Browse Items (7553 total)

Gibraltar rock in view from ship.

Written of the photograph: "Our ship limps into Azores Harbor with broken engine."

City by the Azores Harbor.

View of city by Azores Harbor.

Ship harbor, presumably in Azores, Portugal.

View of a city from the water-- city is unknown.

Aircraft carrier parked in harbor. Image is captured from a a ship in the water.

Another view of aircraft carrier.

Italian merchants in rowboats with goods and food items. Image is captured from above, presumably from the side of a ship.

Text for photograph states, "US troop ship limps into harbor from Livorno for repair."

Ship shown in the distance.

Sign of welcome to soldiers arrival to New York. "Welcome home. Well done." written on sign in distance.

Sailing towards New York Harbor and Statue of Liberty; seen in the distance.

Closer to the Statue of Liberty approaching New York City. Other ships in harbor; image taken from a ship.

New York City skyline in distance; photograph taken from a ship.

View of New York City in the distance. Taken from a ship.

Processed, train stopped in the Prairies before the Rockies for rest.

Desert landscape with tire tracks visible in the valley.

Multi-story building at the end of a street; a fountain is visible at the left of the building.

Army Air Force Rest Center building. Location of the building is unknown.

Marilyn Hare turns her head for a photograph among a crowd.
Hare was presumably in Italy with the United Service Organization.

Marilyn Hare, arms stretched to her sides, singing with standing microphone. Presumably Hare is traveling with the United Service Organization

Girls identified as "Swiss misses." Two Caucasian girls with head scarfs and winter jackets leaning against a brick wall.

Como Lakefront with city built around.

Photograph appears to be a small stadium outlined by trees in Como, Italy.

Photograph likely taken while on military service furlough. Photograph likely taken from the front of Saint Peter's Cathedral. Photograph shows square's fountain and passersby.

Monument in Milano Square. Image presumably captured by Mizuki during furlough travel.

Casual portrait of Kaz Takusagawa, seemingly on a bridge in an Italian town.

Marilyn Hare in Lecco, Italy (United Service Organization). Saying hello to the GIs.

Falkenberg in Lecco, Italy as part of the United Services Organization; large crowd of soldiers and children stand behind her.

Falkenberg in Vada, Italy (near Livorno), visiting soldiers as part of the United Service Organization.

Two United States entertainment icons posing for photographs as part of the United Service Organization.

Text with photograph identifies Ed Gardener as "Duffy of Duffy's Tavern."

Image captured from ship.

Bellagio in the background. City at base of giant valley.

Small ships docking along the Lake Como, Italy.

Waterfront image with small row boats docked.

George Takei speaking at podium in front of Go For Broke National Education Center monument.

Members of the 442nd Regimental Combat team in front of the Go For Broke National Education Center (GFBNEC) Monument. The monument was erected by Japanese American Veterans, who began the veteran's association, which is now GFBNEC.

Men in the…

Hiro Takusagawa and Hiroshi Mizuki at Gila River Reunion in June 2003.

Memorial stone at Pietrosanto, Italy in 2003 honoring the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Men dressed as Go For Broke GIs.
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Joe Chino (on far right) with friends. Ready to be shipped out. Standing next to railroad tracks (railroad cars in background).
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Joe Chino (on right) with unknown man.

Joe Chino (on right) with unknown woman.

Joe Chino (on right) with an unknown man in front of brick wall.

[Joe Chino] standing in front of statue. Statue of man riding horse.

Joe Chino's friend, Frank. Frank wrote on photo, "Pal Joe, Buddy Forever, Frank." Frank is standing in his military uniform and helmet, in front of a tent in a woodlands area.
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Joe Chino's GHQ PX Critical Item Card. Issued by William B. Johnson. Item is blue in color. Postal Exchange Card number 005071.
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Vehicles in snow.
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Soldiers driving through the snow in military snow truck.

Street view of Tokyo PX building.
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Disarmament of Japanese forces. Abandoned and damaged Japanese tanks with smoke rising. Likely Works Progress Administration photograph (WPA).

Abandoned Japanese army barracks. Works Progress Administration identifier on image border: WPA-45-63886.

