Charles Toyoji Ijima oral history interview, part 3 of 4, April 11, 2007


Dublin Core


Charley learns about the different mines at Camp Shelby. He contributes the veteran outfits for helping his company with learning about other German mines. There are different German-made mines such as the bouncing betty, schu-mines, and teller mines.

Charley discusses the different ways German places and makes their mines. He explains when they go out to combat areas to clear the mines it depends on the purpose.

When the war ends, he is assigned to Ghedi Airport in Po valley, Italy. Depending on how many points you have, you can travel. However, Charley did not have that my points. He recalls waiting a long time until he can be shipped back home.

After leaving Italy, Charley goes to the mainland to Camp Myles Standish in Boston and Camp Kilmer in New Jersey before going home to Kauai, Hawaii.



Oral History Item Type Metadata

Date of Birth

1925 Jan 08

Location of Birth

War or Conflict

Branch of Service

Entrance into Service

Location of Basic Training


Ijima, Charles Toyoji: narrator, Yamagami, Don: interviewer, and Go For Broke National Education Center: publisher, “Charles Toyoji Ijima oral history interview, part 3 of 4, April 11, 2007,” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed October 22, 2024,