Browse Items (23 total)

Jack Hirose describes his children and grandchildren, and about sharing his military experience with them. In addition, he talks about his brother's service with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Finally, he discuses the loyalty questionnaire and…

Mr. Jack Hirose continues to describe Tom Holland, how he left Manzanar, and how he got drafted into service. He then goes on to describe basic training at Camp Croft, working for the training aid department, being honorably discharged, as well as…

Mr. Jack Hirose describes the interaction between himself and his parents, and the lessons and values he learned from them. He recalls memories from going to school, working with Glenn Ford, his family's visit to Japan as a child, as well as his…

In the second part of his interview, Mr. Jack Hirose describes more about playing football with Mickey Rooney. He also recalls memories of eating together with his family, and making projects for wood shop class in high school. In addition, he…

In the first part of Mr. Jack Hirose's interview, he discusses his family history and personal background, describing his close relationship with his siblings. He talks about his father's restaurants, which were located in Downtown Los Angeles and…

Murakami discusses his grandchildren and the Japanese American Community. Murakami is on the board of the Japanese American Citizen League for a year and the Japanese American Veteran Association for six years. Currently Murakami is involve with…

Murakami discuesses being discharge and going to the University of Utah. First job as government agency and also helps his family restaurant. Later he goes to Japan and gets employment as a civil service employee. He recalls meeting his wife in Japan…

Murakami discusses basic training and Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS). He goes overseas and describes the environment and climate of Japan after the bombing. During occupation, Murakami's duties deal with translation,…

Murakami discusses going to Tanforan Temporary Detention Facility and the living conditions. He shares his thought on how the camp experience is different from Nisei to Issei. When Murakami goes to Rochester for seminary school, he contributes…

Ikari discusses the bonds of the Nisei veterans and how combat brought those bonds much closer. After this, he shows off some of his artifacts from the war, including an M1 rifle tool, a travel order and his discharge papers.

Before getting discharged from the Army, Ikari was asked to participate in an objective Army program, in which they wanted Nisei soldiers to dress in Japanese uniforms and act as one would in the Japanese Army in order to help train new recruits.…

Ikari talks more about being wounded during combat, getting shot in the legs and nearly losing consciousness before getting saved by the medics. He talks about his mentality when being shot in the line of fire and being taken to the aid station. Once…

Ikari continues talking about his basic training at Camp Shelby, joining E Company and preparing for their shipment overseas. They would ship out from Newport News aboard a liberty ship, gambling, playing cards and listening to music throughout the…

Ikari discusses where his family ended up after Executive Order 9066 was signed, sent to a mixture of Rohwer, Poston and Manzanar Concentration Camps. While visiting on leave, he would see the barbed wire in certain sections of the camp and the…

Ikari continues to talk about his work life before the war, getting his start in chick sexing and discussing the technique to learning whether a baby chick was a male or female at the hatchery. Next, he talks about being at Los Angeles City College…

Norman Ikari begins the interview talking about growing up in Seattle, Washington where he would fish often, and go to a baseball games with his father. Due to the Great Depression, his family would move down to Los Angeles, facing his first bout of…
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