Yoroku Ito oral history interview, part 3 of 3, June 29, 2007


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Yoroku Ito discusses the German soldiers surrendering and the end of the war. At the end of the war, he is the Company Mail Clerk. Yoroku discusses helping the Lieutenant mail German items back to the mainland. The Lieutenant also gives Yoroku a few German souvenirs.

The C company is assigned to Leghorn for the German prisoners to clean up. Yoroku recalls one of the prisoners of war giving him a box made from wood, and the hinges are made from the C ration cans.

When the war ends, the Army is sending soldiers home on the point system. Yoroku leaves from Naples, Italy, and arrives in Virginia. From there they take a train and go to Camp Beale, California.

Post-war, Yoroku returns to Hawaii and becomes an electrician. He gets this job through his older sister. In 1978, Yoroku gets electrical burn 33% of his body while working on a department store project.

Yoroku gets married on August 18, 1948, to Ayako Edith Yamada. They have four children and ten grandchildren. His hobbies consist of bonsai trees and woodwork. At the end of the interview, Yoroku shows his souvenirs from the war.



Oral History Item Type Metadata



Date of Birth

1922 Jan 31

Location of Birth

War or Conflict

Branch of Service

Entrance into Service

Location of Basic Training


Ito, Yoroku: narrator, Miyamoto, P: interviewer, and Go For Broke National Education Center: publisher, “Yoroku Ito oral history interview, part 3 of 3, June 29, 2007,” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ndajams.omeka.net/items/show/1053045.