Besides attending primary school, James Jin Kobayashi attends a Japanese Language School. At home, he speaks half English and Japanese to his Issei parents.
James recalls the day of the bombing of Pearl harbor. He says it is regular business at…
Ichiuji would be drafted into the Army, getting inducted in San Francisco and taking his basic training at Camp Roberts. There, he would learn to shoot the Howitzer gun and join in on maneuvers. However, once the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred, he…
Ray Shiiki is inducted at Fort Douglas, UT then goes to Camp Hood. He is assigned to the Tank Destroyer Outfit. After Camp Hood, he goes to Fort Snelling and is assigned as Supply Sergeant, F Company.
After Executive Order 9066, Sumio Frank Shimada was forcibly removed to Santa Anita Assembly Center. Frank describes the living conditions and life at the Assembly Center. He found a job in camp making camouflage nets.