Surh begins the interview by discussing her visit to Jerome to see her best friend Nish and her family. She expresses confusion and disappointment at the fact that the U.S. government would incarcerate its own citizens. Surh also talks about the…
While on the front lines, the Nisei soldiers made sure to watch out for minefields. Rudy taught the new recruits how to look for mines and told them not to yell "mines" -- or else the others would jump for cover and potentially set off more mines. He…
R. Honbo discusses his military experiences. He talks about his basic training and war participation in Europe. He describes his military work assignment and close calls he had while performing his duties.
R. Honbo discusses his experiences in the European Theater during World War Two. He relays his experiences exposed to the battlefield in role as a switchboard operator. He also talks about how a foot injury sent him home to Hawaii in the middle of…