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In this segment, Takemoto describes his family background and life prior to the onset of the Second World War. His parents were Niseis who did not have a strong connection to Japan. While working for the Hilo Electric Light Company, Takemoto…

Miyamoto begins the interview speaking about his background and his life growing up in Hilo, Hawaii. He would help his grandfather run a bathhouse and spend his free time going down to the beach to catch crabs. Next, he talks about his family…

Nakamoto discusses prefecture origin and familial description. Nakamoto's Father is a Founder of the Second Buddhist Church and his Grandfather is a Founder of the First Buddhist Church. Nakamoto grows up on a farm and helps with the farming chores.…

Matsumoto gives us a thorough recollection of his family background and growing up in Hawaii. Next, he talks about being 17 and seeing Japanese planes fly overhead as he played football with friends, which a year later resulted in his volunteering…

Aki begins the interview talking about his family, both of his parents were Nisei and had decided to settle in Kauai, his father being a politician, while his mother was a schoolteacher. As a child, he would grow up liking geography, while his…

Shiosaki begins the interview giving an introduction of himself and his family and how they came from Japan and ended up in Idaho. His father would work on the railroads and the family would live in railroad housing in Fort Hall and in Blackfoot. He…

Okumura begins the interview talking about his whereabouts when the war ended and Japan surrendered and his thoughts on the atomic bomb. At the time, he was already in the Army and had gone through his training, so he was sent overseas to begin his…

Ohta begins the interview with an introduction and talking shortly about his family background, his parents being from Maui. Next, he talks about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii up until the Pearl Harbor attacks. After that, he would join the…

Yamasaki begins the interview talking about how his family came from Japan to Hawaii. As his parents were born in Hawaii, he was a sansei, and would speak very little Japanese at home. His father would help to get him into a private elite school,…

Moto discusses about his neighborhood and the values he was taught. He details about his childhood, schooling, and growing up. Moto also discusses about his father and college.

Kondo discusses growing up in Hawaii with a Nisei mother and Issei Father. He talks about his parents' jobs and how as a youth he worked with them; and started procuring his own jobs. He also shares his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack and…
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