General Douglas MacArthur at General Headquarters, Dai-ichi Building in Tokyo Japan. Commander Head Quarters patch (blue flag with yellow text). Eighth Army, US Army Pacific patch (red with white "x")
Cover of an album containing photographs taken by MIS veteran Walter Tadao Oka. Cover has been customized with Oka's name, Japanese cities: Kyoto, Osaka, Sasebo, Tokyo and patches, including the 8th Army of the Pacific patch. His military…
Oka discusses more about his experiences in Occupied Japan. He details about his family and how he ended up in Ohio. Oka also discusses about the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV), Aikido, and his name and citizenship.
Oka, a native of Hawaii, describes witnessing the attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent government and military presence in his family's home, including the monitoring of his brother's shortwave radio and the FBI's interest in his knowledge of…
Oka discusses his observations while in Occupied Japan. He details about his interactions with Japanese citizens. Oka also discusses his work with the Military Intelligence Service.