Jumpei Mine oral history interview, November 23, 2008
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Jumpei Mine oral history interview, November 23, 2008
Items in the Jumpei Mine oral history interview, November 23, 2008 Collection
Jumpei Mine oral history interview, part 1 of 2, November 23, 2008
Jumpei "Jumpy" Mine is born on August 4, 1920, in Montebello, CA. Jumpei's father is a hard-working man. Jumpei's mother, Jen Mine, passes away early.
Jumpei grows up in Montebello and helps his father with farming. Jumpei's favorite sport is…
Jumpei grows up in Montebello and helps his father with farming. Jumpei's favorite sport is…
Jumpei Mine oral history interview, part 2 of 2, November 23, 2008
Jumpei Mine narrates photographs from his wartime.
Overseas, Jumpei encounters some close calls. He shares his stories about a hand grenade, a three-story building, and a fence. Besides his close calls, he says the scariest thing is the German…
Overseas, Jumpei encounters some close calls. He shares his stories about a hand grenade, a three-story building, and a fence. Besides his close calls, he says the scariest thing is the German…
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