Tetsuo Asato oral history interview, part 5 of 8, November 29, 2002


Dublin Core


Before going overseas, Tetsuo Asato went on furlough and visited his sister in California. Tetsuo departed on the Aquitania. Although the voyage was rough, Tetsuo did not get seasick. He landed in Glasgow, Scotland, and traveled to South Hampton to cross the channel to Le Havre.

Arriving overseas, Tetsuo got sick and was hospitalized in Marseilles, France, for a few days. He joined his company, G Company, 2nd Battalion, 442nd, in Sospel, France, and was in the mortar section. He recollects climbing a mountain with G Company and living in dugouts on the border of France and Italy.

The next combat was the Lost Battalion rescue. The G Company was hit hard because they had 800 casualties. Following was the Champagne Campaign. Tetsuo said the Champagne Campaign had no heavy troop movement compared to the Lost Battalion. Later, the 442nd received orders from General Mark Clark to come back to Italy to break the Gothic Line.  

In the last push, the 100th went north. The 2nd Battalion was the center. The 3rd Battalion was on the right. After a few days, Tetsuo rejoined the line from the hospital. Tetsuo remembers being on assignment as a litter-bearer in Casa Poggio and being under German artillery fire.





Spatial Coverage




Asato, Tetsuo; narrator, Horsting, Robert; interviewer, and Go For Broke National Education Center; publisher, “Tetsuo Asato oral history interview, part 5 of 8, November 29, 2002,” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed March 30, 2025, https://ndajams.omeka.net/items/show/1058033.