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Uchimiya beings the interview with a brief introduction of his family and how they came to El Centro, California. There, he would begin his schooling, while working on the farm. His family would enjoy camping and taking month-long trips to San Diego.…

In this brief segment, Mr. Black talks about his trip across the Atlantic Ocean on the troop ship, the USS Breckinridge. He discusses his duties on the ship and describes the voyage to North Africa.

Takano discusses his experiences at Camp Shelby including basic training and his field artillery assignments such as driving a truck and laying down lines as part of a communications section. He then describes weapons he used in training; going to…

William Yoshito Thompson discusses going to Schofield and going overseas to the Mainland to Camp Shelby. At Camp Shelby, William is assigned to the 2nd Battalion Head Quarters and later to the Antitank Company.

There are approximately 10,000 Nisei…
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