Akira Minamide oral history interview, part 6 of 6, February 24, 2002


Dublin Core


Minamide discusses the war ending and homecoming. Before being discharge at Camp Beale, he is ask to join the Military Intelligence Service . Since his Father is passed away, he feels his duties are to return home to his family. When returning home, Minamide's Mother lives in Long Beach Government project called Truman Boyd. This is where a major of Issei and Nisei lives. After the war, Minamide reaches out to his brother in Japan to bring him to the United States. However, His brother prefers to live in Japan since he has a family. His brother comes out to visit Minamide several times.

When reflecting on wartime, Minamide is proud for his time of service; however, he wants to forget about the war. He gives credit to the other Nisei who experience more combat . Due to the war, Minamide is unable to graduate in 1942 from high school. In 1991, he receives his high school diploma with 12 other Nisei. He is happy that the 1991 class honors the class of 1942 by sharing their graduation ceremony.

Post-war for employment, Minamide works as a TV repaiman and then opens a dry cleaning business for 22 years before retiring. He has three children and eight grandchildren. In 1948 he meeting his wife and gets married in 1950. Minamide and his wife Takako discusses the secret of a long marriage and
words for their children and grandchildren.






Spatial Coverage



Oral History Item Type Metadata



Date of Birth

1924 Feb 03

Location of Birth

Incarceration Facilities

War or Conflict

Branch of Service

Entrance into Service


Location of Basic Training




Minamide, Akira: narrator, Hawkins, Richard: interviewer, and Go For Broke National Education Center: publisher, “Akira Minamide oral history interview, part 6 of 6, February 24, 2002,” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ndajams.omeka.net/items/show/1052642.