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Allman continues his in depth recollection of his time overseas in China during his second enlistment into the US Army, this time working for the American Graves Registry. He talks about various missions throughout Asia, searching different islands…

Furumoto discusses growing up in Hawaii including sugar plantation experiences, childhood and high school activities, Japanese language school, his parents and cultural disciplinary standards, community leaders and educators and his decision to…

Furumoto discusses his decision to attend veterinary school at Kansas State University. He recounts his feelings during the Bombing of Pearl Harbor. He also discusses his decision to join the army.

Masuda talks about being stationed in Salina, Kansas. He discusses his family's forced removal. He describes his visits with his family while they were living in Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp. He talks about his experiences at Fort McClellan.…

Nakagawa discusses about his family and growing up in California. He details about being drafted into the Army and his early military experiences. Nakagawa also discusses the action that led to him receiving an accommodation.

Tanaka discusses his time at Poston concentration camp in Arizona. He would work outside of the camp, but when the loyalty questions came about, he would end up answering no, yes and getting drafted into the Army. He was attending art school in…

Uchimiya beings the interview with a brief introduction of his family and how they came to El Centro, California. There, he would begin his schooling, while working on the farm. His family would enjoy camping and taking month-long trips to San Diego.…
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