Sumio Frank Shimada was in the Regimental Reserves and carried the BAR. He recalls moving up to the combat zone, and on the side of the road, he saw blanket-covered bodies. Frank could not help but wonder who they were and who they left behind. Those…
Following the end of the war, Nishimoto would return to Hawaii and join the 442nd reserves. He would then be called for active duty again for the Korean War, and would be on assignment in Japan. He would join the Military Intelligence Service with…
Nishimoto talks more about his war experiences, including seeing German soldiers and the weapons that they used. He talks about his dislike for snipers and wanting to catch one so that he could take care of him himself. Another assignment included…
Kubo narrates as the camera pans through all of his medals and awards that were received throughout his military life, including a Bronze Star and a combat infantryman badge. After this, he looks through various pictures, including one with his old…