Ko Stanley Sameshima oral history interview, part 2 of 3, October 13, 2007


Dublin Core


In the fall of 1941, before the Pearl Harbor attack, Ko Stanley Sameshima, is a student at Cal Tech University. Ko is doing well in his academic studies and is on the Varsity Cross Country Team. In Ko's spare time, he attends social school functions.

Ko discusses the media reports following days after the Pearl Harbor attack. He says the media exaggerated the news to instill fear. However, Ko and his family continue with daily life as normal. The customers at Ko's parents' produce market show sympathy and concern towards the Sameshima family. Ko says there are no signs of discrimination.

When Executive Order 9066 (EO9066) is announced, Ko's parents and himself have separate struggles they face. Ko's parents go to Amache, Colorado, and Ko tries to transfer to a University on the East Coast. On the East Coast, Ko witnesses segregation and shares his sentiments.

Ko graduates from the University of Texas and is reclassified from 4C to 1A. Before being drafted for service, Ko volunteers to be an internee at Amache, to care for his parents. Ko recalls his experience at Camp Snelling and Military Intelligence Language School.

In 1945, the war ends, and Ko is commissioned to go to Manila, Philippines, for war crime trials and then to Tokyo, Japan, for occupation. Ko's parents leave Amache and move to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.





Oral History Item Type Metadata

Date of Birth

1921 Dec 06

Location of Birth

Branch of Service

Entrance into Service


Sameshima, Ko Stanley: narrator, Yuge, Tim: interviewer, and Go For Broke National Education Center: publisher, “Ko Stanley Sameshima oral history interview, part 2 of 3, October 13, 2007,” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ndajams.omeka.net/items/show/1053484.