Ko Stanley Sameshima oral history interview, October 13, 2007
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Ko Stanley Sameshima oral history interview, October 13, 2007
Items in the Ko Stanley Sameshima oral history interview, October 13, 2007 Collection
Ko Stanley Sameshima oral history interview, part 1 of 3, October 13, 2007
Ko Stanley Sameshima is born December 6, 1921, in Long Beach, California. Ko's parents are Issei from Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. His father immigrates to the United States at seventeen years old with dreams of a better future with his younger…
Ko Stanley Sameshima oral history interview, part 2 of 3, October 13, 2007
In the fall of 1941, before the Pearl Harbor attack, Ko Stanley Sameshima, is a student at Cal Tech University. Ko is doing well in his academic studies and is on the Varsity Cross Country Team. In Ko's spare time, he attends social school functions.…
Ko Stanley Sameshima oral history interview, part 3 of 3, October 13, 2007
Ko Stanley Sameshima's Army career is full of many contributions and accomplishments. He graduates from Military Intelligence Language School and becomes a linguist during the Occupation of Japan. Ko joins the civil censorship as a First Lieutenant…
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