Tetsuo Asato oral history interview, part 6 of 8, November 29, 2002


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Tetsuo Asato was 19 years old when he went overseas. He recalls the weight of carrying his weapons. The heaviness of the weapons did not become too strenuous on Tetsuo until he was trying to climb the mountain. Tetsuo recalls being a litter-bearer and carrying a wounded off the battlefield. The 92nd Division came and gave him rations.

Before going to Italy, the 442nd went to France. However, General Mark Clark requested the 442nd's return to Italy to break the Gothic Line. The 442nd took the German SS Troop by surprise when they attacked from the rear.

When the 442nd left Italy, the 552nd Artillery stayed behind. Later the 552nd went to Germany and were the first in Dachau.

The worst part of the war for Tetsuo was the casualties. He recalls several times he came across deceased soldiers. Another bad memory of the war was being under heavy fire.

When the war ended, Tetsuo got a pass and went to Switzerland and different rest areas. The highlight was Angelburg because he learned how to ski. Many years later, Tetsuo revisited Switzerland in the springtime.





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Asato, Tetsuo; narrator, Horsting, Robert; interviewer, and Go For Broke National Education Center; publisher, “Tetsuo Asato oral history interview, part 6 of 8, November 29, 2002,” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed March 30, 2025, https://ndajams.omeka.net/items/show/1058034.