese dancers. Four Japanese musicians playing instruments for dancers. Written on boarder, Works Progress Administration identifier, WPA-45-60779.
Destroyed half of Japanese town. Other Japanese stores and buildings in tact across the street. Works Progress Administration identifier on the border of the photograph: WPA-45-63716.
Taking inventory of captured Japanese machine guns. Works Progress Administration (WPA) photograph identifier on the border of the image, but illegible.
Wrecked Japanese tank on the side of the road. Works Progress Administration photograph identifier on image border: WPA-45-61771. Additional identification on the image- Signal Corps and "Bates 17123403."
Joe Chino's friend, Frank. Frank wrote on photo, "Pal Joe, Buddy Forever, Frank." Frank is standing in his military uniform and helmet, in front of a tent in a woodlands area.