Wrecked Japanese tank on the side of the road. Works Progress Administration photograph identifier on image border: WPA-45-61771. Additional identification on the image- Signal Corps and "Bates 17123403."
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Dai-Ichi Hotel and surroundings- a few days after VJ Day (Victory over Japan) Day,
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Taking inventory of captured Japanese machine guns. Works Progress Administration (WPA) photograph identifier on the border of the image, but illegible.
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Currency exchange office. Works Progress Administration identifier on boarder: WPA-45-62897.
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Damaged buildings on the river bank. Works Progress Administration (WPA) identifier on the image boarder: WPA-45-63700.
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Reading the "Grand Cabaret: The International Club" billboard. Works Progress Administration photograph identifier in the border: WPA-45-62901.
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Destroyed half of Japanese town. Other Japanese stores and buildings in tact across the street. Works Progress Administration identifier on the border of the photograph: WPA-45-63716.
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American mechanics working on fallen plane. Works Progress Administration photograph identified as WPA-45-62890.
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Japanese bunker. Factory in the background. Works Progress Administration photograph identifier written on the border; WPA-45-61991.
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Showa Dori building in Tokyo, Japan. Works Progress Administration identification number on the border of the photograph: WPA-AS-62900.
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US Army trucks. Side of one truck has written, "Hold, Tech. Intell." Works Progress Administration photograph identifier is illegible on the border.
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Japanese American women military officials receiving their orders. Works Progress Administration photograph identifier on border.
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Confiscated torpedo launcher. Written on side of the photograph is an identifier for Works Progress Administration identifier, WPA-45-63587.
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Chemistry class at an all-boys school. Likely a Works Progress Administration photograph.
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U.S. military tank truck. Officer on the right looking it over.
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Written on the back, "Boom- munition decoy- Pacific. "Black smoke rising from middle of ocean.
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Japanese farmers drying out grains on bamboo mats. Works Progress Administration identifier on border.
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All-boys Korean school. Classroom of young boys and teacher. Korean writing on chalkboard. Photograph is likely a Works Progress Administration image.
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Table of American soldiers watching two Japanese dancers. Four Japanese musicians playing instruments for dancers. Written on boarder, Works Progress Administration identifier, WPA-45-60779.
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Japanese residential town. Sign pointing left for "IIZAKA." A mother walking with young children. Written on the border of the photograph, WPA-45-62710.
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Barracks. Tall poles in the field by the streets. Written on the border of the image, WPA-45-63578.
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American soldiers exiting the subway station in Japan. Written on the border, WPA-45-62898.
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Airplane hangar. Three different sized planes docked. Works Progress Administration photograph, identifier written on border, but not visible.
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Soldiers watching the raising of the flag. Flag unidentified. Written on image border, WPA-45-70072 (copy).
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Wall of crates. Man checking one crates labels. Written on border of photograph, WPA-45-63247.
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Entrance to a Japanese temple or shrine. Two Japanese statues guarding entrance. Written on border of image WPA-45-63655.
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Unknown Japanese building. Written on the back WPA-45-62926.
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The Imperial Hotel facade with wet ground. some vehicles are visible, possibly military. Written on back WPA-45-62926.



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Japanese missile heads on the floor of a warehouse, other items visible in background. Written on the border of the image, WPA-45-63693.
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"Typical scene in Japan. Japanese buildings in ruins. Rubble everywhere." Photograph is focused on a single building standing, but gutted. Written on the border of the image is WPA-45-63278.
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U.S. Navy officer cleaning out a Japanese ship. Japanese flag still raised on the mast of ship.

Written on the image border, WPA-45-61610.
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Exploring an abandoned Japanese temple. Written on the image: WPA-45-63099 and REC I XXIV Corps-45-00592.
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American soldiers holding the tail of plane. Written on side of image, WPA-45-62891k.
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Unknown Causcasian soldiers at a table, looking at documents.
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American soldiers doing some shopping at Japanese store.

Two identifiers written on image: REC- XXIV-CORPS-45-00172 and WPA-45-61999.
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Line of Japanese American schoolgirls waiting to board the train (arriving in the distance).

On side of image, ( Works Progress Administration) WPA-45-62533
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Man in front is carrying an elderly man on his back off the ship. Others descending from the ship after him.

Works Public Adminstration image, written on image, WPA 45-62560.
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The Central Mint of the Japanese Government. American soldiers in front keeping guard.

WPA-45-63274 written on the side
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Cloth making machine.
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Small man-made caves at the bottom of rock.

Ichikawa begins the interview giving background details of his family and their farm in the Suisun Valley in California. Next, he discusses various parts of his childhood including values, Japanese language school and working for the Mayfield family,…

Following the Turlock, Ichikawa and his family were moved to the Gila River Concentration Camp, where he saw posters showing that the Army needed military volunteers who could speak Japanese and work as interpreters. Once approved, Ichikawa was…

Ichikawa discusses his life following his second discharge from the Army, which included working in Sakhalin, living in Washington Heights in Tokyo and starting a family. Next, he decided to learn Indonesian and begin interpreting in Surabaya, then…

Shima begins the interview with an introduction and his family background, coming from Okinawa and moving to the Hawaiian islands. He speaks about growing up in Hawaii and the home that he grew up in. Next, he talks about Pearl Harbor and the after…

Shima continues his recollection of joining the 442nd Regiment in Europe after V-E day. He would become involved with the public relations team and be chosen for temporary duty. He would head to New York to hand out public relations papers to…
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