On reverse of image written, "My truck and the gang- a load of wood for some kind of a job." Five Japanese American soldiers around the back of an Army Jeep with a large hill behind.
"More view of POW [Prisoner of War]/PWE Ordinance compound in Livorno". Aerial view of prisoner of war compound. Rows of tents, buildings and hills in the distance.
Miller talking with another officer at the port of embarkation to Leghorn, Italy. Japanese American soldiers in background getting belongings ready to board ship.
Written by Brigadier General Henry J. Muller, Jr. in 1990 about his early experiences in the Asiatic-Pacific Theater and his introduction to the work of the Japanese American Military Intelligence Services Linguists.
Sgt. [Seargent] Robert Masao Baba took this photo of Larry Ogino standing outside the St. [Saint] Maria Del Soccorso church. Schedule of different worships on the wall behind Larry Ogino.
Letter to fellow congregation members in Seattle and other areas. Letter focuses on milestones such as weddings, births, and the congregation's activities, led by a Reverend Anderson. Wounded soldiers are also mentioned. Relocation activities and the…
Table of American soldiers watching two Japanese dancers. Four Japanese musicians playing instruments for dancers. Written on boarder, Works Progress Administration identifier, WPA-45-60779.
While watching American troops parade in Tokyo during observance of Fourth of July, a Japanese child waves the stars and stripes while perched on his father's back for a better view.
"Inside swim pool at sport complex". Indoor swimming pool with mural painted on far wall. Most likely the Stadio del Nuoto, part of the Foro Italico sports complex.