George Aratani begins the interview by detailing his father's vocation in Japan, and then his immigration to the United States where he starts businesses in agriculture. Next, he discusses his mother, and his parents sending him to Japan to learn…
H. Shibata talks about his siblings and paternal uncle. He also discusses his schooling and living conditions in Coachella Valley. In addition he talks about childhood summers spent in Terminal Island circa 1930s.
Kirihara discusses about the Alien land law and the racial problems he once encountered growing up. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and dealing with forced removal. Kirihara also discusses about his experiences at Merced Temporary…
K. Tsuji discusses his family background and early life in California's Central Valley. He also talks about the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack. He shares anecdotes regarding: his grandfather's and mother's immigration; and his father's strategy…
Hirasaki discusses his family background and his youth in northern California. He talks about how his father emigrated to the United States as a youth with his father; and eventually became a landowner. Hirasaki also shares anecdotes regarding: going…
M. Oda talks about racial tensions in California before and after the attack on Pearl Harbor. She also talks about her family members that died while in Manzanar Concentration Camp. In addition there are anecdotes regarding: how her father acquired…
Kishiue discusses his early years in California's King County. He talks about his family background and their experiences evacuating their home during WW2. He also talks about being drafted in the military before the Pearl Harbor attack; and race…
Shintaku discusses his Father, Mother, and siblings. His Father is a share cropper for a Danish Family. Due to the Alien Land Law, his father is unable to purchase his own land. Shintaku faces discrimination at school and when he gets older, he takes…